Simon Heidegger

Department for Hematology and Clinical Oncology

Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich

Simon Heidegger

Simon Heidegger studied medicine in Munich, Cambridge and New York. He finished his medical thesis and spent two years as PostDoc in the lab of Stefan Endres at Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich. During his fellowship in Internal Medicine and Hematology/Oncology under the supervision of Christian Peschel at Technical University Munich, he continued his research in the field of tumor immunology, and in 2018 acquired the venia legendi. In 2019, he spent two months as clinical fellow in the center for cellular therapies at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. In the same year he received the Vincenz-Czerny-Award from the German Society for Hematology and Oncology for his current research work. Simon Heidegger is now an attending physician for hematology and oncology at Klinikum rechts der Isar at Technical University Munich in the department of Florian Bassermann and leads a junior research group in the field of immuno-oncology. Research in his lab focuses on the interaction between immune cells and cancer cells, with particular interest in innate immune mechanisms.


In vivo Immunogeniciteitsscreening van tumor-afgeleide extracellulaire blaasjes door flowcytometrie van milt-T-cellen

1Department of Medicine III, School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, 2Center for Translational Cancer Research (TranslaTUM), School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, 3Department of Internal Medicine III, University Hospital Regensburg, 4National Centre for Tumor Diseases WERA

JoVE 62811

 Cancer Research