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Chapter 3

Social Judgement and Decision-Making

Chapter 3

Social Judgement and Decision-Making

The human brain processes information for decision-making using one of two routes: an intuitive system and a rational system (Epstein, 1994; popularized …
A schema is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts (Bartlett, 1932). There are many different types of schemata, and …
People tend to know what behavior is expected of them in specific, familiar settings. A script is a person’s knowledge about the sequence of events …
A heuristic is a general problem-solving framework (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). You can think of these as mental shortcuts that are used to solve …
The representative heuristic describes a biased way of thinking, in which you unintentionally stereotype someone or something. For example, you may assume …
In order to make good decisions, we use our knowledge and our reasoning. Often, this knowledge and reasoning is sound and solid. However, sometimes, we …
The confirmation bias is the tendency to focus on information that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore information that is inconsistent with our …
Hindsight bias leads you to believe that the event you just experienced was predictable, even though it really wasn’t. In other words, you knew …
Information is everywhere and its presentation—such as how and when items are presented—can impact our perceptions and decisions surrounding …
Source: Peter Mende-Siedlecki & Jay Van Bavel—New York University When we are considering a tough choice between two or more attractive options, …
Human beings are constantly surrounded by uncertainty and change. The question arises how people cope with such uncertainty. To date, most research has …