
मानव अग्नाशय के लिए संग्रह प्रोटोकॉल

Published: May 23, 2012


इस वीडियो एकाधिक भंडारण स्वरूपों में मानव अग्न्याशय के प्रसंस्करण के लिए एक विच्छेदन प्रक्रिया को दर्शाता है. क्षेत्रीय आइलेट संरचना और घनत्व की परिभाषा की अनुमति संरचनात्मक अभिविन्यास अग्नाशय क्षेत्रों भर में बनाए रखा है.


This dissection and sampling procedure was developed for the Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD) program to standardize preparation of pancreas recovered from cadaveric organ donors. The pancreas is divided into 3 main regions (head, body, tail) followed by serial transverse sections throughout the medial to lateral axis. Alternating sections are used for fixed paraffin and fresh frozen blocks and remnant samples are minced for snap frozen sample preparations, either with or without RNAse inhibitors, for DNA, RNA, or protein isolation. The overall goal of the pancreas dissection procedure is to sample the entire pancreas while maintaining anatomical orientation.

Endocrine cell heterogeneity in terms of islet composition, size, and numbers is reported for human islets compared to rodent islets 1. The majority of human islets from the pancreas head, body and tail regions are composed of insulin-containing β-cells followed by lower proportions of glucagon-containing α-cells and somatostatin-containing δ-cells. Pancreatic polypeptide-containing PP cells and ghrelin-containing epsilon cells are also present but in small numbers. In contrast, the uncinate region contains islets that are primarily composed of pancreatic polypeptide-containing PP cells 2. These regional islet variations arise from developmental differences. The pancreas develops from the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds in the foregut and after rotation of the stomach and duodenum, the ventral lobe moves and fuses with the dorsal 3. The ventral lobe forms the posterior portion of the head including the uncinate process while the dorsal lobe gives rise to the rest of the organ. Regional pancreatic variation is also reported with the tail region having higher islet density compared to other regions and the dorsal lobe-derived components undergoing selective atrophy in type 1 diabetes4,5.

Additional organs and tissues are often recovered from the organ donors and include pancreatic lymph nodes, spleen and non-pancreatic lymph nodes. These samples are recovered with similar formats as for the pancreas with the addition of isolation of cryopreserved cells. When the proximal duodenum is included with the pancreas, duodenal mucosa may be collected for paraffin and frozen blocks and minced snap frozen preparations.


1. सेट अप एक पेंसिल के साथ, या स्वतः एक कैसेट प्रिंटर के साथ में तेल ब्लॉक मैन्युअल के लिए लेबल कैसेट. दाता पहचानकर्ता (CaseID), नमूना प्रकार, अशेष भाजक संख्या, और किसी भी अतिरिक्त अद्वितीय पहचान (प्रकरण, का?…


इस प्रक्रिया के लक्ष्य के लिए एक मानक अग्न्याशय प्रसंस्करण है कि कई संग्रह साइटों के पार संगत हो सकता है परिभाषित करने और इस तरह अलग अलग समूहों द्वारा प्राप्त परिणामों की तुलना की अनुमति है. विच्छेदन व…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


लेखकों 'दाताओं के परिवारों और अंग प्रत्यारोपण खरीद में शामिल उनके विशेषज्ञ की सहायता के लिए इस शोध और मारिया मार्टिनो और इरीना Kusmartseva के संगठन धन्यवाद. यह काम अग्नाशय के मधुमेह के साथ अंग दाताओं के लिए नेटवर्क के समर्थन में किशोर मधुमेह अनुसंधान फाउंडेशन (MC-T., एमए) द्वारा वित्त पोषित किया गया था.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments
Dissection instruments including scalpels with 22 blades Various Various  
Centrifuge tubes (15 and 50 ml) Fisher Scientific 05-539-5, 430828 Sterile
Cryotubes(1.8 ml) VWR North America 89004-300 Sterile, bar codes optional
RNAlater Ambion AM7021  
Surgical Pathology Ink      
Cassettes Mercedes Medical CAS ECO109  
10% Neutral Buffered Formalin Fisher Scientific 23-245-685  
OCT Freezing Media TissueTek 4583  
Molds ThermoScientific 58952 Various sizes
Isopentane Fisher Scientific O3551-4 OCT chilling bath
Dry ice     OCT chilling bath
Liquid nitrogen in Dewar flask     Snap freezing cryovials
Cell culture dish (100mm) Corning 430167 Sterile
Hyclone DMEF ThermoScientific SH30023.01 Sterile, store refrigerated, glutamine included
Fetal Bovine Serum Cellgro 35-010-CV Sterile, store frozen aliquots
Penicillin/Streptomycin/Antifungal GIBCO 15240-062 Sterile, store frozen aliquots
Type 9 Paraffin Richard-Allan Scientific 8337  
1X D-PBS GIBCO 14190-144 Sterile
16% Paraformaldehyde EM Sciences 15710 Make fresh, store refrigerated
8% Glutaraldehyde EM Sciences 16019 Make fresh, store refrigerated
Biosafety Level 2 hood Various    
Ultra-low freezer Various    
Sakura Cassette Printer Sakura    
Sakura VIP300 Sakura   Automatic paraffin processor
Paraffin Embedding Station ThermoFisher    

Table 1. Specific reagents and equipment.


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Campbell-Thompson, M. L., Montgomery, E. L., Foss, R. M., Kolheffer, K. M., Phipps, G., Schneider, L., Atkinson, M. A. Collection Protocol for Human Pancreas. J. Vis. Exp. (63), e4039, doi:10.3791/4039 (2012).

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