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鼻膜 Transepithelial 电位差的标准化测量 (NPD)

Published: September 13, 2018 doi: 10.3791/57006


在这里, 我们提出了一个标准化的协议, 以测量鼻电位差 (NPD)。囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节剂 (CFTR) 和上皮性钠通道 (ENaC) 的功能是评估的变化, 在 superfusion 的解决方案, 改变离子通道活动后的鼻上皮的电压, 提供了一个结果测量。


我们描述一个标准的测量鼻电位差 (NPD)。在这项技术中, 囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节剂 (CFTR) 和上皮钠通道 (ENaC) 功能是监测的变化, 在 superfusion 的解决方案, 改变离子通道的鼻腔上皮细胞活动。这是由测量的潜在差异的皮下室和呼吸道上皮的鼻孔, 利用一个导管与下鼻甲。

该测试允许测量的稳定基线电压和后续的净电压变化后, 100 µM 阿米洛利, 一抑制剂的钠+吸收在响铃的解决方案;一种无氯溶液, 含有阿米洛利, 以促进氯分泌和10µM 异丙肾上腺素在无氯溶液中与阿米洛利, 以刺激与 CFTR 有关的循环腺苷 (阵营) 依赖性氯电导。

该技术具有显示两个关键成分的电生理特性, 建立呼吸上皮、ENaC 和 CFTR 气道表面液体的水化。因此, 它是一个有用的研究工具的2阶段, 并证明了药物的概念试验的目标 CFTR 和 ENaC 活动的治疗囊性纤维化 (CF) 肺部疾病。这也是建立 CFTR 功能障碍的关键后续程序, 当基因检测和汗水测试是模棱两可的。与汗液不同的是, 测试的耗时和成本较高。它还需要操作员培训和专门知识来有效地进行测试。这项技术中, 特别是在年轻或不合作的科目中, 报告了学科间和内部的变异。为了帮助这一关注, 通过最近验证的算法改进了解释。


该方法的总体目标是测量鼻电位差 (NPD), 目的是研究1体内的跨上皮离子转运。这种技术允许测量钠 (钠+) 和氯化物 (Cl) 运输。NPD 已被用作研究工具, 自二十世纪八十年代代末, 并被接受1998年作为诊断程序的囊性纤维化基金会 (CFF) 共识声明2和2017年在囊性纤维化基金会 (CFF) 共识诊断指南3. 事实上, 生物 CFTR 功能障碍, 这是 CF 的原因, 是证明了钠+吸收在顶端膜和氯分泌的缺陷.这种功能测试提供了一个额外的诊断工具的优势, 当遗传学是非决定性的患者的不确定的中间汗水测试结果3。虽然这些信息也可以通过肠道电流测量活检 (icm) 获得, 但是, icm 仅在全球少数几个中心提供, 需要进一步标准化。NPD 在大约60个全球性中心更是可利用的, 并且, 目标呼吸道上皮是疾病的主要位置。

考虑到它提供的关于 CFTR 活动的信息, 它也用于概念验证研究, 目的是通过调制疗法4567来评估 CFTR 蛋白的功能恢复, 8。事实上, 来自研究与 CFTR mRNA/基因编辑, CFTR 增强剂和校正疗法的数据, 突出了 Cl 和 Na +运输与治疗6,9的显著变化, 并确认 NPD 可以是一个临床试验中的应答终点。由于我们缺乏敏感的临床端点, 能够在短期内检测到患者临床状况的细微变化, 所以这个临床前生物标志物可能具有很高的信息量。CFTR 调制疗法的领域迅速扩大, 我们迫切需要在体内的测试, 能够快速破译活性化合物, 然后再进行大3期试验10

该技术的生理原理是以测量鼻孔和皮下腔内气道上皮的电位差为基础的。通过测量稳定最大基线电位差 (PD), 通过不同顶端氯转运体阻断 ENaC 相关 Na+吸收和驱动 Cl 分泌物, 探讨离子通道活动.包括 CFTR。CFTR 功能障碍显示的潜在差异的最小变化后, 通过一个阵营依赖途径刺激 Cl 分泌和增加的 ENaC 介导的钠+吸收被发现的更负基线电位差以及对阿米洛利的增强反应。图 1总结了 CF 与正常 PD 的机械基础。

Figure 1
图 1: 离子通道活动的摘要图.(A) 呼吸道上皮中的离子活性表明正常受试者的 ENaC 和 CFTR 平衡活动, (B) CFTR 活动的丧失导致 ENaC 介导的钠转运量增加, CFTR 依赖氯化物减少运输。ENaC: 上皮钠通道, Na+: 钠, CFTR: 囊性纤维化跨膜调节剂, 氯-: 氯化, mV: 毫伏, PD: 电位差, 最小: 分钟/秒请单击此处查看此图的较大版本.

然而, 这项试验表明, 在同一病人的重复测量和同一基因型患者中有一定程度的变异性。这是非常重要的, 以促进解释的变化后, 调制治疗。此外, 我们仍然缺乏验证的阈值辨别 CF 和健康的对象。这可能部分是由于临床设施的可用性和所使用的技术之间的差异。因此, 正在进行一项旨在标准化测试的重大国际努力。美国 CFF-TDN (囊性纤维化基金会-治疗发展网络) 和从此之后 (欧洲囊性纤维化社会-临床试验网络) 创建了一个 NPD 标准操作程序 (SOP) 用于多中心和研究试验。最近由各箱和 TDN 合作开展的工作, 促成了一套联合的国际 SOP, 汇集了各箱和 TDN (2014)11的专门知识。本文介绍了使用 NPD 进行 CF 诊断或调查人员发起的概念验证试验的协议和测试技术。实施该技术的每个中心负责向其机构人类研究伦理委员会申请批准。

Figure 2
图 2: 整个推荐的 NPD 安装示意图.请注意, 建议的安装程序显示, 包括顺序灌注泵和4停止公鸡系列设置。具体的连接和组件的例子显示在 SOP。(图由所罗门的许可修改, 通用胸, 201013)请单击此处查看此图的较大版本.

图 2中概述了一般的实验流程, 即在位于上皮表面的探索桥与在皮下空间中放置的参考桥之间测量 NPD, 两者都连接到电极和高阻抗伏特计。

这是由2不同的系统确保: 有2可接受的参考电极设置: (i) 平衡 Ag/AgCl 电极和心电图 (心电) 奶油填充桥连接到皮下空间由轻微磨损或 (ii) 饱和甘汞半细胞和琼脂填充22到24口径针被引入皮下。鼻粘膜的接触是由双腔导管引起的。一个腔内充满琼脂或心电霜, 并连接到测量电极, 另一个允许灌注到鼻腔粘膜的不同的解决方案。

探查导管的尖端放置在下鼻甲下的呼吸粘膜上 (图 3)。

Figure 3
图 3: 探索导管在呼吸道粘膜上的放置.(A) 显示位置的外部视图。(B) Rhinoscopic 的观点展示位置。(C) 显示导管放置的解剖位置的图示。潜在差异

为了研究 PD 对几种药物的反应, 通过导管的第二腔 superfusion 溶液。从最初的准备到数据分析, 在编写和执行 NPD 测量方面有几个关键步骤。

在制备溶液和电极后, 对电极和导管进行足够的质量测试, 使测试的基本进行。基础测量是沿下鼻甲进行的, 它允许选择最佳的测量地方, 通常是以最负的测量。然后顺序显影通过鼻上皮的电压变化来确定 Na+ (ENaC) 和 Cl (CFTR 依赖) 离子通量。



1. 解决方案准备

  1. 准备解决方案 #1, #2 和 #3, 这是基础解决方案, 在 1 L 批次之前的过程和存储在现场 (表 1)。
    注: 阿米洛利是轻敏感的, 必须存储在黑暗中 (见表 1为解决方案组成) (见 SOP 为详细的解决方案准备11)。
    1. 在 pH 值为7.4 的情况下缓冲所有解决方案, 并使用0.22 µm 瓶顶过滤器进行过滤。
    2. 对于溶液 #3, 首先加入含磷酸盐的盐, 允许它们电离以防止结晶 (见表 2为溶液成分)。
      注: 混合序列对解决方案 #3 至关重要。
    3. 存储这些解决方案在4°c (稳定3月) 或-20 摄氏度 (稳定6月)。
    4. 通过在 NPD 测试当天添加代理来准备解决方案 #4 和 #5。异丙肾上腺素是轻和氧化敏感性和它丢失它的活动在室温 (证明4% 朽烂 4 h 在4–8°c)。存储在4摄氏度。
      注: ATP 是光和氧化敏感 (见表 3)。
复合 分子量 浓度 (毫米) 组成 (g/升)
Nacl 58 148 8.58
CaCl2 2H2O 147 2.25 0.33
氯化钾 75 4.05 0。3
K2HPO4 174 2。4 0.42
2 PO4 136 0。4 0.05
氯化镁2 6H2O 203 1。2 0.24

表 1: 解决方案组成。

复合 分子量 浓度 (毫米) 组成 (g/升)
葡萄糖酸钠 218 148 33.26
葡萄糖酸钙 430 2.25 0.97
葡萄糖酸钾 234 4.05 0.95
K2 HPO4 174 2。4 0.42
2 PO4 136 0。4 0.05
MgSO4 7H2O 246 1。2 0.24

表 2: 解决方案组成。

解决 方案 解决方案编号 内容 标记
枪手注射液 解决方案 #1/A 注射用缓冲枪手 枪手
枪手 + 阿米洛利 解决方案 #2/B 缓冲枪手 + 100 微米阿米洛利 AMIL
零 Cl + 阿米洛利 解决方案 #3/C 缓冲零氯 + 100 微米阿米洛利 Ocl
零氯阿米洛利 + 异丙肾上腺素 解决方案 #4/D 缓冲零氯 + 100 微米阿米洛利 + 10 微米异丙肾上腺素 Iso
零氯阿米洛利 + 异丙肾上腺素 + ATP 解决方案 #5/E 缓冲零氯 + 100 微米阿米洛利 + 10 微米异丙肾上腺素 + 100 微米 ATP Atp

表 3: 解决方案列表。

2. 导管

  1. 使用 PVC, 无菌, 单一用途, 2 流明 (直径0.7 毫米内径) 导管与圆形和平滑的四肢 (直径2.5 毫米), 这是专门为新产品开发。
    1. 通过一个侧面孔, 与粘膜接触, 2 毫米远的尖端与尖孔在灌注 (见步骤 10.1)。
    2. 将导管的两个鲁尔锁连接其中一个连接到测量电极, 另一条与灌注泵相连。使用蓝色染色的通道作为测量腔。在每0.5 厘米间隔10厘米处标记导管。
      注: 死亡空间为0.3 毫升。如果在接下来的两个步骤中无法做到这一点, 最好使用上述程序来制备导管。
    3. PE50 和 PE90 导管管的长度相等 (~ 76 厘米)。
    4. 把这些贴在一块1厘米的硅橡胶油管上。将25克钝尖针 snuggly 插入 PE-90 油管的另一端。插入一个25克的蝴蝶针 snuggly 到对面的 PE50 油管, 确保不刺穿油管, 因为它被放置。

Figure 4
图 4: 用于 NPD 测量的导管.插入框说明导管尖端与测量孔。

3. 琼脂皮桥 (蝶形针) 和导管的制备

注: 对熔化的琼脂的操作可能导致烧伤, 并且这应该谨慎地做。

  1. 将3克琼脂与100毫升溶液 #1 在宽口瓶中混合, 制备3% 琼脂。将琼脂在微波炉中熔化直至可溶性 (透明)。
    1. 用温琼脂填充10毫升注射器。
    2. 随后将注射器连接到蝶形针 (23 克) 和导管的显腔。注射琼脂直到它出现在尖端。
    3. 让它冷却至少10分钟。
    4. 确保皮肤桥和导管充分填充, 并可视化无气泡。
    5. 将散装皮桥存放在溶液中 #1 4 摄氏度, 1 周后不要使用。

4. 如果使用心电霜

  1. 用溶液 #1 (1:1, v/v 铃声) 稀释心电霜。让它休息, 直到没有气泡。
    1. 用稀释的心电图膏填充10毫升注射器。
    2. 将注射器连接到导管的标记腔内, 慢慢注入心电图膏, 直到出现在下侧孔。
    3. 确保导管完全填充并无气泡。

5. 数据采集系统

注: 数据采集系统的一般设置如图 5所示。

Figure 5
图 5: 建立数据采集系统.展示 bioamplifier 和 headstage 的连接到计算机接口并且电极连接到 headstage11请单击此处查看此图的较大版本.

  1. 连接
    1. 用 USB 电缆将计算机连接到数据采集系统 (材料表)。
    2. 要将数据采集系统连接到 bioamplifier, 请将 BNC 电缆从数据采集系统 (前端) 上的通道1输入连接到 bioamplifier (后端) 上的输出。
    3. 将 bioamplifier 连接到 headstage, 并将自定义电缆预连接到 headstage 螺钉插入 bioamplifier 前面的输入部分。
    4. 将 headstage 连接到电极和接地电极上。使用标准的 2 mm 女-女性连接器连接 headstage 的前端与电极。
      注: 端口为凹槽, 仅适合2毫米电缆的一个方向: 红色测量电极至患者鼻 (经鼻导管);黑参考电极对患者皮肤桥梁;白色至心电电极接地于主体的皮肤。
    5. 设置 bioamplifier 如所述: 偏移: 拉动, 转向调节, 在调整后留在拉位置;电压: 直流;1 mV 卡尔: 中性位置;电源: 在收集数据, 关闭充电电池;增益: 设置为 10;带通: LoFreq (外旋钮): DC;带通: HighFreq (内旋钮): 1kHz;音量: 关闭。

6. 调整头级偏移量

  1. 按照 SOP11中所示的顺序将笔记本电脑和放大器连接起来。在数据采集系统上进行切换, 然后使用笔记本电脑 (该序列对于软件识别用于数据采集的设备来说是很重要的)。
    1. 根据 SOP 顺序调整头级偏移量。

7. 抵消

注: 为了保证电气测量系统的稳定性, 需要测试多个偏移量。(见图 6)

  1. 对于电极偏移, 将参考 (负极) 电极和测量 (正极) 电极一起放置在稀释的心电霜或3米氯化钾中. 确保电极之间的电位差读数接近零 headstage。
    1. 为设置导管和/或皮桥偏移, 将鼻腔导管的鲁尔锁端或皮桥的鲁尔锁端置于与测量 (正) 电极的浴缸中。将导管的另一端置于心电霜浴或3米氯化钾中, 其中含有参考 (负极) 电极, 确保 headstage 上的电位差接近零。
    2. 要设置闭环偏移量, 请确保在电极的浴缸中更换鼻腔导管时关闭电路。检查闭环偏移读数接近 0 mv (= ' 偏移量 '; ±2.5 mv)。调整 headstage 偏移旋钮, 将偏移量调至 0 mV。
      注意: 这确认电路内的所有连接都完好无损。如果情况并非如此, 鼻腔导管可能不完整 (琼脂中的气泡或心电霜)。改变琼脂桥或推心电图霜在设置。电极偏移必须首先执行, 其次是闭合系统 (闭合回路偏移) 与电极和桥梁 (图 6)。

Figure 6
图 6:设置 (A) 电极偏移, (B) 导管 (或桥) 偏移, (C) 闭环偏移。

8. 注射器安装

注意: 建议的设置如下。

  1. 解冻解答 #1, #2 和 #3 大约1小时在测量之前。
    1. 将延伸线连接到离导管最近的旋塞阀。
    2. 打开所有泵, 用溶液冲洗导管 #1 彻底冲洗导管, 直到 stopcocks 没有气泡。

9. 参考和测量电极的放置

Figure 7
图 7: 用测量电极和皮下桥准备测量的主题。

  1. 让学习主体坐在面向 NPD 操作员的位置上。为了更舒适, 请把脚放在可选的防静电垫上, 头放在直视的下巴上休息。
    1. 将接地引线连接到放置在主体臂上的心电垫 (图 7)。
    2. 将皮下针插入前臂背部 (琼脂系统), 或将参考电极应用于前臂先前微擦伤部位的心电霜上 (见下文7至10点)。
    3. 检查与皮下空间的连接, 通过测量与皮肤的潜在差异 (指 PD), 并要求主题关闭 "测量孔" 通过捏在他/她的拇指和食指尖端之间的导管。
    4. 如果手指 PD 不是-30 mV 或更多阴性, 检查插入蝶针。重复磨损 (为心电霜设置) 和检查桥梁。
    5. 启动溶液 #1 注射器泵在80毫升/小时. 从右鼻孔开始。
    6. 测量手指 PD 作为一个稳定的负电压 (典型范围-40 到-80 mV)。
    7. 如果使用心电霜系统: 稀释心电霜 1:1, 并填充导管后, 完全冲洗出探头孔, 如前所见的琼脂。
    8. 连接导管到一个50毫升注射器半填充与心电图膏, 以沐浴电极, 允许检查电极偏移和桥关闭设置。
    9. 将参考 Ag/Cl 电极连接到皮下空间, 经过轻微的皮肤磨损, 当达到真皮水平时, 皮肤会出现 ' 粉红色和发亮 '。
    10. 将测量电极, 用心电霜覆盖在擦伤的皮肤上。检查手指 PD, 如前所示的琼脂系统。

10. 基础 PD 的测量

  1. 将鼻腔导管插入右鼻孔, 使用照明鼻内窥镜 (或等同) 可视化下鼻甲。以前尖端为标志, 推进导管靶向下鼻甲下壁部位的呼吸粘膜。或者, 如果放置困难, 探头孔可以放置在与鼻孔的地板接触。
    注: 导管刚性足够, 由操作者引导进入鼻孔。为便于放置, 导管的一个通道呈蓝色, 在与下鼻甲接触时含有探针侧孔。这可防止导管旋转。在导管上标明的标记从1到10厘米提供容易的参考点。
    1. 测量下鼻甲的 PD。为此, 应确保导管的测量孔因其放置于下鼻甲粘膜 (标记右基底) 而关闭。
    2. 测量 PD 在 3.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0 和 0.5 cm (距离在下鼻道从下鼻甲): 标记正确的基底 PDs。
    3. 保持每一个测量在指定的距离约5秒, 以确保一个稳定的读数 (1 mV), 并有助于准确解释基本 PD 值。
    4. 在左鼻孔重复上述步骤, 使用功能键标记左基底 PDs (3 厘米, 2 厘米) 和左基部。
    5. 以基底局部放电测量为指导, 将鼻腔导管探头插入到最负信号的部位 (从下鼻甲前尖端到3厘米), 并在鼻尖 (或等效) 上用一小块胶带固定。

11. 新产品跟踪序列显影

  1. 右鼻孔
    1. 验证解决方案是否从病人的鼻子滴水。让主题假设一个舒适的位置, 他们的头向下 (经常帮助的主题休息他们的头上他们的手或使用 chinrest 或其他固定装置)。提醒主体尽量减少运动, 避免接触鼻子或油管, 避免说话。
    2. 转动溶液 #1 (枪手) 泵 (5 毫升/分, 或300毫升/小时)。记录直到获得稳定的值 (< 1 mV change/30 s)。
      注意: 这需要大约3分钟来实现稳定性。
    3. 用溶液 #1 关闭灌注。
    4. 用溶液 #2 (阿米洛利) 开始灌注。记录 NPD 至少3分钟 (如果高原电压有疑问, 请继续录制多达5分钟)。
    5. 用溶液 #3 (零氯) 开始灌注。记录 NPD 至少3分钟 (如果高原电压不稳定, 则继续录制最多5分钟)。
    6. 用溶液 #4 (异丙肾上腺素) 开始灌注。记录 NPD 至少3分钟 [如果高原电压不稳定 (至少在三十年代 < 1 mV 漂移的稳态电压跟踪), 继续录音最多5分钟)。
    7. 用溶液 #5 (ATP) 开始灌注。记录 NPD 至少1分钟, 直到获得峰值极化响应。
    8. 用溶液 #1 (枪手) 打开灌注, 并允许三十年代冲洗导管。
    9. 关闭 #1 灌注的溶液。
    10. 对左鼻孔重复操作。

12. 测试结束

  1. 复查并记录稳定的手指 PD ("后指") 5 秒。
    1. 从皮肤上的插入部位取出主体的皮桥和绷带。对于 AgCl/心电霜系统, 从手臂上取出电极。
    2. 记录用于测量初始闭环偏移量的 "最终闭环偏移" 电压 (参见步骤 7.1.3)。
    3. 用函数键标记最终偏移量。
    4. 停止数据采集 (按 "开始")。
      注: 目前的 SOP 建议使用100µM ATP 激活嘌呤钙依赖性氯分泌物, 作为一个积极的控制测试;但是, 这是一个可选测试。

Representative Results

在正常气道上皮中, Na+吸收是主要的离子转运活动。这导致间质的气道表面电位差。ENaC 通道阻滞剂阿米洛利的灌注导致了较低的负电位差。然后, superfusion-自由溶液产生了一个化学梯度的 cl-, 这产生了一个更负的潜在差异, 并激活所有的氯转运体, 包括 CFTR。异丙肾上腺素, 增加细胞的阵营, 进一步增加氯分泌通过具体激活 CFTR, 并增加潜在的差异。

相比之下, 在 CF 科目, 缺席或功能失调的 CFTR 导致增加 ENaC 介导的 Na+吸收12。因此, 基线电位差更负。应用阿米洛利观察到的退极化量较大, 而在 CFTR 依赖通路刺激 Cl 分泌物时, 电位差有极小或无变化。这可以在图 8的代表追查中看到, 显示 "健康" vs "CF" 追查。

Figure 8
图 8: "健康" 主题的代表追查与 CF 主题.pd: 潜在的差异, ΔAmiloride: 三角洲阿米洛利, 0氯/Iso: 低氯: 在 PD 之间的变化 #2 和解决方案 #4 灌注, S1-S4: 阶段 1-4, 绿线上图 A 和 B 表明 NPD 跟踪和黑色箭头表示潜在差异的差异


在体内, NPD 提供了一个独特的测量, 可重复执行的纵向基础上, 并表明, 通过反复测量, 类似的纵向结果, 观察到在小组和个人基础上14, 15。有确凿的证据表明, NPD 具有很好的判别有效性, 区分 cf 从非 cf。25项研究一致表明, CF 与健康对照组的氯-+电导率有统计学意义的差异10。虽然以前制定的一些指数证明了这一能力, 但鉴于最近标准化方法78, 我们预计新的更新是必要的。


此测试需要几个关键步骤, 以确保准确的测量。这包括电极和导管闭环偏移, 以确保系统执行推荐标准。病人必须保持静止, 避免说话, 因为这减少了工件和导管变位。这使得非合作性患者的测试难度很大, 而这种技术仅在6岁以下儿童的一项研究中被报道过7岁。

对鼻腔上皮进行预先检查是必要的, 以确保上皮没有结壳或粘液, 这可能影响测量。

非常重要的是, 必须指出, 放置导管的位置是辩论的主题。这里提出的 SOP 利用下鼻甲 (它) 下的测量。在多中心试验中, 导管的放置是标准化和进行的, 因此, 这是推荐的技术。测量下, 它是执行与侧孔导管, 这可能是很难保持与鼻腔粘膜的牢固接触, 而与解决方案接触。其他组可以测量鼻腔底部的 PD, 这在技术上比较容易。重要的是, 韦尔默朗 (2011) 证明2方法是可比较的16

解决方案变暖仍然是欧洲和美国--中心17,18之间的争论问题。有人主张, 使用溶液在37°c 而不是22°c 增加观察到的总氯化物反应约25% 和异丙肾上腺素依赖氯化物反应约 95%18。然而, 变暖增加了可变性, 这是由总氯化物反应17的更大标准偏差评估的。因此, 随着升温的解决方案是一个额外的因素的可变性, 建议不要温暖的解决方案, 除非需要在研究的基础上。

我们以前比较了这两种电极技术, 发现 AgCl 和甘汞电极系统在正常受试者的基础和受激电流上同样操作13


此测试受主体内变异的影响。评分的变异性在不确定追查患者中尤为普遍, 应在诊断应用19中加以说明。变异因素包括急性上呼吸道感染、广泛的鼻息肉、既往鼻窦手术和 CF 相关炎症, 降低其特异性和敏感性20,10。此外, 读者对追查的解释可能有所不同, 尽管专家读者在 cf 和非 cf 追查中表现出了优异的定量评分和解读的一致性, 但与追踪19的信心。


非常重要的是, 测量的生理变异性是相当可观的, 如不同的研究10所示, 如 CFTR 基因治疗试验, 表明氯总运输的变化有相当大的变异性和阿米洛利范围21,22。横断面评价表明, 在-5 至 -7 mV 阈值以上的零 Cl 加异丙肾上腺素反应是 cf 和非 cf 科目10之间的切断。

然而, 我们对这一参数的变化程度缺乏明确的认识, 这代表了在疾病改良疗法的二期试验中有效的 CFTR 矫正。为了评估个体的反应, 可能需要反复的测试来监测对干预的反应, 以区分重要的变化和内在的变异性。非常重要的是, 未来长期的疾病改良药物研究需要证明 CFTR 功能的改善与临床相关结局或替代结果 (如 FEV1的改善) 有关。疾病。事实上, 最近的第二阶段 Ivacaftor 研究表明, 尽管氯分泌物的小改善23, 但临床上的益处显著。

这类研究将有助于确定在反式上皮内电导率的改善是否可以作为临床疗效的替代参数。这将是指导 CFTR 改良疗法发展的一个重要参数。

对现有方法的意义: 汗液测试和肠道电流测量 (ICM)

在有 "可疑" 囊性纤维化的患者中, 由30至 60 毫米的中间汗氯浓度评定, NPD 综合评分提供了一种高度敏感的工具来诊断患者为 "cf" 和 "cf-不太可能"10.肠道电流测量 (ICM) 提供了一个在直肠上皮内的净氯通量的体测量, 也允许测定残留 CFTR 功能高灵敏度, 因为 CFTR 是高度表达在这个上皮细胞。

考虑到 CFTR 调制器对 CFTR 功能的修正, 这些不同 CFTR 生物标志物变化之间的关系目前尚不清楚。虽然最近基于 Ivacaftor 的工作确定了 NPD 和汗水测试是相关的4, 但它尚未建立, 如果测量在呼吸道是一个更好的预测呼吸结果比, 例如, 汗水测试24,25或在 ICM 中更改。此外, 修饰药物也可能在其器官特异性疗效上有所不同。对于 NPD, 重要的是要注意到, 基础 PD 和阿米洛利反应的变化表达 Na+运输, 而改变0氯和异丙肾上腺素反应表达氯转运 。还有待确定哪些对改善疾病更重要。


这项技术的使用预计在 CF 领域之外。由于该技术特别适合于显示 Na+和 Cl 离子通道, 它可用于显示呼吸道疾病的功能障碍, 包括哮喘26, 慢性支气管炎27, 非 CF 支气管扩张症28复发性胰腺炎29。此外, 在下呼吸道 (洛城警署) 对该技术的修改已被用于证明慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 患者慢性支气管炎30的低气道聚焦 CFTR 功能障碍。

NPD 提供了一个敏感的体内生物标志物的 CFTR 功能, 这既可用于诊断, 也可以用于概念验证研究, 旨在纠正 CFTR 和 ENaC 通道活动的翻译研究。这允许对跨上皮功能进行纵向评估, 并将承诺作为个性化医学的策略, 为每个患者量身定做最有效的校正器。




这项研究得到了标准化委员会 (临床试验网络、欧洲囊性纤维化社会) 和国家资源中心工作组 (治疗发展网络、囊性纤维化) CFTR 功能工作组的支持。基础)。CF 基金会 (FY09 对 GMS) 和 NIH (DK072482 SMR 和 GMS) 提供了额外支助。


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
KD Scientific infusion pump (or equivalent – such as programmable infusion pumps provided by the institution/hospital) Fisher Scientific
Powerlab 4/30 AD Instruments
BMA-200 AC/DC portable bioamplifier AD Instruments
IS0-Z isolation headstage for BMA-200 AD Instruments
Windows compatible PC - Minimum requirements of Windows XP or higher Various
AD Instruments software: GLP Client V6 (Windows) or higher AD Instruments
ECG electrode (ground for study subject) Hospital standard
2 mini calomel reference electrodes Fisher Scientific 13-620-79
Potassium Chloride KCl, Granular – USP, formula weight 76, qty: 500 gm Spectrum
Sterile container (such as specimen collection container , or similar) to be used for KCl calomel bath, with holes cut in lid to hold electrodes in place. (If not provided by electrode manufacturer.) Hospital standard
2 electrodes: Ag/AgCl 8 mm TP electrode BIOPAC Systems UNSHLD-EL258
2 Ag/AgCl electrodes, B0194, plug 4 mm SLE Instruments
Signacreme® Conductive Electrode Cream Fisher Scientific Parker Labs ref # 17-05
Skin abrasion device PROMED Feeling Ref 374901
Hi Di 541 M, Diamond tipped dental burrs Ash Instruments
Becton Dickinson PE 50 tubing Fisher Scientific 427411
Becton Dickinson PE 90 tubing Fisher Scientific 427421
Silastic tubing, 0.062” ID, 0.095” OD Fisher Scientific 508-007
Micropore Surgical Tape Paper (25 mm x 9.1 m) 3M 1530-1
Marquat double lumen catheter Length: 80 cm; Outer diameter: 2.5 mm; Internal diameter of the channels: 0.8 mm; Distance of the side-holes to the tip: 2 mm. EU label Agreement for NPD: I0202US Marquat I0202US
1" X 10 yards silk tape 3M Durapore 1538-1
IV extension tubing (30", 50/box) International Limited IMN30
Three-way stopcock (50/box) Medex MX5311L
Sterile syringe filters (ANOTOP 25 sterile 50 pk; 0.22-μm or smaller filters; or equivalent) Fisher Scientific 09-926-7
Becton Dickinson Intramedic Luer stub adapter (20 G, for connection to PE90 if using nasal catheter produced at study site) Fisher Scientific 427564
Becton Dickinson 23 G, 0.75” Vacutainer (“butterfly”) needles (0.6 mm x 19 mm; 50 U/box) (for connection to PE50) if using nasal catheter produced at study site) Fisher Scientific 367283
Becton Dickinson Syringe 60 mL without needle Luer-Lok tip (40/Box) Fisher Scientific 309653
Becton Dickinson Syringe 10 mL without needle Luer-Lok tip (100/Box) Fisher Scientific 309604
Single use sterile wipes (per institutional availability) Hospital standard
70% EtOH (1 pint), Aaper Alcohol and Chemical Co. catalog number NC9274019 (or equivalent) Fisher Scientific
Corning single use sterile bottle-top filters, 0.22 μm pore size (0.15 – 1.0 L volumes acceptable) Fisher Scientific 430624
Buffer Cert Ph 10.00 (1 L Sn04332) – for pH meter calibration Fisher Scientific
Buffer Cert Ph 4.00 (1 L Sn04327) – for pH meter calibration Fisher Scientific
Buffer Cert Ph 7.00 (500 mL Sn04328) – for pH meter calibration Fisher Scientific
Disposable underpads (Blue Pads; 23" x 36" 150/Box; or equivalent per hospital standard) SureCare
23 G, 0.75” Vacutainer “butterfly” needles (0.6 mm x 19 mm; 50 U/box) Becton Dickinson 367283
Difco Laboratories Agar (Noble 100 g 0142-15-2; or equivalent) Fisher Scientific
Welch Allyn Rhinoscope 71000-C (or equivalent) Fisher Scientific
Welch Allyn Convertible Handle Battery 72300 (or equivalent) OR Otoscope with battery Fisher Scientific
Head and chin rest (or equivalent; optional) Richmond Products, Inc 629R
Static Dissipative Anti-Fatigue Matting  (or equivalent) Fisher Scientific No. 791
Sodium Chloride, Granular – USP NaCl Spectrum Formula Weight: 58; Size: 500 gm
Calcium Chloride CaCl2 •2H2O – USP Spectrum Formula Weight: 147; Size: 500 gm
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate Crystal, MgCl2•6H2O – USP Spectrum Formula Weight: 203; Size: 500 gm
Potassium Phosphate Dibasic, Anhydrous, Granular, KH2PO4 – USP Spectrum Formula Weight: 174; Size: 500 gm
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic Crystals – NF (KH2PO4) Spectrum Formula Weight: 136; Size: 500 gm
Sodium Gluconate- USP (monosodium salt) Spectrum Formula Weight: 218; Size: 500 gm
Calcium Gluconate – USP (Anhydrous Powder) Spectrum Formula Weight: 430; Size: 500 gm
Potassium Gluconate- USP (Anhydrous) Spectrum Formula Weight: 234; Size: 500 gm
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate – USP MgSO4•7H2O Spectrum Formula Weight: 246; Size: 500 gm
Amiloride HCl – USP Spectrum Formula Weight: 302; Size: 5gm
Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate (ATP) (Disodium salt) Spectrum Formula Weight: 551; Size: 5 gm
Magnesium Chloride, Hexahydrate, Crystal – USP MgCl2•6H2O Spectrum Formula Weight: 203; Size: 500 gm
Double-distilled water (ddH2O) Hospital Pharmacy Formula Weight: NA; Size: 1 L
Isoproterenol HCL Injection - USP 1 mg/5 mL ampule Hospital Pharmacy Formula Weight: 248; Size: single use
Ringers Injection, USP or Ringers Irrigation Hospital Pharmacy Formula Weight: NA; Size: 5 L



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药物 139 期 鼻电位差异 囊性纤维化 囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节 CFTR
鼻膜 Transepithelial 电位差的标准化测量 (NPD)
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Solomon, G. M., Bronsveld, I.,More

Solomon, G. M., Bronsveld, I., Hayes, K., Wilschanski, M., Melotti, P., Rowe, S. M., Sermet-Gaudelus, I. Standardized Measurement of Nasal Membrane Transepithelial Potential Difference (NPD). J. Vis. Exp. (139), e57006, doi:10.3791/57006 (2018).

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    Estimation of Urinary Nanocrystals in Humans using Calcium Fluorophore Labeling and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
  • Research • Medicine
    Development and Evaluation of 3D-Printed Cardiovascular Phantoms for Interventional Planning and Training
  • Research • Medicine
    Human Fetal Blood Flow Quantification with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Motion Compensation
  • Research • Medicine
    Digital Handwriting Analysis of Characters in Chinese Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Research • Medicine
    Segmentation and Linear Measurement for Body Composition Analysis using Slice-O-Matic and Horos
  • Research • Medicine
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis at 7.0 Tesla
  • Research • Medicine
    Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound for Painful Bone Metastases
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation of Viable Adipocytes and Stromal Vascular Fraction from Human Visceral Adipose Tissue Suitable for RNA Analysis and Macrophage Phenotyping
  • Research • Medicine
    Obtaining Quality Extended Field-of-View Ultrasound Images of Skeletal Muscle to Measure Muscle Fascicle Length
  • Research • Medicine
    Lung CT Segmentation to Identify Consolidations and Ground Glass Areas for Quantitative Assesment of SARS-CoV Pneumonia
  • Research • Medicine
    Electroretinogram Recording for Infants and Children under Anesthesia to Achieve Optimal Dark Adaptation and International Standards
  • Research • Medicine
    Measurement of Tissue Oxygenation Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
  • Research • Medicine
    Evaluation of Capnography Sampling Line Compatibility and Accuracy when Used with a Portable Capnography Monitor
  • Research • Medicine
    Simultaneous Laryngopharyngeal and Conventional Esophageal pH Monitoring
  • Research • Medicine
    Real-Time Monitoring of Neurocritical Patients with Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies
  • Research • Neuroscience
    Evaluating Postural Control and Lower-extremity Muscle Activation in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of Dependence in Activities of Daily Living Among Older Patients in an Acute Care Unit
  • Research • Medicine
    Validated LC-MS/MS Panel for Quantifying 11 Drug-Resistant TB Medications in Small Hair Samples
  • Research • Medicine
    International Expert Consensus and Recommendations for Neonatal Pneumothorax Ultrasound Diagnosis and Ultrasound-guided Thoracentesis Procedure
  • Research • Biology
    A Finite Element Approach for Locating the Center of Resistance of Maxillary Teeth
  • Research • Medicine
    Lower Limb Biomechanical Analysis of Healthy Participants
  • Research • Neuroscience
    Assessing Early Stage Open-Angle Glaucoma in Patients by Isolated-Check Visual Evoked Potential
  • Research • Medicine
    Oral Health Assessment by Lay Personnel for Older Adults
  • Research • Medicine
    Determining and Controlling External Power Output During Regular Handrim Wheelchair Propulsion
  • Research • Medicine
    A Whole Body Dosimetry Protocol for Peptide-Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT): 2D Planar Image and Hybrid 2D+3D SPECT/CT Image Methods
  • Research • Medicine
    Measurement of Carotenoids in Perifovea using the Macular Pigment Reflectometer
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of Static Graviceptive Perception in the Roll-Plane using the Subjective Visual Vertical Paradigm
  • Research • Medicine
    Learning Modern Laryngeal Surgery in a Dissection Laboratory
  • Research • Medicine
    DIPLOMA Approach for Standardized Pathology Assessment of Distal Pancreatectomy Specimens
  • Research • Medicine
    A Computerized Functional Skills Assessment and Training Program Targeting Technology Based Everyday Functional Skills
  • Research • Medicine
    Imaging Features of Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Research • Medicine
    Integrating Augmented Reality Tools in Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Prognostication and Diagnosis
  • Research • Medicine
    Ultrasonographic Assessment During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Research • Medicine
    Measurement of the Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient and Transjugular Liver Biopsy
  • Research • Medicine
    Patient Directed Recording of a Bipolar Three-Lead Electrocardiogram using a Smartwatch with ECG Function
  • Research • Medicine
    Traditional Trail Making Test Modified into Brand-new Assessment Tools: Digital and Walking Trail Making Test
  • Research • Medicine
    Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Biopsy Data to Guide Sampling Procedures for Prostate Cancer Biobanking
  • Research • Medicine
    A Fluorescence-based Assay for Characterization and Quantification of Lipid Droplet Formation in Human Intestinal Organoids
  • Research • Medicine
    A Novel Non-invasive Method for the Detection of Elevated Intra-compartmental Pressures of the Leg
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantitative Mapping of Specific Ventilation in the Human Lung using Proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Oxygen as a Contrast Agent
  • Research • Neuroscience
    Portable Thermographic Screening for Detection of Acute Wallenberg's Syndrome
  • Research • Medicine
    Use of MRI-ultrasound Fusion to Achieve Targeted Prostate Biopsy
  • Research • Medicine
    Testing of all Six Semicircular Canals with Video Head Impulse Test Systems
  • Research • Medicine
    Protocol and Guidelines for Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound in Diagnosing Neonatal Pulmonary Diseases Based on International Expert Consensus
  • Research • Neuroscience
    Bilateral Assessment of the Corticospinal Pathways of the Ankle Muscles Using Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Research • Medicine
    Targeting Gray Rami Communicantes in Selective Chemical Lumbar Sympathectomy
  • Research • Medicine
    Multi-Modal Home Sleep Monitoring in Older Adults
  • Research • Medicine
    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for the Evaluation of Suspected Cardiac Thrombus: Conventional and Emerging Techniques
  • Research • Medicine
    Observational Study Protocol for Repeated Clinical Examination and Critical Care Ultrasonography Within the Simple Intensive Care Studies
  • Research • Medicine
    Measurements of Motor Function and Other Clinical Outcome Parameters in Ambulant Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of the Efficacy of An Osteopathic Treatment in Infants with Biomechanical Impairments to Suckling
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantification of Levator Ani Hiatus Enlargement by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Males and Females with Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantitative [18F]-Naf-PET-MRI Analysis for the Evaluation of Dynamic Bone Turnover in a Patient with Facetogenic Low Back Pain
  • Research • Medicine
    Generation of Human 3D Lung Tissue Cultures (3D-LTCs) for Disease Modeling
  • Research • Medicine
    Proton Therapy Delivery and Its Clinical Application in Select Solid Tumor Malignancies
  • Research • Medicine
    Combining Volumetric Capnography And Barometric Plethysmography To Measure The Lung Structure-function Relationship
  • Research • Medicine
    Two-Dimensional X-Ray Angiography to Examine Fine Vascular Structure Using a Silicone Rubber Injection Compound
  • Research • Medicine
    Preparation, Procedures and Evaluation of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
  • Research • Medicine
    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 Tesla
  • Research • Medicine
    Semi-quantitative Assessment Using [18F]FDG Tracer in Patients with Severe Brain Injury
  • Research • Medicine
    Handheld Metal Detector Screening for Metallic Foreign Body Ingestion in Children
  • Research • Medicine
    Conducting Maximal and Submaximal Endurance Exercise Testing to Measure Physiological and Biological Responses to Acute Exercise in Humans
  • Research • Medicine
    A Metadata Extraction Approach for Clinical Case Reports to Enable Advanced Understanding of Biomedical Concepts
  • Research • Medicine
    Autonomic Function Following Concussion in Youth Athletes: An Exploration of Heart Rate Variability Using 24-hour Recording Methodology
  • Research • Medicine
    Hydra, a Computer-Based Platform for Aiding Clinicians in Cardiovascular Analysis and Diagnosis
  • Research • Medicine
    Objective Nociceptive Assessment in Ventilated ICU Patients: A Feasibility Study Using Pupillometry and the Nociceptive Flexion Reflex
  • Research • Medicine
    'Boden Food Plate': Novel Interactive Web-based Method for the Assessment of Dietary Intake
  • Research • Medicine
    Anogenital Distance and Perineal Measurements of the Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Quantification System
  • Research • Medicine
    Bedside Ultrasound for Guiding Fluid Removal in Patients with Pulmonary Edema: The Reverse-FALLS Protocol
  • Research • Medicine
    Muscle Imbalances: Testing and Training Functional Eccentric Hamstring Strength in Athletic Populations
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation of Primary Human Decidual Cells from the Fetal Membranes of Term Placentae
  • Research • Medicine
    Skeletal Muscle Neurovascular Coupling, Oxidative Capacity, and Microvascular Function with 'One Stop Shop' Near-infrared Spectroscopy
  • Research • Medicine
    Collecting Hair Samples for Hair Cortisol Analysis in African Americans
  • Research • Medicine
    In Vivo Morphometric Analysis of Human Cranial Nerves Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Menière's Disease Ears and Normal Hearing Ears
  • Research • Medicine
    Measuring the Carotid to Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity (Cf-PWV) to Evaluate Arterial Stiffness
  • Research • Medicine
    Standardized Measurement of Nasal Membrane Transepithelial Potential Difference (NPD)
  • Research • Medicine
    Taste Exam: A Brief and Validated Test
  • Research • Medicine
    Absorption of Nasal and Bronchial Fluids: Precision Sampling of the Human Respiratory Mucosa and Laboratory Processing of Samples
  • Research • Medicine
    Methodology for Sputum Induction and Laboratory Processing
  • Research • Medicine
    Electrophysiological Measurement of Noxious-evoked Brain Activity in Neonates Using a Flat-tip Probe Coupled to Electroencephalography
  • Research • Medicine
    A Detailed Protocol for Physiological Parameters Acquisition and Analysis in Neurosurgical Critical Patients
  • Research • Medicine
    Oral Biofilm Sampling for Microbiome Analysis in Healthy Children
  • Research • Medicine
    Using Retinal Imaging to Study Dementia
  • Research • Medicine
    Application of an Amplitude-integrated EEG Monitor (Cerebral Function Monitor) to Neonates
  • Research • Medicine
    3D Ultrasound Imaging: Fast and Cost-effective Morphometry of Musculoskeletal Tissue
  • Research • Medicine
    The 4-vessel Sampling Approach to Integrative Studies of Human Placental Physiology In Vivo
  • Research • Medicine
    A Component-resolved Diagnostic Approach for a Study on Grass Pollen Allergens in Chinese Southerners with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma
  • Research • Medicine
    A Novel Method: Super-selective Adrenal Venous Sampling
  • Research • Medicine
    A Method for Quantifying Upper Limb Performance in Daily Life Using Accelerometers
  • Research • Medicine
    Non-invasive Assessments of Subjective and Objective Recovery Characteristics Following an Exhaustive Jump Protocol
  • Research • Medicine
    Experimental Protocol of a Three-minute, All-out Arm Crank Exercise Test in Spinal-cord Injured and Able-bodied Individuals
  • Research • Medicine
    Phosphorus-31 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Tool for Measuring In Vivo Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Capacity in Human Skeletal Muscle
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of Pulmonary Capillary Blood Volume, Membrane Diffusing Capacity, and Intrapulmonary Arteriovenous Anastomoses During Exercise
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of Child Anthropometry in a Large Epidemiologic Study
  • Research • Medicine
    Video Movement Analysis Using Smartphones (ViMAS): A Pilot Study
  • Research • Medicine
    Network Analysis of Foramen Ovale Electrode Recordings in Drug-resistant Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients
  • Research • Medicine
    A Model to Simulate Clinically Relevant Hypoxia in Humans
  • Research • Medicine
    Interictal High Frequency Oscillations Detected with Simultaneous Magnetoencephalography and Electroencephalography as Biomarker of Pediatric Epilepsy
  • Research • Medicine
    Induction and Assessment of Exertional Skeletal Muscle Damage in Humans
  • Research • Medicine
    A Detailed Protocol for Perspiration Monitoring Using a Novel, Small, Wireless Device
  • Research • Medicine
    Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy (DISE) with Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) and Bispectral Analysis in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Research • Medicine
    Integrated Compensatory Responses in a Human Model of Hemorrhage
  • Research • Medicine
    Transthoracic Speckle Tracking Echocardiography for the Quantitative Assessment of Left Ventricular Myocardial Deformation
  • Research • Medicine
    Impression Cytology of the Lid Wiper Area
  • Research • Behavior
    A Protocol of Manual Tests to Measure Sensation and Pain in Humans
  • Research • Medicine
    Unbiased Deep Sequencing of RNA Viruses from Clinical Samples
  • Research • Medicine
    A Choroid Plexus Epithelial Cell-based Model of the Human Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier to Study Bacterial Infection from the Basolateral Side
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation and Profiling of MicroRNA-containing Exosomes from Human Bile
  • Research • Medicine
    Generation of Microtumors Using 3D Human Biogel Culture System and Patient-derived Glioblastoma Cells for Kinomic Profiling and Drug Response Testing
  • Research • Medicine
    Ultrasound Assessment of Endothelial Function: A Technical Guideline of the Flow-mediated Dilation Test
  • Research • Medicine
    Using a Laminating Technique to Perform Confocal Microscopy of the Human Sclera
  • Research • Medicine
    Intravenous Endotoxin Challenge in Healthy Humans: An Experimental Platform to Investigate and Modulate Systemic Inflammation
  • Research • Medicine
    Modeling and Simulations of Olfactory Drug Delivery with Passive and Active Controls of Nasally Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosols
  • Research • Medicine
    Exosomal miRNA Analysis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients' Plasma Through qPCR: A Feasible Liquid Biopsy Tool
  • Research • Medicine
    A Multimodal Imaging- and Stimulation-based Method of Evaluating Connectivity-related Brain Excitability in Patients with Epilepsy
  • Research • Medicine
    Measuring Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Activity in Toddlers - Resting and Developmental Challenges
  • Research • Medicine
    Using Saccadometry with Deep Brain Stimulation to Study Normal and Pathological Brain Function
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantitative Fundus Autofluorescence for the Evaluation of Retinal Diseases
  • Research • Medicine
    Diagnosis of Musculus Gastrocnemius Tightness - Key Factors for the Clinical Examination
  • Research • Medicine
    Stereo-Electro-Encephalo-Graphy (SEEG) With Robotic Assistance in the Presurgical Evaluation of Medical Refractory Epilepsy: A Technical Note
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Skeletal Muscle Disease
  • Research • Medicine
    Transcutaneous Microcirculatory Imaging in Preterm Neonates
  • Research • Medicine
    Using an Ingestible Telemetric Temperature Pill to Assess Gastrointestinal Temperature During Exercise
  • Research • Medicine
    Design, Fabrication, and Administration of the Hand Active Sensation Test (HASTe)
  • Research • Medicine
    MRI-guided dmPFC-rTMS as a Treatment for Treatment-resistant Major Depressive Disorder
  • Research • Medicine
    Functional Human Liver Preservation and Recovery by Means of Subnormothermic Machine Perfusion
  • Research • Medicine
    A Multicenter MRI Protocol for the Evaluation and Quantification of Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Research • Medicine
    Determining The Electromyographic Fatigue Threshold Following a Single Visit Exercise Test
  • Research • Medicine
    Use of Electromagnetic Navigational Transthoracic Needle Aspiration (E-TTNA) for Sampling of Lung Nodules
  • Research • Medicine
    Trabecular Meshwork Response to Pressure Elevation in the Living Human Eye
  • Research • Medicine
    In Vivo, Percutaneous, Needle Based, Optical Coherence Tomography of Renal Masses
  • Research • Medicine
    Establishment of Human Epithelial Enteroids and Colonoids from Whole Tissue and Biopsy
  • Research • Medicine
    Human Brown Adipose Tissue Depots Automatically Segmented by Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography and Registered Magnetic Resonance Images
  • Research • Medicine
    Preparation and Respirometric Assessment of Mitochondria Isolated from Skeletal Muscle Tissue Obtained by Percutaneous Needle Biopsy
  • Research • Medicine
    A Methodological Approach to Non-invasive Assessments of Vascular Function and Morphology
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation and Immortalization of Patient-derived Cell Lines from Muscle Biopsy for Disease Modeling
  • Research • Medicine
    State of the Art Cranial Ultrasound Imaging in Neonates
  • Research • Medicine
    Measurement of Dynamic Scapular Kinematics Using an Acromion Marker Cluster to Minimize Skin Movement Artifact
  • Research • Medicine
    The Supraclavicular Fossa Ultrasound View for Central Venous Catheter Placement and Catheter Change Over Guidewire
  • Research • Medicine
    Ultrasound Assessment of Endothelial-Dependent Flow-Mediated Vasodilation of the Brachial Artery in Clinical Research
  • Research • Medicine
    Tracking the Mammary Architectural Features and Detecting Breast Cancer with Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  • Research • Medicine
    A Neuroscientific Approach to the Examination of Concussions in Student-Athletes
  • Research • Medicine
    DTI of the Visual Pathway - White Matter Tracts and Cerebral Lesions
  • Research • Medicine
    Collection, Isolation, and Flow Cytometric Analysis of Human Endocervical Samples
  • Research • Medicine
    Fundus Photography as a Convenient Tool to Study Microvascular Responses to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Epidemiological Studies
  • Research • Medicine
    A Multi-Modal Approach to Assessing Recovery in Youth Athletes Following Concussion
  • Research • Medicine
    Clinical Assessment of Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters in Patients and Older Adults
  • Research • Medicine
    Multi-electrode Array Recordings of Human Epileptic Postoperative Cortical Tissue
  • Research • Medicine
    Collection and Extraction of Saliva DNA for Next Generation Sequencing
  • Research • Medicine
    Fast and Accurate Exhaled Breath Ammonia Measurement
  • Research • Medicine
    Developing Neuroimaging Phenotypes of the Default Mode Network in PTSD: Integrating the Resting State, Working Memory, and Structural Connectivity
  • Research • Medicine
    Two Methods for Establishing Primary Human Endometrial Stromal Cells from Hysterectomy Specimens
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessment of Vascular Function in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Research • Medicine
    Coordinate Mapping of Hyolaryngeal Mechanics in Swallowing
  • Research • Medicine
    Network Analysis of the Default Mode Network Using Functional Connectivity MRI in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  • Research • Medicine
    EEG Mu Rhythm in Typical and Atypical Development
  • Research • Medicine
    The Multiple Sclerosis Performance Test (MSPT): An iPad-Based Disability Assessment Tool
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation and Functional Characterization of Human Ventricular Cardiomyocytes from Fresh Surgical Samples
  • Research • Medicine
    Dynamic Visual Tests to Identify and Quantify Visual Damage and Repair Following Demyelination in Optic Neuritis Patients
  • Research • Medicine
    Primary Culture of Human Vestibular Schwannomas
  • Research • Medicine
    Utility of Dissociated Intrinsic Hand Muscle Atrophy in the Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Research • Medicine
    Lesion Explorer: A Video-guided, Standardized Protocol for Accurate and Reliable MRI-derived Volumetrics in Alzheimer's Disease and Normal Elderly
  • Research • Medicine
    Pulse Wave Velocity Testing in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation, Culture, and Imaging of Human Fetal Pancreatic Cell Clusters
  • Research • Medicine
    3D-Neuronavigation In Vivo Through a Patient's Brain During a Spontaneous Migraine Headache
  • Research • Medicine
    A Novel Application of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging
  • Research • Medicine
    Computerized Dynamic Posturography for Postural Control Assessment in Patients with Intermittent Claudication
  • Research • Medicine
    Collecting Saliva and Measuring Salivary Cortisol and Alpha-amylase in Frail Community Residing Older Adults via Family Caregivers
  • Research • Medicine
    Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Analysis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Research • Medicine
    Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Retinal Surgical Specimens Using jouRNAl
  • Research • Medicine
    Improved Protocol For Laser Microdissection Of Human Pancreatic Islets From Surgical Specimens
  • Research • Medicine
    Evaluation of Respiratory Muscle Activation Using Respiratory Motor Control Assessment (RMCA) in Individuals with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
  • Research • Medicine
    Minimal Erythema Dose (MED) Testing
  • Research • Medicine
    Measuring Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Activity in Children
  • Research • Medicine
    Collecting And Measuring Wound Exudate Biochemical Mediators In Surgical Wounds
  • Research • Medicine
    A Research Method For Detecting Transient Myocardial Ischemia In Patients With Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Continuous ST-segment Analysis
  • Research • Medicine
    Using a Chemical Biopsy for Graft Quality Assessment
  • Research • Medicine
    Characterizing Exon Skipping Efficiency in DMD Patient Samples in Clinical Trials of Antisense Oligonucleotides
  • Research • Medicine
    In Vitro Assessment of Cardiac Function Using Skinned Cardiomyocytes
  • Research • Medicine
    Normothermic Ex Situ Heart Perfusion in Working Mode: Assessment of Cardiac Function and Metabolism
  • Research • Medicine
    Evaluation of Vascular Control Mechanisms Utilizing Video Microscopy of Isolated Resistance Arteries of Rats
  • Research • Medicine
    Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) for Research; Obtaining Adequate Sample Yield
  • Research • Medicine
    Non-invasive Optical Measurement of Cerebral Metabolism and Hemodynamics in Infants
  • Research • Medicine
    Tilt Testing with Combined Lower Body Negative Pressure: a "Gold Standard" for Measuring Orthostatic Tolerance
  • Research • Medicine
    Driving Simulation in the Clinic: Testing Visual Exploratory Behavior in Daily Life Activities in Patients with Visual Field Defects
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation, Characterization and Comparative Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Derived from Permanent Teeth by Using Two Different Methods
  • Research • Medicine
    Portable Intermodal Preferential Looking (IPL): Investigating Language Comprehension in Typically Developing Toddlers and Young Children with Autism
  • Research • Medicine
    Intraoperative Detection of Subtle Endometriosis: A Novel Paradigm for Detection and Treatment of Pelvic Pain Associated with the Loss of Peritoneal Integrity
  • Research • Medicine
    The Use of Primary Human Fibroblasts for Monitoring Mitochondrial Phenotypes in the Field of Parkinson's Disease
  • Research • Medicine
    Collection Protocol for Human Pancreas
  • Research • Medicine
    The α-test: Rapid Cell-free CD4 Enumeration Using Whole Saliva
  • Research • Medicine
    The Measurement and Treatment of Suppression in Amblyopia
  • Research • Medicine
    Corneal Donor Tissue Preparation for Endothelial Keratoplasty
  • Research • Medicine
    Quantification of Atherosclerotic Plaque Activity and Vascular Inflammation using [18-F] Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (FDG-PET/CT)
  • Research • Medicine
    Eye Tracking Young Children with Autism
  • Research • Medicine
    Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography of Retinal Circulation
  • Research • Medicine
    Utilizing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Study the Human Neuromuscular System
  • Research • Medicine
    Detection and Genogrouping of Noroviruses from Children's Stools By Taqman One-step RT-PCR
  • Research • Medicine
    Method to Measure Tone of Axial and Proximal Muscle
  • Research • Medicine
    The Trier Social Stress Test Protocol for Inducing Psychological Stress
  • Research • Medicine
    Probing the Brain in Autism Using fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  • Research • Medicine
    Multifocal Electroretinograms
  • Research • Medicine
    Isolation of Human Islets from Partially Pancreatectomized Patients
  • Research • Medicine
    Examining the Characteristics of Episodic Memory using Event-related Potentials in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
  • Research • Medicine
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quantification of Pulmonary Perfusion using Calibrated Arterial Spin Labeling
  • Research • Medicine
    Manual Muscle Testing: A Method of Measuring Extremity Muscle Strength Applied to Critically Ill Patients
  • Research • Medicine
    Expired CO2 Measurement in Intubated or Spontaneously Breathing Patients from the Emergency Department
  • Research • Medicine
    A Protocol for Comprehensive Assessment of Bulbar Dysfunction in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Research • Medicine
    An Investigation of the Effects of Sports-related Concussion in Youth Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Head Impact Telemetry System
  • Research • Medicine
    Corneal Confocal Microscopy: A Novel Non-invasive Technique to Quantify Small Fibre Pathology in Peripheral Neuropathies
  • Research • Medicine
    Methods to Quantify Pharmacologically Induced Alterations in Motor Function in Human Incomplete SCI
  • Research • Medicine
    Multispectral Real-time Fluorescence Imaging for Intraoperative Detection of the Sentinel Lymph Node in Gynecologic Oncology
  • Research • Medicine
    Technique to Collect Fungiform (Taste) Papillae from Human Tongue
  • Research • Medicine
    Assessing Endothelial Vasodilator Function with the Endo-PAT 2000
  • Research • Medicine
    Making Sense of Listening: The IMAP Test Battery
  • Research • Medicine
    An Experimental Paradigm for the Prediction of Post-Operative Pain (PPOP)
  • Research • Biology
    Bioelectric Analyses of an Osseointegrated Intelligent Implant Design System for Amputees
  • Research • Biology
    Demonstration of Cutaneous Allodynia in Association with Chronic Pelvic Pain
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