
Lentiviral Vector Preparation for Efficient Gene and MicroRNA Modulation of Peritoneal Cavity Tissue-Resident Macrophages In Vivo in Mice

Published: February 16, 2024


We demonstrate a step-by-step protocol for the investigation of gene function in peritoneal tissue-resident macrophages in vivo, using lentiviral vectors.


Peritoneal tissue-resident macrophages have broad functions in the maintenance of homeostasis and are involved in pathologies within local and neighboring tissues. Their functions are dictated by microenvironmental cues; thus, it is essential to investigate their behavior in an in vivo physiological niche. Currently, specific peritoneal macrophage-targeting methodologies employ whole-mouse transgenic models. Here, a protocol for effective in vivo modulation of mRNA and small RNA species (e.g., microRNA) expression in peritoneal macrophages using lentivirus particles is described. Lentivirus preparations were made in HEK293T cells and purified on a single sucrose layer. In vivo validation of lentivirus effectivity following intraperitoneal injection revealed predominant infection of macrophages restricted to local tissue. Targeting of peritoneal macrophages was successful during homeostasis and thioglycolate-induced peritonitis. The limitations of the protocol, including low-level inflammation induced by intraperitoneal delivery of lentivirus and time restrictions for potential experiments, are discussed. Overall, this study presents a quick and accessible protocol for the rapid assessment of gene function in peritoneal macrophages in vivo.


Tissue-resident macrophages (Mφ) are a heterogeneous population of phagocytic immune cells that sense and respond to invading pathogens1,2. In addition, they play an essential role in tissue development, remodeling, and maintaining homeostasis1,3. Many tissue Mφ derive from yolk sac progenitors during embryogenesis and persist in the tissue throughout the life4,5. The phenotype and functions of these cells are dictated by collaborative and hierarchical interactions of specific transcription factors and the local microenvironment6,7,8,9. A growing understanding of this dependency increases the need for effective in vivo methods for gene manipulation of Mφ within their physiologically relevant niche.

Lentiviral vectors are a frequently employed tool for the manipulation of nucleic acids in specific cell populations in vivo10,11,12, particularly due to their ability to infect both dividing and non-dividing cells and to stably integrate into host genome13,14. Over the last two decades, lentivirus delivery technology has been optimized, and alternative envelopes and synthetic promoters have been investigated to increase lineage-specific targeting8,15. Owing to its broad cell tropism, vesicular stomatitis virus envelop glycoprotein (VSV-G)16,17 has become the "gold-standard" envelope used in lentivirus technology.

In this protocol18, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles are employed to demonstrate targeted and effective delivery of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) and microRNA (miR) to mouse peritoneal Mφ (pMφ) in vivo, at steady state19. Transgene expression was driven by the spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) promoter. Productive infection of cells was defined by expression of lentivirus-derived enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP). Utilization of this approach allowed easy readout for in vivo lentivirus experiments to define the optimal dose and the experimental timeframe. Finally, in vivo lentiviral challenge of mice during thioglycolate-induced inflammation revealed the natural propensity for selective pMφ infection.


All animal work was conducted in accordance with Institutional and UK Home Office guidelines. NOTE: All in vivo studies with lentivirus should be performed according to local and national guidelines on the ethical use of animals in research, as well as adhering to all regulations associated with the use of category II infectious materials. Animal welfare should also be monitored in accordance with local regulations. In this step of the protocol, extreme care needs to be taken when wor…

Representative Results

When followed fully and correctly, this protocol yields a total of 1.5 mL of high-quality lentivirus stock per single preparation, sufficient for twelve in vivo injections at the optimal volume determined in this study18. The success of the transfection can be evaluated early in the protocol. Healthy and confluent HEK293T cells should display, if present in the plasmids, an easily detectable marker signal (e.g., GFP used in this study) after 48 h post plasmid transfection (<strong class="…


Tissue-resident macrophages perform a range of homeostatic and inflammatory tissue-specific functions1,2 dictated by their physiological environment6,7,8,9. In this protocol, an effective method18 for manipulation of peritoneal resident macrophages in vivo using lentivirus particles was introduced to inv…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was funded, in whole or in part, by the Wellcome Trust Investigator Award [107964/Z/15/Z]. P.R.T is also supported by the UK Dementia Research Institute. M.A.C is supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Discovery Fellowship (BB/T009543/1). For the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission. L.C.D is a lecturer at Swansea University and an honorary research fellow at Cardiff University. This work is supported by work carried out by Ipseiz et al. 202018.


0.05% Trypsin-EDTA (1x) (Trypsin 500 mg/L or 0.02 mM) Thermo Fisher Scientific 25300054
0.22 μm sterile millex GP filter Merck SLGS033SS
0.45 μm sterile millex GP filter Merck SLHP033RS
0.5 mL U-100 insulin syringe with needle, 0.33 mm x 12.7 mm (29 G) BD 324892
1 Litre Sharps Container N/A N/A
2.4G2 antibody (TruStain FcX anti-mouse CD16/32) Biolegend 101320
40 μm strainer Thermo Fisher Scientific 22363547
AimV medium (research grade), AlbuMax Supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific 31035025
Blocking buffer prepared in house
Brewer thioglycolate medium Sigma-Aldrich B2551 4% stock solution prepared in water, autoclaved and kept frozen.
CD11b Biolegend 101222 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD11b BD 550993 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD11c Biolegend 117317 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD11c Biolegend 117333 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD19 BD 560375 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD19 Biolegend 152410 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD226 Biolegend 128808 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD3e BD 560527 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD3e Biolegend 152313 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD4 Biolegend 100412 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD73 eBioscience 16-0731-82 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
CD8a eBioscience 48-0081-82 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Cell culture flask (T175 fask, 175 cm2, 550 mL) Greiner Bio One 658175
Centrifuge tubes, conical bottom tubes 25 mm x 89 mm Beckman Coulter 358126
Centrifuges Beckman Coulter Ultracentrifuge and TC centrifuge
Collagenase type IV Sigma-Aldrich C5138
Conical centrifuge tubes (15 mL and 50 mL) Greiner Bio One 11512303 & 11849650
Cryotubes Greiner Bio One 123277 or cryotubes
DMEM medium (1x) + 4.5g/L D-glucose, 400 µM L-glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific 41965-062
Dnase I Sigma-Aldrich 11284932001
Effectene transfection reagent Qiagen 301425
F4/80 Biolegend 123123 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
F4/80 Biolegend 123133 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
F4/80 Biolegend 123147 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
FceR1 eBioscience 48-5898-80 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Fetal calf serum (FCS)  Thermo Fisher Scientific 10270-106 heat inactivated for 30 min at 56 °C and sterile filtered through 0.22 μm filter
Flow cytometer Thermo Fisher Scientific  Attune NxT
Flow cytometry (FACS) buffer prepared in house
Fluorescent tissue culture microscope Thermo Fisher Scientific EVOS FL
Forceps N/A N/A User preference
Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) Gibco, Life Technologies 14175-053
HEK293T cell line grown for at least a week prior transfection. Mycoplasma free
HIV-1 Core antigen Beckman Coulter 6604667
Hyaluronidase Sigma-Aldrich H3506
Hydrex surgical scrub, chlorhexiding gluconate 4% w/v skin cleanser Ecolab 3037170
I-A/I-E Biolegend 107625 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
ICAM1 Becton Dickinson 554970 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Jurkat T cell line grown for at least a week prior use. Mycoplasma free
LIVE/DEAD fixable near-IR dead cell stain kit Thermo Fisher Scientific L34975
Ly6G Biolegend 127615 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Mice here used C57BL/6 females, aged 8-12 weeks (Charles Rivers), unless specified differently
Microcapillary pipettes (volume range 0.5-1,000 μL) Fisher Scientific & Starlab 11963466 & 11943466 & 11973466 & S1111-3700
NK1.1 Biolegend 108724 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Paraformaldehyde Sigma-Aldrich P6148-500G prepared to 2% w/v in PBS
pCMV-ΔR8.91 packaging plasmid Zuffrey, R., et al. 1997 encodes Gag-Pol HIV protein driven by cytomegalovirus promoter. Ampicilin resistance.
Penicillin/Streptomycin (100x, 10,000 U/mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific 15140122
Petri dish Greiner Bio One 664160
pHR'SIN-cPPT-SEW plasmid Rosas, M. et al. 2014 modified for shRNA and miR expression studies. Encodes EGFP marker downstream SFFV promoter and upstream of the Woodchuck hepatitiv virus enhancer. Ampicilin resistance.
pMD2.G plasmid Naldini, L. et al. 1996 encodes vesicular stomatis virus g-glycoprotein (VSV-G) envelope. Ampicilin resistance.
Rat IgG1, κ isotype control Becton Dickinson 550617 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Rat serum Sigma-Aldrich R9759-10ML
Red blood ACK lysis buffer prepared in house
RPMI 1640 medium (1x) + 400 uM L-glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific 21875-091
Saponin Sigma-Aldrich S4521
SiglecF BD 562681 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
Sodium hypochlorite Tablets (bleach, 2,000 ppm) Guest Medical H8818
Sterile 24-well cell culture plate Greiner Bio One 662160
Sterile Dulbecco's PBS (DPBS) (1x) Mg++ and Ca2+ – free Thermo Fisher Scientific 14190144
Sterile EDTA Thermo Fisher Scientific 15575020
Sterile VWR disposable transfer pipets (23.0 mL, 30 cm) VWR 612-4515
Sucrose Thermo Fisher Scientific 15503022
surgical scissors N/A N/A User preference
Syringes (50 mL and 1 0mL) Fisher Scientific 10084450 & 768160
Tim4 Biolegend 130007 Refer to Table 1 for the dilution and concentration
U-bottom 96-well cell culture plate Greiner Bio One 650180


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Gurney, M., Davies, L. C., Jones, R. E., Bart, V. M., Jenkins, R. H., Brennan, P., Taylor, P. R., Czubala, M. A. Lentiviral Vector Preparation for Efficient Gene and MicroRNA Modulation of Peritoneal Cavity Tissue-Resident Macrophages In Vivo in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (204), e64926, doi:10.3791/64926 (2024).

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