
Synthesis of Cd-free InP/ZnS Quantum Dots Suitable for Biomedical Applications

Published: February 06, 2016


In this protocol, the synthesis of Cd-free InP/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) is detailed. InP-based QDs are gaining popularity due to the toxicity of Cd2+ ions that may be released through nanoparticle degradation. After synthesis, QDs are solubilized in water using an amphiphilic polymer for use in biomedical applications.


Fluorescent nanocrystals, specifically quantum dots, have been a useful tool for many biomedical applications. For successful use in biological systems, quantum dots should be highly fluorescent and small/monodisperse in size. While commonly used cadmium-based quantum dots possess these qualities, they are potentially toxic due to the possible release of Cd2+ ions through nanoparticle degradation. Indium-based quantum dots, specifically InP/ZnS, have recently been explored as a viable alternative to cadmium-based quantum dots due to their relatively similar fluorescence characteristics and size. The synthesis presented here uses standard hot-injection techniques for effective nanoparticle growth; however, nanoparticle properties such as size, emission wavelength, and emission intensity can drastically change due to small changes in the reaction conditions. Therefore, reaction conditions such temperature, reaction duration, and precursor concentration should be maintained precisely to yield reproducible products. Because quantum dots are not inherently soluble in aqueous solutions, they must also undergo surface modification to impart solubility in water. In this protocol, an amphiphilic polymer is used to interact with both hydrophobic ligands on the quantum dot surface and bulk solvent water molecules. Here, a detailed protocol is provided for the synthesis of highly fluorescent InP/ZnS quantum dots that are suitable for use in biomedical applications.


Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconducting nanocrystals that exhibit fluorescent properties when irradiated with light1. Due to their small size (2-5 nm), which is similar to many larger biomolecules, and ease of biofunctionalization, QDs are an extremely attractive tool for biomedical applications. They have found use in biological labeling, single-molecule live-cell imaging, drug delivery, in vivo imaging, pathogen detection, and cell tracking, among many other uses2-8.

Cd-based QDs have been most commonly used in biomedical applications because of their intense fluorescence and narrow emission peak widths9. However, concerns have been raised due to potential toxicity of Cd2+ ions10 that may be released through degradation of the nanoparticle. Recently, InP-based QDs have been explored as an alternative to Cd-based QDs because they maintain many fluorescence characteristics of Cd-based QDs and may be more biocompatible11. Cd-based QDs have been found to be significantly more toxic than InP-based QDs in in vitro assays at concentrations as low as 10 pM, after only 48 hr11.

The fluorescence emission color of QDs is size-tunable1. That is, as the size of the QD increases, the fluorescence emission is red-shifted. The size and size dispersity of the QD products can be modified by changing the temperature, reaction duration, or precursor concentration conditions during the reaction12. While the emission peak of InP QDs is typically broader and less intense than Cd-based QDs, InP QDs can be made in a large variety of colors designed to avoid spectral overlap, and are sufficiently intense for most biomedical applications12. The synthesis detailed in this protocol yields QDs with a red emission peak centered at 600 nm.

Several steps are taken after synthesis of the QD cores to maintain the optical integrity of the QDs and to make them compatible for biological applications. The surface of the QD core must be protected from oxidation or surface defects that may cause quenching; therefore, a ZnS shell is coated over the core to produce InP/ZnS (core/shell) QDs13. This coating has been shown to protect the photoluminescence of the QD product. The presence of zinc ions during InP QD synthesis has been shown to limit surface defects, as well as decrease size distribution12. Even with the presence of Zn2+ in the reaction medium, synthesis of InZnP are highly unlikely12. After coating, resulting InP/ZnS QDs are coated in hydrophobic ligands such as trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) or oleylamine12,14. An amphiphilic polymer can interact with hydrophobic ligands on the QD surface as well as bulk water molecules to impart water solubility15. Amphiphilic polymers with carboxylate chemical groups can be used as "chemical handles" to further functionalize the QDs.

This protocol details the synthesis and functionalization of water-soluble InP/ZnS QDs with very intense fluorescence emission and relatively small size-dispersity. These QDs are potentially less toxic than commonly used CdSe/ZnS QDs. Herein, the synthesis of InP/ZnS QDs provides a practical alternative to Cd-based QDs for biomedical applications.


1. Synthesis of Indium Phosphide/Zinc Sulfide (InP/ZnS) Quantum Dots Synthesis of Indium Phosphide (InP) Quantum Dot Cores Fit a 100 ml round bottom, 3-neck, flask with a 12-inch condenser. Add 30 ml oleylamine (OLA), 0.398 g indium (III) chloride (InCl3), 0.245 g zinc (II) chloride (ZnCl2) and stir while evacuating at RT using a vacuum for 1 hr. The solution should appear colorless with a white precipitate. Using a heating mantle with a thermocoup…

Representative Results

The uncoated InP cores do not demonstrate substantial visible fluorescence by eye. However, InP/ZnS (core/shell) quantum dots appear to fluoresce brightly by eye under UV irradiation. The fluorescence of InP/ZnS QDs was characterized using fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence spectrum of QDs in hexanes (Figure 1) excited at 533 nm demonstrates one major peak centered at 600 nm with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 73 nm. While absorbance (0.2) offset in <stro…


This protocol details the synthesis of highly fluorescent InP/ZnS QDs that can be used in many biological systems. The QD products synthesized here exhibited a single fluorescence emission peak centered at 600 nm with a FWHM of 73 nm (Figure 1), which is comparable to other previously described syntheses12. Reaction time and reaction temperature are extremely crucial steps due to their profound effect on QD synthesis quality and repeatability. After solubilization in water, the QDs were determ…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Department of Chemistry and the Graduate College at Missouri State University for their support of this project. We also acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research for use of their transmission electron microscope and carbon-coated grids.


Oleylamine Acros 129540010
Zinc (II) chloride Sigma 030-003-00-2
Indium (III) chloride Chem-Impex  24560
Tris(dimethylamino)phosphine Encompass 50-901-10500
1-dodecanethiol Acros 117625000
Hexanes Fisher Sci H292-4
Acetone TransChemical UN 1090
Zinc Stearate Aldrich Chem 307564-1KG
Tetrahydrofuran Acros 34845-0010
Molecular Water Fisher Sci BP2470-1
Poly(maleic anhyrdride-alt-1-tetradecene), 3-(dimethylamino)-1-propylamine derivative Sigma 90771-1G
Boric acid Fisher Sci BP168-500
Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate Fisher Sci BP175-500
Rhodamine B Aldrich Chem R95-3
Nitrogen gas Airgas UN1066
Trypan blue Thermo Sci SV30084.01
3 mL plastic Luer-lock syringe BD 309657
Luer-lock Needle Air-Tite 8300014471 4 inch, 22 gauge
50 mL polypropyene centrifuge tube Falcon 352098
250 mL centrifuge bottle Thermo Sci 05-562-23 Nalgene PPCO
5 mL centrifuge tubes Argos-Tech T2076
1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes Bio Plas 4150
0.1 μm Syringe filter Whatman 6786-1301 Puradisc 13 mm nylon filter
Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Unit Thermo Sci 69590 20,000 MWCO
Rotary Evaporator Heidolph
Centrifuge 5072 Eppendorf Swinging Bucket with 50 mL tube adapters
Lambda 650 UV/VIS Spectrometer Perkin Elmer UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
LS 55 Fluorescence Spectrometer Perkin Elmer Fluorometer
Axio Observer.A1 Zeiss epifluorescence microscope
AxioCam MRm Zeiss CCD Camera
Tecnai TF20 Microscope FEI Transmisison Electron Miscroscope
NanoBrook Omni DLS Brookhaven Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument


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Ellis, M. A., Grandinetti, G., Fichter, K. M. Synthesis of Cd-free InP/ZnS Quantum Dots Suitable for Biomedical Applications. J. Vis. Exp. (108), e53684, doi:10.3791/53684 (2016).

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