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Chapter 24

Иммунная система

Chapter 24

Immune System

Overview The immune system comprises diverse biological structures and processes that protect the body from disease. These processes can be classified …
Overview The cell-mediated immune system is the host’s primary response against invasive bacteria and viruses that cause intracellular infections. …
Overview The humoral immune response, also known as the antibody-mediated immune response, targets pathogens circulating in “humors,” or …
Overview Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (Ig), are essential players of the adaptive immune system. These antigen-binding proteins are produced …
Overview Antibodies bind to toxins or substances on the surface of cells, bacteria, viruses, or fungi. The substance is called an antigen, and the …
Overview The ability of a single antibody to recognize multiple structurally similar epitopes is an important immune defense strategy that enables the …
Overview We speak of an allergy when the immune system triggers a response against a benign foreign structure, like food, pollen or pet dander. These …
Overview In response to tissue injury and infection, mast cells initiate inflammation. Mast cells release chemicals that increase the permeability of …
Overview Vaccination is the administration of antigenic material from pathogens to confer immunity against a specific microorganism. Vaccination primes …