Rachael Zemek

Sarcoma Group, Cancer Centre

Telethon Kids Institute

Rachael Zemek

Dr Rachael Zemek completed her PhD at the University of Western Australia and the National Centre of Asbestos Related Diseases in 2019. Here her project focused on the

divergent response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy for cancer, with the aim to identify biomarkers of response, as well as a way to pharmaceutically modulate the tumour to increase response rates. Rachael now works as a post-doctoral researcher in the Sarcoma Group at the Telethon Kids Institute. Here she is extending her research to target immune checkpoint resistant sarcoma tumours.


نموذج ماوس من ساركوما الأنسجة الرخوة غير المكتملة لإعادة الاستئصال للاختبار (Neo) العلاجات المساعدة

1School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Western Australia, 2Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, 3College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University

JoVE 60882
