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Chapter 4

Introduction to Separation Methods

Chapter 4

Introduction to Separation Methods

The internal energy of a substance—the total kinetic energy of all its molecules and the potential energy of their associated forces—depends …
Distillation is a separation technique that takes advantage of the boiling point properties of disparate elements in a mixture. To perform distillation, …
Recrystallization is a purification technique used to separate impurities from solid compounds. In this technique, no chemical reactions occur. Instead, …
Crystallization is a phase transformation process in which crystals are precipitated from a supersaturated solution or formed from other sources. During …
The distribution law or Nernst's distribution law is the law that governs the distribution of a solute between two immiscible solvents. This law, also …
Chromatography is a technique used to separate compounds based on differences of partitioning between two phases, the stationary phase and the mobile …
Filtration is the physical separation of solids from a fluid using a filtration medium. The filtration medium is chosen depending on the purpose of …
Centrifugation is a method of separating suspended particles from a liquid by spinning in a centrifuge at a high number of revolutions per minute. …
Sublimation is the direct phase transformation from the solid to the gaseous phase, bypassing the liquid state. For example, solid carbon dioxide, or dry …
Precipitation and coprecipitation techniques can be applied to separate a mixture of ions. When different ions form sparingly soluble salts with the same …
Coagulation is the agglomeration of colloidal particles to form larger aggregates. This technique is applied to purify wastewater containing suspended …
During electrodeposition, ions are separated from a solution by deposition on an electrode in an electrolytic cell. While reduction occurs at the cathode …
Consider a weak base,  B, with a partition coefficient, K, between the organic and aqueous phases.   While organic bases are usually more …
Metal ions can be separated by complexation with organic ligands to form uncharged chelates. The chelating agent must contain hydrophobic groups and …
Dialysis separates desired analyte ions or molecules from unwanted molecules, or 'interferents', by allowing the sample solution to diffuse …
Volatilization separates a desired component, known as an analyte, from the other compounds in a sample by converting it to a volatile species through …
Ion exchange separates charged molecules from a solution by reversibly exchanging them with mobile, or 'active', ions associated with the …