Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR for Diagnosing Viral Infections

Published: May 31, 2023


Source: Marston, D. A. et al. Pan-lyssavirus Real Time RT-PCR for Rabies Diagnosis. J. Vis. Exp. (2019).

This video demonstrates a quantitative method for detecting viral infection using real-time reverse transcription PCR. The reverse transcription step converts the RNA to cDNA, which is then amplified via PCR cycles. The presence of viral RNA in the sample is confirmed by analyzing the amplification and dissociation curves of DNA obtained from the PCR.


1. Quantification of RNA Using a Micro-volume Spectrophotometer Ensure the settings of the spectrophotometer are set to RNA. Use 1-2 µL of molecular-grade water to initialize the machine and set a baseline. Use 1-2 µL of each test RNA sample to assess the RNA quantity. Save the readings and document. Adjust the RNA to 1 µg/µL, if required. NOTE: RNA must be kept on ice (or in a cool block) at all times. If RNA is obtained…

Representative Results

Table 1: Pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR master mix reagents. Reagent μL/Reaction Molecular-grade water 7.55 2x Universal RT PCR reaction mix 10 Primer Forward [20 μM] 0.6 Primer Reverse [20 μM] …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Art Barrier pipette tips (various sizes) Thermofisher various
Centrifuge Beckman Allegra 21R Rotor capable of holding 96 well plates required. Step 3.8.
Centrifuge (micro) Sigma
Finnpipettes (to dispense 0.5-1000 µL) Thermofisher various
iTaq Universal SYBR Green One-Step RT-PCR kit Bio-Rad 172-5150 Equivalent kits can be used if validated
MX3000P or MX3005P real-time PCR system Stratagene N/A Equivalent machines can be used if validated
MicroAmp reaction plate base Any suitable Used to hold tube strip and plates securely.
Optically clear flat clear strips (8) ABgene AB-0866
Perfect fit frame (if using tube strips) Stratagene N/A Specific to machine
Primers: for primer details see Table 2. Ordered at 0.05 µmole scale HPLC purified.
Thermo-Fast 96-well plates, non-skirted ABgene AB-600
Thermo-Fast strips (8) Thermo-tubes ABgene AB-0452
Vortex machine / Whirlimixer Fisons Scientific equipment SGP-202-010J
Unless stated, alternative equipment can be used


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Citar este artículo
Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR for Diagnosing Viral Infections. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21355, doi: (2023).

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