

Published: July 16, 2021









注意:所有培养基制备和细胞培养技术均在无菌条件下使用具有层流流动的生物安全柜进行。所描述的所有培养步骤均使用旨在保持37°C,5%CO2和95%湿度的培养箱进行。 1. 细胞培养 生长培养基的制备 对于 MSC 和 LADMAC,将 50 mL FBS 和 5 mL 100x 抗生素/抗真菌剂混合物加入 500 mL 高糖 DMEM 中。 对于MΦ,加入50 mL FBS,100 mL LADMAC条件培养基(按照第1.2节的?…

Representative Results

在所有时间点计算每组的平均±SEM后,数据以折线图格式显示,Y轴作为相对荧光强度,X轴作为时间。 补充文件1 以电子表格格式提供了来自96孔板动力学读取的原始数据的示例。 在这项研究中,图3A和表3中呈现的最佳结果表明,1)与MSC共培养增强巨噬细胞的吞噬活性,2)IFN-y处理降低巨噬细胞的活性,以及3)与MSC共培养部分?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




96 Well Black Polystyrene Microplate MilliporeSigma CLS3603-48EA
0.4% trypan blue solution MilliporeSigma T8154-20ML
15 mL and 50 mL Conical Sterile Polypropylene Centrifuge Tubes ThermoFisher 339653
4-well Chambered Coverglass w/ non-removable wells ThermoFisher 155382PK
Antibiotic-Antimycotic (100X) Gibco ThermoFisher 15240096
Axiobserver 7 Imaging System Zeiss
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) MilliporeSigma A8806-1G
Cell lifter MilliporeSigma CLS3008-100EA
Culture flasks, tissue culture treated, surface area 75 cm2, canted neck, with cap, filtered MilliporeSigma C7231-120EA
D1 ORL UVA [D1] ATCC CRL-12424 Mouse MSC Cell Line
DMEM, High Glucose ThermoFisher 11965092
Fetal Bovine Serum, qualified, heat inactivated ThermoFisher 16140071
Hemocytometer FisherScientific 02-671-51B
I-11.15 ATCC CRL-2470 Mouse MΦ Cell Line
LADMAC Cell Line ATCC CRL-2420 LADMAC cells secrete the growth factor colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1).
Live-Cell Imaging solution ThermoFisher A14291DJ
PBS, pH 7.4 ThermoFisher 10010031
pHrodo Green Zymosan Bioparticles Conjugate ThermoFisher P35365
Recombinant Murine IFN-γ Preprotech 315-05
Spectramax i3X Molecular Devices
Sterile Single Use Vacuum Filter Units, 250 mL, 0.2 µm ThermoFisher 568-0020
Sterile syringe filters, 0.2 micrometer ThermoFisher 723-2520
Tissue-culture treated culture dishes, 100 mm x 20 mm MilliporeSigma CLS430167-100EA
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red ThermoFisher 25300054


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Evans, J. F., Ricigliano, A. E., Morante, A. V., Martinez, E., Vargas, D., Thyagaraj, J. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Regulation of Macrophage Phagocytosis; Quantitation and Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. (173), e62729, doi:10.3791/62729 (2021).

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