

Published: March 18, 2013






1。准备好以下的解剖工具和试剂人工脑脊液(人工脑脊液; 130 mM氯化钠,3 mM KCl中,1.2毫摩尔KH 2 PO 4,20毫摩尔的NaHCO 3,3 mM的HEPES,10mM的葡萄糖,2毫摩尔的CaCl 2,1.3 mM的用MgSO 4)用95%O连续输注2/5%CO 2中 ,在室温下。输液,补到2/3的500毫升广口的Nalgene瓶的盖子钻了一个洞。坦克通过管道将被附加的玻璃干起泡,贯通通过的jar盖中的孔的?…

Representative Results

第八次神经和神经本身的解剖结构的组成部分是复杂的,错综复杂的( 图1,图3)。通过选择性地跟踪从声学的神经节细胞所产生的纤维,可以干净地跟踪段的第八次神经,以及初级听觉传入脑干内区别于他们的前庭同行( 图2,图3)。同样地,这种技术可用于研究声学的神经节细胞的周缘凸部( 图3G),或修改,以研究从个别前庭器官所产生的凸起。 ,因…


第八次神经的早期发展研究已部分限制,因为很难确定胚胎从多个不同的神经轴突产生。一些研究探讨了指导听觉和前庭感觉细胞和神经节细胞的命运在早期发育过程中的分子信号,5,11,12,但还没有得到确定的调节中央神经支配的进程。声神经节细胞预测报告通常描述外围过程到感觉上皮13日至15日 ,而被称为中央工艺主要核突出。中央突出第八细分在胚胎发育过程中的研究也常…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者要感谢坎迪斯谢医生的建议和援助,对鸡内耳解剖成像技术和多丽丝吴医生的专业知识,在早期胚胎发育。这项工作是由美国国家科学基金会,美国国立卫生研究院IOS-0642346 T32-DC010775,NIH,NIH R01-DC010796,T32-GM008620和美国能源部GAANN P200A120165的支持。


Name of Reagent/Material Company Catalog Number Comments
Polystyrene Weigh Dish Fisher Scientific 02-202-101
Petri Dish, 35 X 10 mm Fisher Scientific 50820644 Use to make silicone dissection dish
Sylgard Silicone Elastomer Kit World Precision Instruments SYLG184 Coat Petri to make dissection dish
Dissection Pins Various Holds embryo in place during dissection
NaCL Various part of aCSF recipe
KCl Various part of aCSF recipe
KH2PO4 Various part of aCSF recipe
NaHCO3 Various part of aCSF recipe
Glucose Various part of aCSF recipe
CaCl2 Various part of aCSF recipe
MgSO4 Various part of aCSF recipe
Container for aCSF. Suggest translucent wide-mouth Nalgene jar, 500 ml (16 oz) with lid. CPLabSafety QP-PLC-03717 Drill hole opening in top of lid for glass bubling stem to penetrate liquid
Empty 5 ml glass vial or comparable transparent vial American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc 6332300105 Use during aCSF incubation to keep samples separate from each other and from the bubbling stream
Tank of carbogen (95%O2 / 5%CO2) connected by tubing to bubbler Various Attach by tubing to glass stem bubbler for infusion into aCSF
Glass stem bubbler Various To infuse carbogen into aCSF
Curved-tip forceps World Precision Instruments 501008 To remove embryo head from egg
Two fine-tip forceps World Precision Instruments 501985 For micro-dissection
50 ml Beaker various
Rhodamine Dextran Amine (RDA) Invitrogen various Fluorescent axon tracer
Triton X-100 ICN Biomedicals
Phosphate Buffered Saline, (1X PBS) Various Standard lab reagent
Thin Wall Glass Capillaries, 1.2 OD, .9 ID 4″ (100 mm) length World Precision Instruments TW120F-4 Load with RDA. Each capillary makes two glass micropipettes
Needle / Pipette puller David Kopf Instruments Model 720 Settings used: Heat 16.4, Solenoid 2.2
Picospritzer Parker Instrumentation various Attach by fine tubing to glass micropipette
Micromanipulator Narishige various
Dissection microscope with fluorescence Various
4% Paraformaldehyde Various Standard lab reagent
anti-Neurofilament antibody, optional Millipore AB1991 Follow histological protocol recommended by manufacturer
Cryostat and associated materials for sectioning Leica various
Epifluorescent microscope for imaging Zeiss, various


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