

Published: April 27, 2017






磁性纳米粒子在临床上用于磁共振成像(MRI)造影剂已经使用,其治疗应用不断扩大。例如,最近已经显示,标记的细胞可在体内使用的外部磁场在限定的注入1,2,3的部位和操作可被引导和/或保持。在再生医学中,它们可以被用于工程体外 4有组织的组织,包括血管组织5,6,7,8的骨和软骨9。




1.磁性设备的建设注意:用于细胞接种的装置取决于应用( 图1)。形成聚集体,细胞的数量被限制在2.5×10 5 /聚集体,所以磁性尖端必须非常薄(750微米直径)。种子的1.8厘米七分之二毫米厚的支架,磁体必须更大(直径3mm),并确保通过支架的孔中的细胞迁移。 与微磁体为聚集体形成的装置的结构( 图1A) 使通过铝?…

Representative Results

首先,聚集体可以单独使用微磁体通过沉积2.5×10 5个标记的干细胞( 图2A)形成的。这些单个聚集体(〜大小0.8毫米)然后可融合成由于连续的,磁感应融合较大的结构。例如,在成熟软骨的第8天,聚集体放置在对以形成双联体接触;四胞胎通过合并2个双重峰组装在第11天;最后,在第15天,将4四胞胎融合以形成包含最初形成的聚集体16的3D构建体,总4?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者要感谢QuinXell技术和CellD,特别是洛塔尔·格兰尼曼和多米尼克·霍兹伦他们用生物反应器的帮助。我们感谢凯瑟琳原我,谁用普鲁兰多糖/葡聚糖多糖支架为我们提供。这项工作是由欧盟(ERC-2014-COG项目马蒂斯648779)和由AgenceNationalede LA RECHERCHE(ANR),法国(MagStem项目ANR-11 SVSE5)的支持。


Iron  oxide (maghemite) nanoparticules ( γ-Fe2O3) PHENIX – University Paris 6 Made and given by C. Ménager Mean diameter of 8.1 nm and negative surface charge
Polysaccharide Pullulan/Dextran scaffolds LIOAD – University Nantes Made and given by C. Le Visage Prepared from a 75:25 mixture of pullulan/dextran in alkaline conditions (10M NaOH). Porosity: 185-205µm; Thickness: 7mm; Surface area: 1.8cm2.
TisXell Regeneration System QuinXell Technologies QX900-002 Biaxial bioreactor with 500 mL culture chamber 
Cage for scaffolds: Histosette II M492  VWR 720-0909
Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Lonza PT-2501 Three independant batches have been used
MSCGM BulletKit medium Lonza PT-3001 For the complete medium, add the provided BulletKit (containing serum, glutamine and antibiotics) to the MSCGM medium
DMEM with Glutamax I Life Technologies 31966-021 No sodium pyruvate, no HEPES
RPMI medium 1640, no Glutamine Life Technologies 31870-025 No sodium pyruvate, no HEPES
PBS w/o CaCl2 w/o MgCl2 Life Technologies 14190-094
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA (1x) Life Technologies 25300-054
Penicillin (10.000U/mL)/Streptomicin (10.000µg/mL) Life Technologies 15140-122
ITS Premix Universal Culture Supplement (20x) Corning 354352
Sodium pyruvate solution 100mM Sigma S8636
L-Ascorbic Acid 2-phosphate Sigma A8960 Prepare the concentrated solution (25 mM) in distilled water extemporaneously
L-Proline Sigma P5607 Prepare the 175 mM stock solution diluted in distilled water and store at 4°C
Dexamethasone Sigma D4902 Prepare the 1 mM stock solution diluted in Ethanol 100% and store at -20°C
TGF-beta 3 protein 10µg Interchim 30R-AT028
Tri-sodium citrate VWR 33615.268 Prepare the 1M stock solution diluted in distilled water and store at 4°C
Pullulanase from Bacillus acidopullulyticus Sigma P2986
Dextranase from Chaetomium erraticum Sigma D0443
NucleoSpin RNA Extraction Kit Macherey-Nagel 740955.5
SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase Life Technologies 18064-014
Random Primer – Hexamer  Promega C1181 500 µg/mL: Use diluted 1/2 and put 1 µL per sample
Recombinant RNAsin ribonuclease inhibitor Promega N2511 40 U/µL: put 1 µL per sample
PCR nucleotide dNTP mix (10mM each) Roche 10842321
SyBr Green PCR Master Mix Life Technologies 4368708
Step One Plus Real-Time PCR System Life Technologies 4381792
Formalin solution 10% neutral buffered Sigma HT5012
OCT solution VWR 361603E
Isopentane Sigma M32631
Toluidine blue O VWR 1.15930.0025
Ethanol absolute VWR 20821.310
Toluene VWR 1.08323.1000
Mounting medium Pertex Histolab 840
RPLP0 Primer for qPCR Eurogentec 5'-TGCATCAGTAC


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Van de Walle, A., Wilhelm, C., Luciani, N. 3D Magnetic Stem Cell Aggregation and Bioreactor Maturation for Cartilage Regeneration. J. Vis. Exp. (122), e55221, doi:10.3791/55221 (2017).

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