
Production of Chick Embryo Extract for the Cultivation of Murine Neural Crest Stem Cells

Published: November 27, 2010


To cultivate neural crest stem cells (NCSC) in vitro, a special medium (NCSCM) is required. Essential part of NCSCM is chick embryo extract (CEE). We here describe accurate techniques to produce a maximized amount of pure and high quality CEE, including details as the isolation, maceration, centrifugation, and filtration processes.


The neural crest arises from the neuro-ectoderm during embryogenesis and persists only temporarily. Early experiments already proofed pluripotent progenitor cells to be an integral part of the neural crest1. Phenotypically, neural crest stem cells (NCSC) are defined by simultaneously expressing p75 (low-affine nerve growth factor receptor, LNGFR) and SOX10 during their migration from the neural crest2,3,4,5. These progenitor cells can differentiate into smooth muscle cells, chromaffin cells, neurons and glial cells, as well as melanocytes, cartilage and bone6,7,8,9. To cultivate NCSC in vitro, a special neural crest stem cell medium (NCSCM) is required10. The most complex part of the NCSCM is the preparation of chick embryo extract (CEE) representing an essential source of growth factors for the NCSC as well as for other types of neural explants. Other NCSCM ingredients beside CEE are commercially available. Producing CCE using laboratory standard equipment it is of high importance to know about the challenging details as the isolation, maceration, centrifugation, and filtration processes. In this protocol we describe accurate techniques to produce a maximized amount of pure and high quality CEE.


The authors state that experiments on animals were performed in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive (86/609/EEC), following the Guidelines of the NIH regarding the care and use of animals for experimental procedures and the regulations set forth by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). Part 1: Setting Up (not Shown on Video) PREPARING MATERIALS AND SOLUTIONS (prior to taking th…


This protocol is based on modifications of procedures that have been described in the past10,11. In addition to former publications we here show the individual different steps of the process more expanded. This supports the experimenter with important details assuring correct proceedings and reliable outcomes. Further, as the dissection process is an essential part of CEE extraction we describe the procedure of taking the embryos out of the yolk sack in every detail. There are several important points to note …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The support and advice of Markus Pajtler and Robert Bohrer were invaluable for the visualization of this protocol.


Material Name Tipo Company Catalogue Number Comment
11 days incubated chicken eggs   Sörries-Trockels Vermehrungszucht GmbH & Co.KG    
Alcoholic disinfection spray   Schülke & Mayr GmbH    
DMEMGlutamax   GIBCO Invitrogen    
Syringe sterile (60 ml)   BD Biosciences    
Tubes sterile (50; 15 ml)   Greiner Bio-One GmbH    
Pipet tips sterile   Starlab GmbH    
Hyaluronidase typeIV-S   Sigma-Aldrich    
Milipore stericups sterile (0.45; 0.22 μl)   Fisher Scientific AG    
Pipettes sterile (25; 10; 5 ml)   Greiner Bio-One GmbH    
Centrifuge L5-50   Rotor type Ti-45    


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Citar este artículo
Pajtler, K., Bohrer, A., Maurer, J., Schorle, H., Schramm, A., Eggert, A., Schulte, J. H. Production of Chick Embryo Extract for the Cultivation of Murine Neural Crest Stem Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (45), e2380, doi:10.3791/2380 (2010).

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