

Published: January 21, 2020









凋亡是一种由各种外源性刺激和内源性刺激触发的固有细胞自杀程序。协调凋亡对许多生物系统至关重要18,19,它一直与海参的肠道回归在9年。为了研究感兴趣的生物体的凋亡过程,已经建立了一系列方法,包括Hoechst染色和显微镜检测,并成功地应用了20个。在这里,我们在海参原生培养的肠道细胞中进行了凋亡诱导和检测,以评估原生细胞在海洋无脊椎动物生物学研究中的可用性。地马酮是常用的合成糖皮质激素21,用于诱导海参培养肠道细胞凋亡,荧光显微镜在染色细胞中成功检测到显著的Hoechst 33258信号。


1. 细胞培养培养培养准备 凝液制备 口管液收集:在无菌条件下,解剖健康的海参(湿重85-105克),收集凝血液,并将其储存在无菌玻璃瓶中。 细胞切除:在50 mL离心管中将胶质液在1,700 x g下离心5分钟,并将上清液转移到新的无菌玻璃瓶中;接下来,收集海参的无细胞凝血液。 补充组件失活:在40~50°C水?…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.1 μm filter Millipore SLVV033RS
0.22 μm filter Millipore SLGP033RB
0.25% Trypsin Genom GNM25200
100 μm filter Falcon 352360
4 cm dishes ExCell Bio CS016-0124
4% paraformaldehyde solution Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 80096618 in PBS
Benchtop Centrifuges Beckman Allegra X-30R
BeyoClick EdU-488 kit Beyotime C0071S
CaCl2 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 10005817
Constant temperature incubator Lucky Riptile HN-3
Dexamethasone Sinopharm Chemical Reagent XW00500221
Electric thermostatic water bath senxin17 DK-S28
Ethanol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 80176961 75%
Fibroblast Growth Factor(FGF) PEPROTECH 100-18B
Fluorescent microscope Leica DMI3000B DMI3000B
Garamycin Sinopharm Chemical Reagent XW14054101
Glucose Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 63005518
Hoechst33258 Staining solution Beyotime C1017
Insulin Sinopharm Chemical Reagent XW1106168001
Insulin like Growth Factor(IGF) PEPROTECH 100-11
KCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 10016308
Leibovitz's L-15 Genom GNM41300
L-glutamine (100 mg/mL) Genom GNM-21051
MgCl2 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent XW77863031
Na2SO4 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 10020518
NaCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 10019308
NaOH Sinopharm Chemical Reagent 10019718
PBS Solarbio P1020 pH7.2-7.4
Penicillin-Streptomycin Genom GNM15140
PH meter Bante A120
Taurine SIGMA T0625
VE Seebio 185791


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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Wang, T., Chen, X., Xu, K., Zhang, B., Huang, D., Yang, J. Apoptosis Induction and Detection in a Primary Culture of Sea Cucumber Intestinal Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (155), e60557, doi:10.3791/60557 (2020).

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