
An Experimental and Finite Element Protocol to Investigate the Transport of Neutral and Charged Solutes across Articular Cartilage

Published: April 23, 2017


We propose a protocol to investigate the transport of charged and uncharged molecules across articular cartilage with the aid of recently developed experimental and numerical methods.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating disease that is associated with degeneration of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Degeneration of articular cartilage impairs its load-bearing function substantially as it experiences tremendous chemical degradation, i.e. proteoglycan loss and collagen fibril disruption. One promising way to investigate chemical damage mechanisms during OA is to expose the cartilage specimens to an external solute and monitor the diffusion of the molecules. The degree of cartilage damage (i.e. concentration and configuration of essential macromolecules) is associated with collisional energy loss of external solutes while moving across articular cartilage creates different diffusion characteristics compared to healthy cartilage. In this study, we introduce a protocol, which consists of several steps and is based on previously developed experimental micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) and finite element modeling. The transport of charged and uncharged iodinated molecules is first recorded using micro-CT, which is followed by applying biphasic-solute and multiphasic finite element models to obtain diffusion coefficients and fixed charge densities across cartilage zones.


Molecular transport plays a vital role in the homeostasis of articulating joints, delivery of therapeutics to articular cartilage and contrast-enhanced cartilage imaging 1,2,3. Factors such as cartilage integration and intactness, solute charge and size as well as osmolality and concentration of bath in contact with cartilage may influence the transport rate 4,5,6. The transport of solutes, either neutral or charged, can be different between articular cartilage zones, because each zone consists of different concentrations and orientations of major extracellular matrix molecules, namely proteoglycans (PGs) and collagen type II 1,7,8,9,10,11. More importantly, the transport of charged solutes can be highly dependent on the concentration of proteoglycans comprising negative fixed charges within the extracellular matrix which increases across articular cartilage 8,9. Those parameters particularly fixed charge density (FCD), orientation of collagen fibrils and water content variation across cartilage may undergo alterations as osteoarthritis (OA) progresses, thereby signifying the importance of studying diffusion across cartilage.

In the current study, a protocol based on previously established experimental and computational studies 6,8,9 is proposed to accurately investigate diffusion under various boundary conditions using neutral and charged solutes in a finite-bath model of diffusion. The proposed methods are composed of micro-Computed Tomography imaging (micro-CT) of a system including cartilage and a finite-bath supported by advanced biphasic-solute and multiphasic finite element models. These models enable obtaining the diffusion coefficients of neutral and charged molecules as well as FCDs across various zones of articular cartilage. Using these models, one can gain better understanding of the behavior of the diffusing neutral and charged molecules that could be used to investigate the interactions between cartilage and overlaying finite-bath.


NOTE: The protocol presented here is adopted from the experimental and computational procedures of recent research papers 6,8,9. The protocol is illustrated in Figure 1. The cadaveric materials were collected with permission from veterinary faculty of Utrecht University. 1. Sample and Bath Preparation Drill out cylindrical osteochon…

Representative Results

The representative results provided here are adopted from previous research papers 6,8,9,16. In OA, articular cartilage undergoes significant changes most importantly GAG loss, and collagen fibril damage 17,18,19</s…


We presented an experimental protocol combined with a finite element modeling procedure to study the diffusion of neutral and charged solutes across articular cartilage. According to our recent studies, the proposed models could accurately describe the transport of both neutral (biphasic-solute) and negatively charged (multiphasic) solutes across different zones of articular cartilage 8,9. It is widely believed that articular cartilage becomes functionally limite…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Jeroen van den Berg and Mr. Matthijs Wassink from the development mechanics group at UMC Utrecht for their help in wrapping process of the osteochondral plugs. This work was supported by a Grant from Dutch Arthritis Foundation.


Hexabrix Guerbet 15HX005D Negatively charged contrast agent
Visipaque GE healthcare 12570511 Nuetral contrast agent
PBS Life technologies 10010023 Medium
micro-CT Perkin Elmer Monitoring diffusion
Freezing-point osmometer Advanced instruments Measuring solution osmolality


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Arbabi, V., Pouran, B., Zadpoor, A. A., Weinans, H. An Experimental and Finite Element Protocol to Investigate the Transport of Neutral and Charged Solutes across Articular Cartilage. J. Vis. Exp. (122), e54984, doi:10.3791/54984 (2017).

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