
A Gnotobiotic System for Studying Microbiome Assembly in the Phyllosphere and in Vegetable Fermentation

Published: June 03, 2020


A method of growing germ-free Napa cabbages has been developed which enables researchers to evaluate how single microbial species or multispecies microbial communities interact on cabbage leaf surfaces. A sterile vegetable extract is also presented which can be used to measure shifts in community composition during vegetable fermentation.


The phyllosphere, the above ground portion of the plant that can be colonized by microbes, is a useful model system to identify processes of microbial community assembly. This protocol outlines a system for studying microbial community dynamics in the phyllosphere of Napa cabbage plants. It describes how to grow germ-free plants in test tubes with a calcined clay and nutrient broth substrate. Inoculation of germ-free plants with specific microbial cultures provides opportunities to measure microbial growth and community dynamics in the phyllosphere. Through the use of sterile vegetable extract produced from cabbages shifts in microbial communities that occur during fermentation can also be assessed. This system is relatively simple and inexpensive to set up in the lab and can be used to address key ecological questions in microbial community assembly. It also provides opportunities to understand how phyllosphere community composition can impact the microbial diversity and quality of vegetable fermentations. This approach for developing gnotobiotic cabbage phyllosphere communities could be applied to other wild and agricultural plant species.


Microbial diversity of the phyllosphere plays an important role in maintaining plant health and can also influence the ability of plants to withstand environmental stress1,2,3,4,5. In turn, the health of crops directly impacts food safety and quality6,7. Plants play a role in ecosystem functioning and their associated microbiomes both affect the ability of plants to carry out these activities as well as directly influencing the environment themselves8. While scientists have begun to decipher the function and composition of the phyllosphere, the ecological processes that influence phyllosphere microbial community assembly are not fully understood9,10. The phyllosphere microbiome is an excellent experimental system for studying the ecology of microbiomes11. These communities are relatively simple and many of the community members can be grown on standard lab media10,12,13.

Fermented vegetables are one system where the community structure of the phyllosphere has important consequences. In both sauerkraut and kimchi, the microbes that naturally occur on vegetable leaves (the phyllosphere of Brassica species) serves as the inoculum for fermentation14,15. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered ubiquitous members of vegetable microbiomes, however they can be in low abundance in the phyllosphere16. Strong abiotic selection during fermentation drives a shift in microbial community composition enabling lactic acid bacteria to increase in abundance. As LAB grow, they produce lactic acid which creates the acidic environment of fermented vegetable products17. The link between the phyllosphere and the ferment provides an opportunity to use vegetables as a model to understand how microbiomes are structured.

We have developed methods to grow germ-free Napa cabbages and to inoculate them with specific microbial communities using spray bottles. This is an inexpensive and reliable method of evenly inoculating the cabbage with either individual microbes or mixed communities. A sterile vegetable extract (SVE) has also been developed from three different cabbage types/varieties: red and green cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and Napa cabbage (B. rapa). The addition of salt to these SVEs replicates the fermentation environment and allows for small-scale and relatively high-throughput experimental studies of fermentation microbiome assembly. These methods can be used to study microbial community assembly in the phyllosphere and how microbial community dynamics in the phyllosphere can be linked to the success of vegetable fermentation.


1. Growing germ-free cabbages Preparing equipment for growing germ-free cabbages Cleaning the calcined clay to remove fine dust particles Rinse calcined clay (Table of Materials) at least 3x with tap water; drain off water. CAUTION: Calcined clay produces very fine dust and it is recommended to wear a protective mask (Table of Materials) when washing. Spread calcined clay out as a thin layer (~4 cm) into an autoclave tray and aut…

Representative Results

Growth rates of Napa cabbages The seed sterilization method was tested with several different Napa cabbages (B. rapa var pekinese; Supplemental Figure 1) from a number of different suppliers and all grew consistently with similar growth rates. However, testing the methods with different species of Brassica (B. rapa: Turnip Purple Top; B. oleracea: Cairo Hybrid, Tropic Giant Hybrid; B. campestris: Pak Choi…


Germ-free Napa cabbage plants have been used to study dispersal limitation of lactic acid bacteria in the Napa cabbage phyllosphere17. Germ-free Napa cabbages can also be used to test individual or pair-wise growth in the phyllosphere (Figure 1). Methods for making sterile vegetable extract has been tested for three different varieties of cabbage: red, green and Napa. Each of these SVEs act as a reliable growth media; inoculated microbes grow consistently across the d…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the USDA-NIFA grant: 2017-67013-26520. Tracy Debenport and Claire Fogan provided technical support and Ruby Ye and Casey Cosetta provide helpful comments on early versions of this manuscript.


1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes VWR 20170-650
15 mL conical tubes Falcon 352096
7-way tray tray Sigma Magenta T8654
Amber Round Boston Glass Bottle GPS 712OZSPPK12BR Ordered on from various suppliers
Basket coffee filters If you care (unbleached paper) Purchased from Wholefoods
Bleach (mercury-free) Austin's 50-010-45
Borosilicate Glass tubes VWR 47729-586
Calcined clay Turface MVP Ordered on from Root Naturally 6 Quart Bags. Particle size approximately 3-5 mm
Cuisinart blender Cuisinart Cuisinart Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor, 3-Cup
Dissection scissors 7-389-A American Educational Products Ordered on
Ethanol VWR 89125-172
Forceps Aven 18434 Ordered on
Glycerol Fisher Scientific 56-81-5
KleenGuard M10 Kimberley-Clark 64240
Large plastic container Rubbermaid Ordered on
Light racks Gardner's Supply 39-357 full-spectrum T5 fluorescent bulbs
Magenta tm 2-way caps Millipore Sigma C1934
Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe Fisher Scientific DF0881-17-5 This media is for broth and 15 g of agar is added to make plates
Micro pH probe Thermo Scientific 8220BNWP
Micropestle Carolina 215828 Also called Pellet Pestle
MS nutrient broth Millipore Sigma M5519 Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium
NaCl Sigma Aldrich S9888
Napa cabbage seeds Johnny's Select Seeds 2814G B. rapa var pekinensis (Bilko)
Petri dish 100 mm x 15 mm Fisher FB0875712 Used to make agar plates
Phosphate buffer saline Fisher Scientific 50-842-941 Teknova
Plant tissue culture box Sigma Magenta GA-7
Serologial pipettes VWR 89130-900
Sterile dowel Puritan 10805-018 Autoclave before use to sterilize
Sterilizing 0.2 µm filter Nalgene 974103
Tryptic soy agar Fisher Scientific DF0370-17-3 This media is for broth and 15 g of agar is added to make plates
Wide orifice pipette tips Rainin 17007102
Yeast, peptone and dextrose Fisher Scientific DF0428-17-5 This media is suitable but media can also be made using yeast, peptone and dextrose, add 15 g of agar when making plates


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Miller, E. R., O’Mara Schwartz, J., Cox, G., Wolfe, B. E. A Gnotobiotic System for Studying Microbiome Assembly in the Phyllosphere and in Vegetable Fermentation. J. Vis. Exp. (160), e61149, doi:10.3791/61149 (2020).

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