

Published: September 13, 2022




肾小球滤过率(GFR)的透皮测量已被用于评估有意识动物的肾功能。这种技术在啮齿动物中已经建立起来,用于研究急性肾损伤和慢性肾脏疾病。然而,使用透皮系统测量GFR尚未在猪中得到验证,猪是一种与人类具有相似肾脏系统的物种。因此,我们研究了脓毒症对麻醉和机械通气新生猪透皮GFR的影响。多种微生物败血症由盲肠结扎和穿刺 (CLP) 诱发。由微型荧光传感器组成的透皮GFR测量系统连接到猪的剃光皮肤上,以确定荧光素 – 异硫氰酸酯(FITC)结合的sinistrin(一种静脉注射的GFR示踪剂)的清除率。我们的结果表明,在CLP后12 h,血清肌酐随着GFR的降低而增加。这项研究首次证明了透皮GFR方法在确定机械通气新生猪肾功能方面的实用性。



一种更精确、微创和广泛使用的 GFR 测量方法是使用透皮 GFR 监测仪,用于测量动物的实时 GFR410。Sinistrin是一种高度可溶性和自由过滤的外源性肾脏标志物,用荧光素-异硫氰酸酯(FITC)标记。这种偶联化合物通过静脉注射,无需采集血液和尿液样本即可实时评估肾功能11。透皮 GFR 测量已在啮齿动物 12、狗13 和猫14 中得到验证,但在猪中未得到验证。



这些程序是根据实验动物护理和使用的国家标准编写的,并得到了田纳西大学健康科学中心(UTHSC)机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)的批准。 注意:实验组的仔猪进行盲肠结扎和穿刺,而假手术组仅进行腹部开口而不进行盲肠结扎或穿刺。两组仔猪在手术后麻醉12小时,以使实验组有足够的时间发生败血症和急性肾损伤(AKI)。透皮GFR测量将在手术后8小时进行,总共12小?…

Representative Results



本文描述了在机械通气、麻醉的新生猪模型中使用微型透皮 GFR 监测仪和 FITC-siniststrin 确定猪肾功能的实际步骤。以前的论文已经在啮齿动物111214中建立了实验性透皮GFR方案但在猪中不存在方案。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院授予Adebiyi博士的R01 DK120595和R01 DK127625的支持。本文内容完全由作者负责,并不一定代表美国国立卫生研究院的官方观点。感谢MediBeacon GmbH现场总监Daniel Schock-Kusch博士的建议。


Alpha – Chloralose Sigma-Aldrich C0128-25G Used for maintanining anesthesia
Black braided silk  3-0 Surgical Specialties SP117 Silk tie for blood vessel traction and ligation
Centrifugation machine AccuSpin 8C Fischer Scientific 75-008-821 Used to extract plasma from whole blood sample
Endotracheal Tube 3.0 uncuffed Progressive Medical International 1109021995 Inserted through tracheostomy
FITC-Sinistrin 1.0 g MediBeacon Inc. FTCF S001 Store at room temp and protect from light
GEM Premier 3000 Blood gas analyzer Instrumentation Laboratory 5700 For bedside blood gas analysis
Heating Pad medium size 20 in x 29 in Adroit Medical Systems V029 Connects to heat therapy pump
HTP-Heat Therapy Pump Adroit Medical Systems HTP Allows you to set temperature as needed.
IDEXX Catalyst One IDEXX Laboratories 89-92525-00 Plasma creatinine analysis
Invasive blood pressure catheter 3.5Fr Millar SPR-524 Inserted in femoral artery
IV adminstration set with flow regulator True Care TCRTCBINF033G Used to connect IV fluid bag to vein catheter
Ketamine Covetrus 68317 Used for induction of Anesthesia
MediBeacon analysis software version 3.0 MediBeacon Inc. N/A Software program used for analysing data to obtain sinistrin clearance half life and curve
Millex-GV Syringe Filter Unit 0.22 µm Millipore Sigma SLGVR33RS Syringe filter for chloralose injection
Neonate/Infant Ventilator Sechrist Millennium 20409 Connected to air supply to provide ventilation through endotracheal tube
Phenobarbital Sodium + Phenytoin Sodium (Euthasol) Covetrus 72934 Used for euthanasia
Ringer Lactate 500 mL bag Baxter 2B2323Q Maintanence fluid infusion
Sterile Gloves Henry Schein 104-5920 Used by operator during surgery
Sterile Gown Halyard Health 95021 Used by operator during surgery
Steril Towel Medline 42131704 Used as drape to maintaine sterile field when operating
Suture 3-0 silk reverse cutting needle Ethicon NC1842168 Used for suturing abdominal wall layers
Transdermal Mini GFR Monitor MediBeacon Inc. TDM004 Battery and USB connector included in package
Transdermal monitor adhesive patch MediBeacon Inc. PTC-SM001 Doubl sided adhesive patch for GFR probe
Umbilical Tape 1/8 in x 20 yds Fisher Scientific NC9303017 To secure endotracheal tube
Venous Catheter size PE/5 Micro medical tubing BB31695 For femoral vein cannulation
Xylazine Covetrus 61035 Used for induction of anesthesia


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Fanous, M. S., Afolabi, J. M., Michael, O. S., Falayi, O. O., Iwhiwhu, S. A., Adebiyi, A. Transdermal Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Mechanically Ventilated Piglets. J. Vis. Exp. (187), e64413, doi:10.3791/64413 (2022).

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