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August 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Sampling in Suspension Feeders, Staining Three-Dimensional Skin, Spasms in the Heart Vasculature, and Emotional Reponses to Beverages

Published: August 4, 2016 doi: 10.3791/5807
1JoVE Content Production


Intracoronary Acetylcholine Provocation Testing for Assessment of Coronary Vasomotor Disorders

Peter Ong, Anastasios Athanasiadis, Udo Sechtem

Department of Cardiology, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus

Intracoronary acetylcholine testing has been established for the assessment of epicardial coronary spasm more than 30 years ago. Recently, the focus has shifted towards the microcirculation and it has been shown that microvascular spasm can be detected using ACH-testing. This article describes the ACH-test and its implementation in daily routine.

Protocol for Data Collection and Analysis Applied to Automated Facial Expression Analysis Technology and Temporal Analysis for Sensory Evaluation

Courtney A. Crist1, Susan E. Duncan1, Daniel L. Gallagher2

1Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech, 2Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech

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VacuSIP, an Improved InEx Method for In Situ Measurement of Particulate and Dissolved Compounds Processed by Active Suspension Feeders

Teresa Morganti1,2, Gitai Yahel3, Marta Ribes2, Rafel Coma1

1Department of Marine Ecology, Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), 2Department of Marine Biology and Oceanography, Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), 3The School of Marine Science, Ruppin Academic Center

We introduce the VacuSIP, a simple, non-intrusive, and reliable method for clean and accurate point sampling of water. The system was developed and evaluated for the simultaneous collection of the water inhaled and exhaled by benthic suspension feeders in situ, to cleanly measure removal and excretion of particulate and dissolved compounds.

CUBIC Protocol Visualizes Protein Expression at Single Cell Resolution in Whole Mount Skin Preparations

Huazheng Liang*1,2, Bassem Akladios*1, Cesar P. Canales*1, Richard Francis3, Edna H. Hardeman1, Annemiek Beverdam1

1The School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales Australia, 2Neuroscience Research Australia, 3Biomedical Imaging Facility, University of New South Wales Australia

This report describes a CUBIC protocol to clarify full thickness mouse skin biopsies, and visualize protein expression patterns, proliferating cells, and sebocytes at the single cell resolution in 3D. This method enables accurate assessment of skin anatomy and pathology, and of abnormal epidermal phenotypes in genetically modified mouse lines.


No conflicts of interest declared.


August 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Sampling in Suspension Feeders, Staining Three-Dimensional Skin, Spasms in the Heart Vasculature, and Emotional Reponses to Beverages
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Betters, E., Kolski-Andreaco, A.More

Betters, E., Kolski-Andreaco, A. August 2016 - This Month in JoVE: Sampling in Suspension Feeders, Staining Three-Dimensional Skin, Spasms in the Heart Vasculature, and Emotional Reponses to Beverages. J. Vis. Exp. (114), e5807, doi:10.3791/5807 (2016).

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