
Specific Labeling of Mitochondrial Nucleoids for Time-lapse Structured Illumination Microscopy

Published: June 04, 2020


The protocol describes specific labeling of mitochondrial nucleoids with a commercially available DNA gel stain, acquisition of time lapse series of live labeled cells by super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM), and automatic tracking of nucleoid motion.


Mitochondrial nucleoids are compact particles formed by mitochondrial DNA molecules coated with proteins. Mitochondrial DNA encodes tRNAs, rRNAs, and several essential mitochondrial polypeptides. Mitochondrial nucleoids divide and distribute within the dynamic mitochondrial network that undergoes fission/fusion and other morphological changes. High resolution live fluorescence microscopy is a straightforward technique to characterize a nucleoid's position and motion. For this technique, nucleoids are commonly labeled through fluorescent tags of their protein components, namely transcription factor a (TFAM). However, this strategy needs overexpression of a fluorescent protein-tagged construct, which may cause artifacts (reported for TFAM), and is not feasible in many cases. Organic DNA-binding dyes do not have these disadvantages. However, they always show staining of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs, thus lacking specificity to mitochondrial nucleoids. By taking into account the physico-chemical properties of such dyes, we selected a nucleic acid gel stain (SYBR Gold) and achieved preferential labeling of mitochondrial nucleoids in live cells. Properties of the dye, particularly its high brightness upon binding to DNA, permit subsequent quantification of mitochondrial nucleoid motion using time series of super-resolution structured illumination images.


Circular 16.5 kbp DNA molecules constitute the genetic material of mitochondria, encoding 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, and 13 polypeptides needed for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Mitochondrial DNA bound to mitochondrial transcription factor a (TFAM) and several other proteins form the mitochondrial nucleoids1,2,3,4. Mitochondrial nucleoids moveand redistribute between the components of the mitochondrial network5,6 during its morphological remodeling, fission or fusion depending on cell cycle phase, stress, and other factors (reviewed in Pernas et al.7). In addition, the motion of mitochondrial nucleoids, is implicated in systemic lupus erythematosus disease8 and may play a role in other diseases. Fluorescence microscopy is a straightforward technique for live-cell studies of organelles, but the technique has a resolution of >200 nm, which is larger than the size of mitochondrial nucleoids (~100 nm9,10,11,12). This limit has been circumvented by so called "super-resolution" techniques, such as stimulated emission depletion (STED) and single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM)13,14. So far, mitochondrial nucleoids and other DNAs were imaged in live cells by direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM)15. Fine sub-mitochondrial structures with positions correlating with mtDNA were observed by STED in live cells16. However, these super-resolution techniques require high illumination intensity, which causes phototoxic effects on living cells17. Therefore, time lapse imaging of mitochondrial nucleoids with resolution beyond diffraction limit is challenging. To address this, we used super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM)18. SIM requires a much lower illumination power dose than STED and SMLM19. Furthermore, in contrast to STED and SMLM techniques, SIM permits straightforward multicolor three-dimensional (3D) imaging, and it does not require particular photophysical properties of the fluorophores or imaging buffer composition19.

The conventional strategy for labeling mitochondrial nucleoids in live cells is fluorescent tagging of a mitochondrial nucleoid protein, such as TFAM20. However, in many cases, this strategy is not suitable. Moreover, overexpression of fluorescent protein-tagged TFAM produces a serious artifact21. Labeling of DNA with organic dyes has advantages over a fluorescent protein (FP)-based strategy. Organic dyes are free of constrains related to FP tagging: they can be used for any type of cells or tissueand can beapplied at any time point of an experiment. Live cell imaging of mitochondrial nucleoids has been reported with several DNA-binding dyes: DAPI22, SYBR Green23, Vybrant DyeCycle24, and picoGreen15,25,26. A substantial drawback of most DNA-binding dyes for nucleoid labeling is that they stain all DNA within the cell. Targeting a dye solely to mitochondrial DNA is highly desirable. To achieve that, careful selection of a dye possessing suitable physico-chemical properties is necessary. Lipophilic dyes possessing delocalized positive charge, such as rhodamine 123, are known to accumulate in live mitochondria, which preserve their negative membrane potential. In addition, an ideal dye for specific labeling of mitochondrial nucleoids should bind DNA with high affinity and emit bright fluorescence upon DNA binding. Considering these requirements, certain cyanines are promising (e.g., picoGreen), but nuclear DNA is abundantly stained by these dyes simultaneously with mitochondrial DNA15,25,26. The present protocol describes specific labeling of mitochondrial nucleoids in live cells with another cyanine dye, SYBR Gold (SG), and tracking of the nucleoids in time lapse super-resolution SIM videos. Moreover, SG-stained live cells can be imaged by any type of inverted fluorescent microscope (confocal, spinning disk, epifluorescence, etc.) suitable for living cells and equipped with a 488 nm light source.


NOTE: All the cell lines mentioned here were cultured in high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin, and pyruvate. Equilibrate all media and supplements to be used on the day of labeling and imaging by warming them up to 37 °C in an incubator set to 5% CO2. All cell culture work including labeling takes place in sterile conditions under a laminar flow hood. 1. L…

Representative Results

Characterization of live cell labeling with SG First, the distribution of SG in the cells upon incubation with the dye at various dilutions was characterized by confocal microscopy. After incubation with high concentrations of SG or picoGreen, both dyes mostly labeled the nuclei and showed a punctate staining in the cytoplasm (Figure 1), similarly to published data for another positively charged cyanine dye (i.e., picoGreen)<sup class="…


There are several critical components to the protocol: To achieve preferential labeling of mitochondrial DNA, the concentration of the DNA binding dye during incubation should be kept very low (e.g., a 1:10,000 dilution of a typical commercial stock), and the incubation time should be 30 min. The incubation time should never exceed 1 h. SYBR Gold dye should be used; other DNA-binding dyes are not bright enough to generate a strong signal upon labeling at a low concentration.

The limitation of …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors acknowledge Asifa Akhtar and Angelika Rambold (both Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics) for providing HeLa cells.


Elyra PS1 Carl Zeiss multi-modal super-resolution microscope containing module for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM)
high glucose DMEM GIBCO/ThermoFisher 31966021
ibidi 35-mm dish, glass bottom Ibidi Gmbh 81158
ibidi 8-well microSlide, glass bottom Ibidi Gmbh 80827
Imaris 8.4.1 Bitplane/Oxford Instruments image porcessing and visualisation software package
iXon 885 Andor Technologies EMCCD camera with back-illuminated sensor
LSM880 Airyscan Carl Zeiss laser scanning confocal microscope with array detector
Mitotracker CMXRos Red ThermoFischer M7512 red live cell mitochondrial stain
Mitotracker Deep Red FM ThermoFischer M22426 far red live cell mitochondrial stain
picoGreen ThermoFischer P7581 cell permeant DNA stain
Plan Apochromat 100x/1.46 Oil objective Carl Zeiss
SYBR Gold ThermoFischer S11494 cell permeant DNA stain
Zen Black 2012 software Carl Zeiss image acquisition and processing software


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Jevtic, V., Kindle, P., Avilov, S. V. Specific Labeling of Mitochondrial Nucleoids for Time-lapse Structured Illumination Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (160), e60003, doi:10.3791/60003 (2020).

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