
Stereotaxic Infusion of Oligomeric Amyloid-beta into the Mouse Hippocampus

Published: June 17, 2015


Here, we present a protocol for direct stereotaxic brain infusion of amyloid-beta. This methodology provides an alternative in vivo mouse model to address the short-term effects of amyloid-beta on brain neurons.


Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the aging population. A key neuropathological feature of the disease is the over-production of amyloid-beta and the deposition of amyloid-beta plaques in brain regions of the afflicted individuals. Throughout the years scientists have generated numerous Alzheimer’s disease mouse models that attempt to replicate the amyloid-beta pathology. Unfortunately, the mouse models only selectively mimic the disease features. Neuronal death, a prominent effect in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients, is noticeably lacking in these mice. Hence, we and others have employed a method of directly infusing soluble oligomeric species of amyloid-beta – forms of amyloid-beta that have been proven to be most toxic to neurons – stereotaxically into the brain. In this report we utilize male C57BL/6J mice to document this surgical technique of increasing amyloid-beta levels in a select brain region. The infusion target is the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus because this brain structure, along with the basal forebrain that is connected by the cholinergic circuit, represents one of the areas of degeneration in the disease. The results of elevating amyloid-beta in the dentate gyrus via stereotaxic infusion reveal increases in neuron loss in the dentate gyrus within 1 week, while there is a concomitant increase in cell death and cholinergic neuron loss in the vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca of the basal forebrain. These effects are observed up to 2 weeks. Our data suggests that the current amyloid-beta infusion model provides an alternative mouse model to address region specific neuron death in a short-term basis. The advantage of this model is that amyloid-beta can be elevated in a spatial and temporal manner.


Amyloid plaque deposits, which are composed of amyloid-beta (Aβ1-42), are a key feature of the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Numerous studies have shown that high or toxic levels of recombinant oligomeric Aβ1-42 elicit neuronal death, synaptic dystrophy, loss and dysfunction; as well as learning and memory deficits1-4. Brain regions affected include the hippocampus, the cortex, and subcortical structures such as the basal forebrain and the amygdala5,6. To date, there are multiple transgenic mouse models that attempt to simulate the Aβ1-42 pathology of AD. Depending on the strain these animals prove to be useful in examining select pathological features of AD. Unfortunately, with the exception of 2 transgenic lines, APP23 and 5XFAD, these mice never fully replicate neuronal loss, a key aspect of AD. Even with the neuronal loss observed in APP23 and 5XFAD, the neuronal death observed was subtle, age dependent, and isolated to a few select regions7,8.

The direct infusion of oligomeric Aβ1-42 into the wild-type mouse brain provides an excellent in vivo model which replicates the neuronal death aspect of amyloidopathy1,9,10. Unlike the commonly utilized transgenic mouse models the oligomeric Aβ1-42 infusion model is ideal for acutely elevating Aβ1-42 levels in a spatial and temporal manner. The advantage of using wild-type mice for this model obviates potential compensation or side effects from the mutations introduced in transgenic mouse lines. Past studies have shown that infusing toxic levels of Aβ1-42 into the hippocampus elicits neuron death in the vicinity of the injection site within 1 week1. Moreover, consistent with the observation that Aβ1-42 is toxic for cholinergic neurons11 the basal forebrain cholinergic neuron (BFCN) population which projects to the hippocampus is decreased 20-50% within 7-14 days following beta-amyloid infusion1,10 in mice, effectively allowing for the examinations of isolated neuronal circuitry in the brain. Since BFCN project ipsilaterally to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus12, for the most part control/vehicle and oligomeric Aβ1-42 solutions can be injected on either side of the brain allowing comparisons to be made between the left and right hemispheres1.

In this report we will provide a detailed surgical and injection methodology for adult wild-type C57BL/6J mice. This mouse strain is chosen because of its wide use in research. Technically, any brain region can be targeted for infusion, however here we will use the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus as the target to illustrate the technique.


Note: For all animal experimentation, Institutional and National guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed. 1. Prepare Surgical Instruments and Solutions for Surgery Autoclave all stainless steel surgical instruments. Prepare 70% ethanol by diluting 200 proof absolute ethanol with sterile molecular grade deionized distilled water. Attach the 29 G needle to the Hamilton syringe. Clean the interior of Hamilton syringe and needle by drawin…

Representative Results

The present method of preparing human recombinant oligomeric Aβ1-42 yields soluble oligomeric species consisting of monomers, dimers, trimers, and tetramers (Figure 1A). These low molecular weight Aβ1-42 species, but not the fibrils and plaques, have been shown in numerous settings to be most toxic to neurons1,4,9,17-19. To determine whether or not oligomeric Aβ1-42 induces neuron death in the mouse brain Aβ1-42 (4 µl of 100 …


To achieve a successful Aβ1-42 injection the experimenter or surgeon must: 1) use aseptic technique; 2) correctly identify the brain region of interest with accurate coordinates; 3) be able to properly secure the mouse in the stereotaxic frame with the brain leveled in the AP and ML axis; 4) have the ability to operate the micromanipulator with precision; 5) ensure proper post-operative care. If these key steps are followed the mouse should survive the surgery with no observable infection.

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The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke grant NS081333 (to CMT), Alzheimer’s Association grant NIRG-10-171721 and National Institute of Mental Health grant MH096702 (to UH), and National Institute on Aging-funded Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Columbia University pilot grant AG008702 (to YYJ and JB).


Ketamine HCl (100mg/ml) Henry Schein Medical 1049007 100 mg ketamine per 1 kg animal
Xylazine (20mg/ml) Henry Schein Medical not available 10 mg xylazine per 1 kg animal
Buprenex (0.3mg/ml) Henry Schein Medical 1217793 0.1 mg buprenex per 1 kg animal
1-42 David Teplow/UCLA not available 100 μM; This amyloid was used in the paper
1-42 Bachem H-1368 Can be used in place of amyloid from the Teplow lab
1-42 American Peptide 62-0-80B Can be used in place of amyloid from the Teplow lab
Scrambled Aβ1-42 American Peptide 62-0-46B Can be used as control peptide for comparing Aβ1-42
NU4 Antibody (Oligomeric Amyloid Antibody) Gift from William Klein/Northwestern U. not available 1:2000 dilution
Anti-Amyloid Oligomeric Antibody  (Polyclonal Rabbit) EMD Millipore AB9234 May be used in place of Nu4; needs to  be tested by the end user
6E10 Antibody (Monoclonal Mouse) (Amyloid Antibody) Biolegend sig-39320 1:1000 dilution
ChAT Antibody (Polyclonal Goat) Millipore AB144P 1:100 dilution
DeadEnd Fluorometric TUNEL system Promega G3250 Follow manufacturer's directions for use
Prolong Gold Antifade Reagent with DAPI Invitrogen P36935 Use when coverslipping slides
Fluorogold Fluorochrome, LLC not available 2% solution
Absolute Ethanol (200 proof) Fisher Scientific BP2818-4 For making 70% ethanol for sanitizing and disinfecting
Novex 10-20% Tricine gel Life Technologies EC6625BOX For separating Aβ1-42
Novex Tricine SDS Running Buffer (10X) Life Technologies LC1675 For running 10-20% Tricine gels
Novex Tris-Glycine Transfer Buffer (25X) Life Technologies LC3675 For transferring 10-20% Tricine gels
SuperSignal Western Blot Enhancer Thermo Scientific 46640 For enhancing Aβ1-42 signal; follow manufacturer's protocol
Protran BA79 Nitrocellulose Blotting Membrane, 0.1 μm GE Healthcare Life Sciences 10402088 For transferring 10-20% Tricine gels
Xcell SureLock Mini-Cell Life Technologies EI0001 Electrophoresis aparatus for running 10-20% Tricine gels
GenTeal Lubricant Eye Gel Novartis not available For keeping the mouse eyes moist during surgery; can be found in local pharmacy stores
Refresh Optive Lubricant Eye Drops Allergan not available For keeping the mouse eyes moist during surgery; can be found in local pharmacy stores; Can be used in place of GenTeal
Betadine Stoelting 50998 For sanitizing and disinfecting
Round/Tapered Spatula  VWR 82027-490 For opening animal mouth
Bulldog Serrefines Clamps (Jaw Dims. 9X1.6mm; Length 28mm) Fine Science Tools 18050-28 Optional; For keeping scalp skin apart during injection
Straight Fine Scissors (Cutting edge 25mm; Length 11.5cm) Fine Science Tools 14060-11 For cutting scalp
#3 Scalpel Handle Fine Science Tools 10003-12
#11 Surgical Blade Fine Science Tools 10011-00 For making scalp incision
Student Standard Pattern Forcep (Tip Dims. 2.5×1.5mm; Length 11.5cm) Fine Science Tools 91100-12 For holding scalp closed during suturing
Trimmer Combo Kit Kent Scientific CL9990-1201 For shaving hair
T/Pump Warm Water Recirculator  Kent Scientific  TP-700 For warming animal during surgery
Resusable Warmining Pad (5" x 10") Kent Scientific  TPZ-0510FEA For attaching it to the T/Pump warm water recirculator to warm the animal during surgery
Cordless Micro Drill Stoelting 58610 Use 0.8mm steel burrs to drill holes in the skull
Lab Standard Stereotaxic Instrument with Mouse & Neonatal Rat Adaptor Stoelting 51615
Just for Mouse Stereotaxic Instrument Stoelting 51730 Can use this in place of Stoelting Cat. #51615
Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector Stoelting 53311
Dry Glass Bead Sterilizer Stoelting 50287 For sterilizing stainless steel instruments
Sterile Surgical Drape (18" x 26") Stoelting 50981
Hamilton Syringe 50 ml, Model 705 RN SYR, NDL Hamilton Company 7637-01 For brain injection; use different syringes for different solutions
29 Gauge Needle, Small Hub RN NDL Hamilton Company 7803-06 For attaching to the Hamilton syringe for brain injection
1 ml BD Tuberculin Syringes VWR BD309659 For administering anesthesia and saline
30 Gauge Needle (0.5") VWR BD305106 For administering anesthesia and saline
Portable Electronic CS Series Scale (Ohaus) VWR 65500-202 For weighing animals to determine anesthesia dose
Hot plate (Top Plate Dims. 7.25×7.25in) VWR 47751-148 For warming animals post-surgery
Sofsilk Silk Suture C-1 Cutting 3/8, 12 mm Covidien S1173 For closing wound
Vetbond Tissue Adhesive (3M) Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-361931 Optional: for aiding in wound closure; Use with suture.
Cotton-Tipped Wooden-Shaft Sterile Applicators Fisher scientific 22-029-488 For cleaning and drying surgical wound
Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides Fisher Scientific  12-550-15 For collecting brain sections
VWR Micro Cover Glass 24 X 50 mm VWR 48393241 For mounting microscope slides
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Syringe Filter 0.2 μm Fisher Scientific 194-2520 For sterilizing saline solution
Sterile dual tip skin markers by Viscot Medical Medline VIS1422SRL91 For marking coordinates on the skull


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Citar este artículo
Jean, Y. Y., Baleriola, J., Fà, M., Hengst, U., Troy, C. M. Stereotaxic Infusion of Oligomeric Amyloid-beta into the Mouse Hippocampus. J. Vis. Exp. (100), e52805, doi:10.3791/52805 (2015).

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