
Phospholipid Mediator Induced Transformation in Three-Dimensional Cultures

Published: July 27, 2022


The present protocol describes the setting up of 3D on top’ cultures of a non-transformed breast epithelial cell line, MCF10A, that has been modified to study Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) induced transformation. Immuno-fluorescence has been used to assess the transformation and is discussed in detail.


Several models have been developed to study cancer, such as rodent models and established cell lines. Valuable insights into carcinogenesis have been provided by studies using these models. Cell lines have provided an understanding of the deregulation of molecular signaling associated with breast tumorigenesis, while rodent models are widely used to study cellular and molecular characteristics of breast cancer in vivo. The establishment of 3D cultures of breast epithelial and cancerous cells aids in bridging the gap between in vivo and in vitro models by mimicking the in vivo conditions in vitro. This model can be used to understand the deregulation of complex molecular signaling events and the cellular characteristics during breast carcinogenesis. Here, a 3D culture system is modified to study a phospholipid mediator-induced (Platelet Activating Factor, PAF) transformation. Immunomodulators and other secreted molecules play a major role in tumor initiation and progression in the breast. In the present study, 3D acinar cultures of breast epithelial cells are exposed to PAF exhibited transformation characteristics such as loss of polarity and altered cellular characteristics. This 3D culture system will assist in shedding light on genetic and/or epigenetic perturbations induced by various small molecule entities in the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, this system will also provide a platform for the identification of novel as well as known genes that may be involved in the process of transformation.


A myriad of models are available to study the progression of cancer, each of them being unique and representing a subtype of this complex disease. Each model provides unique and valuable insights into cancer biology and has improved the means to mimic the actual disease condition. Established cell lines grown as a monolayer have provided valuable insights into vital processes in vitro, such as proliferation, invasiveness, migration, and apoptosis1. Though two-dimensional (2D) cell culture has been the traditional tool to investigate the response of mammalian cells to several environmental perturbations, extrapolation of these findings to predict tissue-level responses does not seem sufficiently convincing. The major limitation of the 2D cultures is that the microenvironment created differs largely from that of the breast tissue itself2. 2D culture lacks the interaction of the cells with the extracellular matrix, which is vital for the growth of any tissue. Also, tensile forces experienced by the cell in monolayer cultures hinder the polarity of these cells, thus altering cell signaling and behavior3,4,5. Three-dimensional (3D) culture systems have opened up a new avenue in the field of cancer research with their ability to mimic the in vivo conditions in vitro. Many crucial microenvironmental cues that are lost in 2D cell culture could be re-established using 3D cultures of laminin-rich extracellular matrix (lrECM)6.

Various studies have identified the importance of the tumor microenvironment in carcinogenesis7,8. Inflammation-associated factors are a major part of the microenvironment. Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) is a phospholipid mediator secreted by various immune cells that mediates multiple immune responses9,10. High levels of PAF are secreted by different breast cancer cell lines and are associated with enhanced proliferation11. Studies from our lab have shown that the prolonged presence of PAF in acinar cultures leads to the transformation of breast epithelial cells12. PAF activates the PAF receptor (PAFR), activating the PI3K/Akt signaling axis13. PAFR is also reported to be associated with EMT, invasion, and metastasis14.

The present protocol demonstrates a model system to study PAF-induced transformation, using 3D cultures of breast epithelial cells, as has been previously described by Chakravarty et al.12. The breast epithelial cells grown on the extracellular matrix (3D cultures) tend to form polarized growth-arrested spheroids. These are called acini and closely resemble the acini of breast tissue, the smallest functional unit of the mammary gland, in vivo15. These spheroids (Figure 1A,B) consist of a monolayer of closely packed polarized epithelial cells surrounding a hollow lumen and attached to the basement membrane (Figure 1C). This process of morphogenesis has been well described in literature16. When seeded on lrECM, the cells undergo division and differentiation to form a cluster of cells, which then polarize from Day 4 onwards. By Day 8, the acini consist of a group of polarized cells that are in direct contact with the extracellular matrix and a cluster of unpolarized cells enclosed within the outer polarized cells, with no contact to the matrix. These unpolarized cells are known to undergo apoptosis by Day 12 of culture, forming a hollow lumen. By Day 16, growth-arrested structures are formed16.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Nuclei of cells in acini stained with a nuclear stain. (A) 3D construction of the acini. (B) Phase Contrast image of MCF10A acini grown on Matrigel for 20 days. (C) The centermost section shows the presence of a hollow lumen. Scale bar = 20 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

Unlike 2D cultures, acinar cultures aid in distinguishing normal and transformed cells through apparent morphology changes. Non-transformed breast epithelial cells form acini with a hollow lumen, mimicking the normal human breast acini. These spheroids, upon transformation, show a disrupted morphology characterized by a major loss of polarity (one of the hallmarks of cancer), absence of a lumen, or disruption of the hollow lumen (due to evasion of apoptosis) that may be induced due to deregulation of various genes17,18,19,20. These transformations can be studied using commonly used techniques such as immunofluorescence. Thus, the 3D cell culture model can function as a simple method to investigate the process of breast acinar morphogenesis and breast carcinogenesis. Establishing a 3D culture system to understand the effect of a phospholipid mediator, PAF, will assist in high throughput preclinical drug screening.

This work has adapted the 3D 'on top' culture protocol16,21 for studying transformation induced by PAF22. The phenotypic changes induced by exposure of the acini to the phospholipid mediator were studied using immunofluorescence. Various polarity and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers12,16 were used in the study. Table 1 mentions their normal localization and their expected phenotype upon transformation.

Antibodies Marks Normal localization Transformed phenotype
α6-Integrin Basolateral Basal with weak lateral stain Strong lateral / Apical stain
β-Catenin Cell-cell junction Basolateral Abnormal / nuclear or cytoplasmic localization
Vimentin EMT Absent / weak presence Up-regulation

Table 1: Markers used in the study. Different markers used with their localization in the presence and absence of PAF treatment.

This method can be best utilized to study/screen plausible drugs and target genes for various breast cancer subtypes. This can provide a drug response data closer to the in vivo scenario, aiding in faster and more reliable drug development. Also, this system can be used to study the molecular signaling associated with drug response and drug resistance.


1. Seeding MCF10A cells in lrECM Maintain MCF10A cells (adherent breast epithelial cells) in the growth medium. Passage the cells every 4 days. NOTE: Composition of growth medium: high glucose DMEM without sodium pyruvate containing horse serum (5%), insulin (10 µg/mL), hydrocortisone (0.5 µg/mL), epidermal growth factor, EGF (20 ng/mL), of cholera toxin (100 ng/mL), and penicillin-streptomycin (100 units/mL) (see Table of Materials). Thaw lrECM (se…

Representative Results

MCF10A cells, upon exposure to PAF treatment, form acinar structures with very distinct phenotypes. α6-integrin was found to be mislocalized with more apical staining. A few acini also showed discontinuous staining (Figure 2A). Both these phenotypes indicate the loss of basal polarity, as evidenced from literature24,25. Earlier reports indicate the controversial role of α6-integrin in cancer metastasis. α6-integrin is …


Established cell line-based models are widely used to study the process of carcinogenesis. Monolayer cultures of cells continue to provide insights into the various molecular signaling pathways that mediate characteristic changes in cancer cells32. Studies on the role of well-known oncogenes such as Ras, Myc, and mutated p53 were first reported using monolayer cultures as the model system33,34,35,</s…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank the IISER Pune Microscopy Facility for access to equipment and infrastructure and support for the experiments. This study was supported by a grant from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India (BT/PR8699/MED/30/1018/2013), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India (EMR/2016/001974) and partly by IISER, Pune Core funding. A. K. was funded by CSIR-SRF fellowship, L.A. was funded through DST-INSPIRE fellowship, V.C was funded by DBT (BT/PR8699/MED/30/1018/2013).


0.05% Trypsin EDTA Invitrogen 25300062
16% paraformaldehyde Alfa Aesar AA433689M
Anti Mouse Alexa Flour 488 Invitrogen A11029
Anti Rabbit Alexa Flour 488 Invitrogen A-11008
BSA Sigma A7030
Chamber Coverglass Nunc 155409
Cholera Toxin Sigma C8052-1MG 1 mg/mL in dH2O
Confocal Microscope Leica Leica SP8
DMEM Gibco 11965126
EDTA Sigma E6758
EGF Sigma E9644-0.2MG 100 mg/mL in dH2O
F(ab’)2 fragment of antibody raised in goat against mouse antigen Jackson Immunoresearch 115-006-006
GM130 antibody Abcam ab52649
Goat Serum Abcam ab7481
Hoechst Invitrogen 33258
Horse Serum Gibco 16050122
Hydrocortisone Sigma H0888 1 mg/mL in ethanol
Image Processing Software ImageJ
Insulin Sigma I1882 10 mg/mL stock dH2O
lrECM (Matrigel) Corning 356231
Mounting reagent (Slow fade Gold Anti-fade) Invitrogen S36937
Nuclear Stain  (Hoechst) Invitrogen 33258
PAF Cayman Chemicals 91575-58-5 Methylcarbamyl PAF C-16, procured as a 10 mg/mL in ethanol
Penicillin-Streptomycin Lonza 17-602E
Sodium Azide Sigma S2002
Tris Base Sigma B9754
Triton X-100 Sigma T8787
Tween 20 Sigma P9416
Vimentin antibody Abcam ab92547
α6-integrin antibody Millipore MAB1378


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