
Rapid and Efficient Generation of Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in a Multititre Plate Format

Published: March 05, 2013


Protocols for neuronal differentiation of pluripotent human stem cells (hPSCs) are often time-consuming and require substantial cell culture skills. Here, we have adapted a small molecule-based differentiation procedure to a multititre plate format, allowing simple, rapid, and efficient generation of human neurons in a controlled manner.


Existing protocols for the generation of neurons from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are often tedious in that they are multistep procedures involving the isolation and expansion of neural precursor cells, prior to terminal differentiation. In comparison to these time-consuming approaches, we have recently found that combined inhibition of three signaling pathways, TGFβ/SMAD2, BMP/SMAD1, and FGF/ERK, promotes rapid induction of neuroectoderm from hPSCs, followed by immediate differentiation into functional neurons. Here, we have adapted our procedure to a novel multititre plate format, to further enhance its reproducibility and to make it compatible with mid-throughput applications. It comprises four days of neuroectoderm formation in floating spheres (embryoid bodies), followed by a further four days of differentiation into neurons under adherent conditions. Most cells obtained with this protocol appear to be bipolar sensory neurons. Moreover, the procedure is highly efficient, does not require particular expert skills, and is based on a simple chemically defined medium with cost-efficient small molecules. Due to these features, the procedure may serve as a useful platform for further functional investigation as well as for cell-based screening approaches requiring human sensory neurons or neurons of any type.


hPSCs, comprising embryo-derived human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), are pluripotent meaning that they can give rise to various cell lineages in vitro 1-2. Numerous differentiated cell types have been derived from hESCs to date, supporting the notion that these cells present valuable tools for scientific research and cell-based screening approaches, and hold promise for cell-based therapeutics.

Neuronal differentiation protocols for hESCs are usually complex and time-consuming as they are often based on first inducing overall neural fate, followed by manual isolation of neural progenitors, and subsequent terminal differentiation into a given neuron type of interest3-6. In some regard, this complexity is not surprising and inevitable given that such state-of-the-art directed differentiation protocols tend to stepwise mimic early human development, which is in itself extremely complex. On the other hand, it may in part also reflect our lack of understanding of the underlying molecular processes, resulting in differentiation protocols that are still far from being fully optimized.

With regards to the conversion of undifferentiated hPSCs into neuroectoderm, Pera et al. found that suppression of BMP / SMAD1/5/8 signaling enhances neural induction of hESCs7. Moreover, inactivation of SMAD2/3 signaling has been shown to promote neuroectoderm formation8. Accordingly, combined inactivation of these two pathways tends to lead to more efficient neural induction of hPSCs4,9. More recently, we have shown that a third signaling pathway, FGF/ERK, serves as a strong repressor of the earliest steps of neuroectodermal commitment in hESCs. Conversely, simultaneous repression of all these three pathways lead to near-homogeneous conversion of hESCs into neuroectoderm within just four days10. Subsequently, highly efficient terminal differentiation into functional neurons was observed within eight days. The neurons obtained were likely to be sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system, which may in part explain their rapid derivation10. Defects in sensory neuron maintenance is regarded a cause of certain human disorders such as familial dysautonomia11. For modeling such diseases based on hiPSC technology12, for further functional characterization, as well as for applied purposes not requiring any particular type of neurons, this differentiation procedure may present a useful basis.

However, the differentiation strategy we originally employed involved formation of embryonic bodies (EBs) from clumps of hESC colonies10, and this resulted in quite a degree of heterogeneity regarding EB sizes, and also appeared to compromise neuron formation efficiency in some cell lines. Moreover, due to the heterogeneity in EB sizes, the ability to systematically test effects of additional growth factors or small molecules during and after neuron formation appeared to be somewhat confounded.

In this report, we adapted our previous procedure to a medium throughput-compatible, forced aggregation-based technique to generate EBs in a highly size-controlled manner, as also shown in other contexts13. Subsequently, the EBs generated in V-shaped wells of 96-well plates were transferred to U-shaped ultra-low attachment 96-well plates, to initiate neuroectoderm formation in suspension. Four days later, the EBs could be plated out giving rise to terminally differentiated neurons at high efficiency and homogeneity. Alternatively, day-4 EBs were dissociated into single cells and plated out as such, which resulted in low-density monolayers of human neurons. Coherent results were thus far obtained with two independently derived hESC lines, HuES6 and NCL3.

As a prerequisite, successful EB formation was strictly dependent on the use of a synthetic polymer, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), together with ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 known to promote hESC survival13-14. As a result, homogeneity of the EBs formed in 96-V-plates was substantially enhanced compared to formation of EBs as mass cultures based on random splitting techniques. This system thus provides a significantly improved platform for neuroectoderm formation in suspension culture, followed by highly controlled neuron formation under adherent conditions.


1. Preparation of Matrigel-coated Plates and Media Preparation of Matrigel-coated plates Matrigel has been found to be a preferred substrate for the attachment of differentiating EBs and also promotes the efficient outgrowth of neurons from these10. Thaw 10 ml of Matrigel overnight on ice. Next day, dilute the jelly-like Matrigel with two volumes of ice-cold DMEM/F-12 and prepare aliquots of 1 ml in prechilled 15 ml conical tubes which may be stored frozen …

Representative Results

In our previous report, in line with many others, EBs from hPSCs could be generated simply by replating aggregates upon routine splitting of hPSCs into low-attachment dishes10. This usually results in a wide distribution of resulting EB sizes (Figure 1C, top). Another problem resulting from this is that EBs maintained in suspension tend to aggregate with one another, leading to an even higher heterogeneity of EB sizes. To circumvent these problems, we therefore attempted to generate EBs …


Most differentiation protocols involving EB formation from hPSCs, including our previously published procedure10, are based on manual or enzyme-assisted harvesting of hESCs as aggregates, which inevitably leads to heterogeneity in EB sizes. This fact leads to variability in differentiation efficiency with some cell lines, thereby rendering systematic analyses difficult, in particular at a medium throughput scale. Furthermore, manual dissection is labor-intensive which by itself compromises scalability.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded by the Max Planck Society.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments
Matrigel HC Becton Dickinson 354263 See text for details on handling
DMEM/F-12 Life Technologies 21331-020
Poly(vinyl alcohol) Sigma 363170 Dissolve at 0.4% in DMEM/F-12 using an ultrasonic waterbath / avoid overheating / can be kept at 4 °C for several weeks
N2 Supplement Life Technologies 17502-048 100X, store as frozen aliquots
B27 Supplement Life Technologies 12587-010 50X, store as frozen aliquots
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma A1595 10% = 500X, store as frozen aliquots
L-Glutamine with Penicillin / Streptomycin PAA P11-013 Or equivalent
FGF2 Peprotech 100-18B Dissolve at 10 μg/ml in 0.1% BSA / PBS = 1000X, store as frozen aliquots
ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 abcamBiochemicals Asc-129 Dissolve at 10 mM in DMSO = 1000X, store as frozen aliquots
PBS PAA H15-002 Or equivalent
Accutase PAA L11-007
96-well V-bottom plates Nunc 277143
PD0325901 Axon Medchem Axon 1408 Dissolve at 0.5 mM in DMSO = 1000X, store as frozen aliquots
SB431542 abcamBiochemicals Asc-163 dissolve at 15 mM in DMSO = 1000X, store as frozen aliquots
Dorsomorphin Santa Cruz sc-200689 dissolve at 0.5 mM in DMSO = 1000X, store as frozen aliquots
96-well U-bottom ultra-low attachment plates Corning 7007
beta-III Tubulin antibody (mouse) Sigma T8660 use at 1:1000
beta-III Tubulin antibody (rabbit) Covance PRB-435P use at 1:2000
BRN3A (POU4F1) antibody Santa Cruz sc-8429 use at 1:500
Table 1. Specific reagents and equipment.


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Zhang, M., Schöler, H. R., Greber, B. Rapid and Efficient Generation of Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in a Multititre Plate Format. J. Vis. Exp. (73), e4335, doi:10.3791/4335 (2013).

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