
Profiling of the Human Natural Killer Cell Receptor-Ligand Repertoire

Published: November 19, 2020


Here we design two complementary mass cytometry (CyTOF) panels and optimize a CyTOF staining protocol with the aim of profiling the natural killer cell receptor and ligand repertoire in the setting of viral infections.


Natural killer (NK) cells are among the first responders to viral infections. The ability of NK cells to rapidly recognize and kill virally infected cells is regulated by their expression of germline-encoded inhibitory and activating receptors. The engagement of these receptors by their cognate ligands on target cells determines whether the intercellular interaction will result in NK cell killing. This protocol details the design and optimization of two complementary mass cytometry (CyTOF) panels. One panel was designed to phenotype NK cells based on receptor expression. The other panel was designed to interrogate expression of known ligands for NK cell receptors on several immune cell subsets. Together, these two panels allow for the profiling of the human NK cell receptor-ligand repertoire. Furthermore, this protocol also details the process by which we stain samples for CyTOF. This process has been optimized for improved reproducibility and standardization. An advantage of CyTOF is its ability to measure over 40 markers in each panel, with minimal signal overlap, allowing researchers to capture the breadth of the NK cell receptor-ligand repertoire. Palladium barcoding also reduces inter-sample variation, as well as consumption of reagents, making it easier to stain samples with each panel in parallel. Limitations of this protocol include the relatively low throughput of CyTOF and the inability to recover cells after analysis. These panels were designed for the analysis of clinical samples from patients suffering from acute and chronic viral infections, including dengue virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and influenza. However, they can be utilized in any setting to investigate the human NK cell receptor-ligand repertoire. Importantly, these methods can be applied broadly to the design and execution of future CyTOF panels.


Natural killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells whose primary role is to target and kill malignant, infected, or otherwise stressed cells. Through their secretion of cytokines such as IFNγ and TNFα, as well as their cytotoxic activity, NK cells can also shape the adaptive immune response to pathogens and malignancies. The NK response is mediated in part by the combinatorial signaling of germline-encoded inhibitory and activating receptors, which bind a myriad of ligands expressed on potential target cells. Several NK cell receptors have more than one ligand with new receptor-ligand pairs being identified regularly.

There is a particular interest in studying NK cells in the context of viral infections, where their ability to rapidly respond to stressed cells may limit viral spread or promote the development of NK cell evasion strategies. This interest in NK cell biology extends to the field of cancer immunotherapy where researchers are investigating the role of NK cells in tumor immunosurveillance and in the tumor microenvironment1. However, the ability to profile NK cell-target cell interactions is complicated by the fact that human NK cells can express over 30 receptors which in turn can interact with over 30 known ligands2. The simultaneous detection of multiple NK cell receptors and their cognate ligands is, therefore, necessary to capture the complexity of the receptor-ligand interactions that control NK function. Consequently, we turned to mass cytometry (CyTOF), which allows for the simultaneous detection of over 40 markers at the single cell level. Our goal was to create two CyTOF panels to profile the NK cell receptor-ligand repertoire. We also wanted to design a protocol for effective processing and staining of clinical samples. Clinical human samples provide a wealth of information on how the body responds to viral infection. Therefore, we developed this protocol to investigate expression of NK cell receptors and their cognate ligands in parallel for better standardization, improved recovery, reduced reagent consumption, and limited batch effects.

Several flow cytometry panels designed to characterize the phenotype of human NK cells have been published previously3,4,5,6,7,8. Most of these panels are limited in their ability to capture the breadth of the receptor-ligand repertoire, only allowing for the detection of a limited selection of markers. Moreover, these panels are limited by signal overlap between fluorochromes. CyTOF uses antibodies conjugated to metal isotopes, which are read out by time-of-flight mass spectrometry, thus dramatically reducing spillover between channels.

Like us, other researchers have turned to CyTOF to study NK cells9,10,11,12,13,14, though generally with fewer NK cell markers, which reduces the depth of phenotyping. While the general staining protocols used by these groups are similar to ours, there are some key differences. Other protocols do not involve isolating NK cells prior to staining even though the researchers are only interested in that subset13,14. Given that NK cells only make up 5-20% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), staining whole PBMCs rather than isolated NK cells means that most of the collected events will not be NK cells. This reduces the amount of data generated on the subset of interest and results in inefficient use of machine time. Additionally, while many of these panels interrogate expression of NK cell receptors such as killer Ig-like receptors (KIRs), NKG2A/C/D, and the natural cytotoxicity receptors (NKp30, NKp44, and NKp46), expression of these markers is not put into a broader context due to the absence of data on expression of their respective ligands. Consequently, while these previously published methods for investigating NK cells via CyTOF are sufficient for broad NK cell phenotyping, used in isolation, they cannot provide a comprehensive picture of NK cell activity. This brings us to the major advantage of the methods described here, which is that up to this point there are no published flow cytometry or CyTOF panels focused on exploring the expression of ligands for NK cell receptors. Importantly, our ligand panel has several open channels to allow for the addition of markers to suit the unique needs of each experiment.

Considering that one of the main limitations of CyTOF is the inability to recover the sample after analysis, this method may not be appropriate for researchers who have limited samples with which they are interested in performing additional experiments. Additionally, the low throughput nature of CyTOF means that the data generated will be of poor quality if the starting number of cells is low. Barring these two limitations, this method will perform well in any setting to investigate receptor-ligand interactions between NK cells and target cells.


Anonymized healthy adult PBMCs were obtained from leukoreduction system chambers purchased from the Stanford Blood Center. PBMCs from de-identified healthy pediatric donors and pediatric acute dengue patients were obtained from Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies in Panama City, Panama and hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health, the Social Security System in Panama City, and suburban areas. The dengue study protocol was approved by the IRB of Hospital del Niño (CBIHN-M-0634), then approved by the comm…

Representative Results

Antibodies were conjugated to metal isotopes using commercially available labeling kits, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Antibody clones were validated by flow cytometry and mass cytometry prior to use in this panel. An initial list of clones was selected based on review of the literature and antibody availability. The expression levels of some ligands for NK cell receptors are low or undetectable on healthy PBMCs. Therefore, positive staining for some antibodies was val…


Here we describe the design and application of two complimentary CyTOF panels aimed at profiling the NK cell receptor-ligand repertoire. This protocol includes several steps that are critical to obtaining quality data. CyTOF uses heavy metal ions, rather than fluorochromes, as label probes for antibodies19. This technology is therefore subject to potential contaminating signals from environmental metals20. Potential sources of metal impurities include laboratory dish soap (…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank all current and former members of the Blish Laboratory who contributed to this panel. Thank you to the AIDS Clinical Trials Group and the ACTG A5321 team as well as Dr. Sandra López-Vergès and Davis Beltrán at Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies for sample curation. Finally, thank you to Michael Leipold, Holden Maecker, and the Stanford Human Immune Monitoring Center for use of their Helios machines. This work was supported by NIH U19AI057229, NIH R21 AI135287, NIH R21 AI130532, NIH DP1 DA046089, and Burroughs Wellcome Fund Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases #1016687 to CB, NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional National Research Service Award T32 AI007502, TL1 TR001084 and NIH/NIAID K08 AI138640 to EV, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship DGE-1656518 to JM and NIH training grant T32-AI-007290 (PI Olivia Martinez). The ACTG study received grant support from AI-68634 (Statistical and Data Management Center), UM1-A1-26617, AI-131798, and AI-68636 (ACTG). CB is the Tashia and John Morgridge Faculty Scholar in Pediatric Translational Medicine from the Stanford Maternal Child Health Research Institute and an Investigator of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.


89Y Sigma-Aldrich 204919
102-Palladium nitrate Trace Sciences International Special Order
104-Palladium nitrate Trace Sciences International Special Order
106-Palladium nitrate Trace Sciences International Special Order
108-Palladium nitrate Trace Sciences International Special Order
115In Trace Sciences International Special Order
141Pr Fluidigm 201141A
142Nd Fluidigm 201142A
143Nd Fluidigm 201143A
144Nd Fluidigm 201144A
145Nd Fluidigm 201145A
146Nd Fluidigm 201146A
147Sm Fluidigm 201147A
148Nd Fluidigm 201148A
149Sm Fluidigm 201149A
150Nd Fluidigm 201150A
151Eu Fluidigm 201151A
152Sm Fluidigm 201152A
153Eu Fluidigm 201153A
154Sm Fluidigm 201154A
155Gd Fluidigm 201155A
156Gd Fluidigm 201156A
157Gd Trace Sciences International N/A
158Gd Fluidigm 201158A
159Tb Fluidigm 201159A
160Gd Fluidigm 201160A
161Dy Fluidigm 201161A
162Dy Fluidigm 201162A
163Dy Fluidigm 201163A
164Dy Fluidigm 201164A
165Ho Fluidigm 201165A
166Er Fluidigm 201166A
167Er Fluidigm 201167A
168Er Fluidigm 201168A
169Tm Fluidigm 201169A
170Er Fluidigm 201170A
171Yb Fluidigm 201171A
172Yb Fluidigm 201172A
173Yb Fluidigm 201173A
174Yb Fluidigm 201174A
175Lu Fluidigm 201175A
176Yb Fluidigm 201176A
209Bi anti-CD16 Fluidigm 3209002B Clone 3G8. Used at a 1:50 dilution. 
697 cells Creative Bioarray CSC-C0217
Amicon Ultra Centrifugal Filter Units 0.5 with Ultracel-30 Membrane, 30 kDa Millipore UFC503096
Anhydrous acetonitrile Fisher Scientific BP1165-50
anti-2B4 Biolegend 329502 Clone C1.7.
anti-B7-H6 R&D Systems MAB7144 Clone 875001.
anti-CCR2 Biolegend 357202 Clone K036C2.
anti-CD2 Biolegend 300202 Clone RPA-2.10.
anti-CD3 Biolegend 300402 Clone UCHT1.
anti-CD4 Biolegend 317402 Clone OKT4.
anti-CD4 Biolegend 344602 Clone SK3.
anti-CD7 Biolegend 343102 Clone CD7-6B7.
anti-CD8 Biolegend 344702 Clone SK1.
anti-CD11b Biolegend 301302 Clone ICRF44.
anti-CD14 Biolegend 301802 Clone M5E2.
anti-CD19 Biolegend 302202 Clone HIB19.
anti-CD33 Biolegend 303402 Clone WM53.
anti-CD38 Biolegend 303502 Clone HIT2.
anti-CD48 Biolegend 336702 Clone BJ40.
anti-CD56 BD Pharmingen 559043 Clone NCAM16.2.
anti-CD57 Biolegend 322302 Clone HCD57.
anti-CD62L Biolegend 304802 Clone DREG-56.
anti-CD69 Biolegend 310902 Clone FN50.
anti-CD94 Biolegend 305502 Clone DX22.
anti-CD95 Biolegend 305602 Clone DX2.
anti-CD155 Biolegend 337602 Clone SKII.4.
anti-CXCR6 Biolegend 356002 Clone K041E5.
anti-DNAM-1 BD Biosciences 559787 Clone DX11.
anti-DR4 Biolegend 307202 Clone DJR1.
anti-DR5 Biolegend 307302 Clone DJR2-2.
anti-FAS-L Biolegend 306402 Clone NOK-1.
anti-FcRg Millipore 06-727 Polyclonal antibody.
anti-HLA-C,E Millipore MABF233 Clone DT9.
anti-HLA-Bw4 Miltenyi Biotec Special Order Clone REA274.
anti-HLA-Bw6 Miltenyi Biotec 130-124-530 Clone REA143.
anti-HLA-DR Biolegend 307602 Clone L243.
anti-HLA-E Biolegend 342602 Clone 3D12.
anti-ICAM-1 Biolegend 353102 Clone HA58.
anti-Ki-67 Biolegend 350502 Clone Ki-67.
anti-KIR2DL1/KIR2DS5 R&D Systems MAB1844 Clone 143211.
anti-KIR2DL3 R&D Systems MAB2014 Clone 180701.
anti-KIR2DL5 Miltenyi Biotec 130-096-200 Clone UP-R1.
anti-KIR2DS4 R&D Systems MAB1847 Clone 179315.
anti-KIR3DL1 BD Biosciences 555964 Clone DX-9.
anti-LFA-3 Biolegend 330902 Clone TS2/9.
anti-LILRB1 R&D Systems 292319 Clone MAB20172.
anti-LLT-1 R&D Systems AF3480 Clone 402659.
anti-MICA R&D Systems MAB1300-100 Clone 159227.
anti-MICB R&D Systems MAB1599-100 Clone 236511.
anti-Nectin-1 Biolegend 340402 Clone R1.302.
anti-Nectin-2 Biolegend 337402 Clone TX31.
anti-NKG2A R&D Systems MAB1059 Clone 131411.
anti-NKG2C R&D Systems MAB1381 Clone 134522.
anti-NKG2D Biolegend 320802 Clone 1D11.
anti-NKp30 Biolegend 325202 Clone P30-15.
anti-NKp44 Biolegend 325102 Clone P44-8.
anti-NKp46 Biolegend 331902 Clone 9E2.
anti-NTB-A Biolegend 317202 Clone NT-7.
anti-Pan HLA class I Biolegend 311402 Clone W6/32.
anti-PD1 Biolegend 329902 Clone EH12.2H7.
anti-Perforin Abcam ab47225 Clone B-D48.
anti-Siglec-7 Biolegend 347702 Clone S7.7.
anti-Syk Biolegend 644302 Clone 4D10.2.
anti-TACTILE Biolegend 338402 Clone NK92.39.
anti-TIGIT R&D Systems MAB7898 Clone 741182.
anti-ULBP-1 R&D Systems MAB1380-100 Clone 170818.
anti-ULBP-2, 5, 6 R&D Systems MAB1298-100 Clone 165903.
Antibody Stabilizer Candor Bioscience 131 050
Benzonase Nuclease Millipore 70664
Bond-Breaker TCEP Solution Thermo Fisher Scientific 77720
Bovine Serum Albumin solution Sigma-Aldrich A9576
Calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2+2H2O) Sigma-Aldrich 223506-25G
Cis-Platinum(II)diamine dichloride (cisplatin) Enzo Life Sciences ALX-400-040-M250 A 100 mM stock solution was prepared in DMSO and divided into 25 µL aliquots. Used at a 25 µM dilution for live/dead stain. Signal appears in 194Pt and 195Pt channels.
DMSO Sigma-Aldrich D2650
eBioscience Permeabilization Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific 00-8333-56
EDTA (0.5 M) Hoefer GR123-100 A double-concentrated HEPES buffer with EDTA was made according to the following recipe: 1.3 g NaCl (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 27 mg CaCl2+2H2O (Sigma-Aldrich), 23 mg MgCl2 (Sigma-Aldrich), 83.6 mg KH2PO4 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 4 mL of 1M HEPES (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 2 mL of 0.5M EDTA (Hoefer, Holliston, MA, USA), and 100mL H2O. The pH of this double-concentrated HEPES buffer was adjusted to a pH of 7.3 using 1M HCl and 1M NaOH.
EQ Four Element Calibration Beads Fluidigm 201078
Fetal Bovine Serum Thermo Fisher Scientific N/A
Helios mass cytometer Fluidigm N/A
HEPES (1M) Thermo Fisher Scientific 15630080
HyClone Antibiotic/Antimycotic Solution (Pen/Strep/Fungiezone) solution Fisher Scientific SV3007901
Iridium – 191Ir/193Ir intercalator DVS Sciences (Fluidigm) 201192B Used at a 1:10000 dilution.
Isothiocyanobenzyl-EDTA (ITCB-EDTA) Dojindo Molecular Technologies, Inc. M030-10 Diluted to 1.25 mg/mL in anhydrous acetonitrile.
K562 cells American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) ATCC CCL-243
L-Glutamine (200 mM) Thermo Fisher Scientific SH30034
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) Sigma-Aldrich 208337-100G
Maxpar X8 Antibody Labeling Kits Fluidigm N/A No catalog number as kits come with metals. 
Millex-VV Syringe Filter Unit, 0.1 µm Millipore SLVV033RS
Milli-Q Advantage A10 Water Purification System Millipore Z00Q0V0WW
MS Columns Miltenyi Biotec
NALM6 cells American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) ATCC CRL-3273
Nanosep Centrifugal Devices with Omega Membrane 3K Pall Corporation OD003C35
NK Cell Isolation Kit, human Miltenyi Biotec 130-092-657
Paraformaldehyde (16%) Electron Microscopy Sciences 15710
PBS Thermo Fisher Scientific 10010023
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic (KH2PO4) Fisher Scientific MP021954531
Qdot 655 anti-CD19 Thermo Fisher Scientific Q10179 Clone SJ25-C1. Used at a 1:50 dilution. Signal appears in 112Cd-114Cd channels. 
Qdot 655 anti-HLA-DR Thermo Fisher Scientific Q22158 Clone Tü36. Used at a 1:200 dilution.
Rockland PBS Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc. MB-008  Used to make CyPBS (10X Rockland PBS diluted to 1X in Milli-Q water) and CyFACS buffers (10X Rockland PBS diluted to 1X in Milli-Q water with 0.1% BSA and 0.05% sodium azide). Buffers were sterile-filtered through a 0.22 µM filter and sotred at 4°C in Stericup bottles. 
RPMI 1640 Thermo Fisher Scientific 21870092
Sodium azide (NaN3) Sigma-Aldrich S2002
Sodium chloride (NaCl) Fisher Scientific S271-500
Stericup Quick Release-GP Sterile Vacuum Filtration System Millipore Sigma S2GPU10RE
Tuning solution Fluidigm 201072
Washing solution  Fluidigm 201070


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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Vendrame, E., McKechnie, J. L., Ranganath, T., Zhao, N. Q., Rustagi, A., Vergara, R., Ivison, G. T., Kronstad, L. M., Simpson, L. J., Blish, C. A. Profiling of the Human Natural Killer Cell Receptor-Ligand Repertoire. J. Vis. Exp. (165), e61912, doi:10.3791/61912 (2020).

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