
Visual Evoked Potential Recording in a Rat Model of Experimental Optic Nerve Demyelination

Published: July 29, 2015


Focal demyelination is induced in the optic nerve using lysolecithin microinjection. Visual evoked potentials are recorded via skull electrodes implanted over the visual cortex to examine the signal conduction along the visual pathway in vivo. This protocol details the surgical procedures underlying electrode implantation and optic nerve microinjection.


The visual evoked potential (VEP) recording is widely used in clinical practice to assess the severity of optic neuritis in its acute phase, and to monitor the disease course in the follow-up period. Changes in the VEP parameters closely correlate with pathological damage in the optic nerve. This protocol provides a detailed description about the rodent model of optic nerve microinjection, in which a partial demyelination lesion is produced in the optic nerve. VEP recording techniques are also discussed. Using skull implanted electrodes, we are able to acquire reproducible intra-session and between-session VEP traces. VEPs can be recorded on individual animals over a period of time to assess the functional changes in the optic nerve longitudinally. The optic nerve demyelination model, in conjunction with the VEP recording protocol, provides a tool to investigate the disease processes associated with demyelination and remyelination, and can potentially be employed to evaluate the effects of new remyelinating drugs or neuroprotective therapies.


Optic neuritis is one of the most common form of optic neuropathy, causing complete or partial loss of vision1. Histologically, it is featured by inflammatory demyelination, retinal ganglion cell axonal loss and varying degrees of remyelination in the optic nerve2. Optic neuritis is usually the manifest onset of multiple sclerosis. The visual evoked potential (VEP) is a non-invasive tool for investigating the function of the visual system. It reflects the post-retinal function from the retina to the primary visual cortex and is affected in many optic nerve disease conditions3. The VEP has been predominantly used in optic neuritis patients to assess the integrity of the visual pathway4.

The latency of VEP, which reflects the velocity of signal conduction along the visual pathway, is considered to be an accurate measurement of the level of myelin associated changes in the optic nerve5; while the amplitude of VEP is believed to be closely correlated with axonal damage of the retinal ganglion cells (RGC)6. This hypothesis has been fairly well established using the rat model of lysolecithin-induced optic nerve demyelination5.

Here, we explicate a comprehensive protocol of optic nerve microinjection technique in rodents, which can minimise the surgical manipulation-related damage to the nerve per se as well as to the adjacent tissues such as extraocular muscles and blood vessels. Also, the skull electrode implantation surgery has been described for VEP recording in animals7. The VEP recordings can be repeatedly carried out on animals over a period of time to assess demyelination/remyelination related changes as well as impact on axonal integrity in the optic nerve.


Ethics Statement: All procedures involving animals were conducted in accordance with the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes and the guidelines of the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research, and were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Macquarie University. 1. VEP Electrode Implantation Anesthetize the animal with an intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (75 mg/kg) and medetomidine (0.5 mg/kg).<…

Representative Results

Reproducible intra-sessional VEP traces are shown in Figure 1 and a significant delay in N1 latency can be seen after the optic nerve injection. Partial optic nerve lesions of demyelination can be observed on histological sections using Luxol fast blue staining5. Figure 2 shows a representative section with a small focal demyelinated lesion in the centre of the optic nerve. Note that cross section does not represent total volume of lesion. The demyelinated area can be measured…


The optic nerve is very susceptible to mechanical damage. Optic nerve crush injury over a duration of 1 s can lead to about 75% loss of RGC over a period of 2 weeks10. Therefore, extreme care is required while performing the surgical procedures. According to the authors’ experience, it is much better to adapt a blunt dissection approach to expose and make way through the tissues around the optic nerve along the orientation of the nerve, rather than penetrating in a perpendicular orientation to the optic …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia (ORIA). We thank Prof. Algis Vingrys and Dr. Bang Bui, University of Melbourne, for initially helping us to develop the VEP recording technique.


Ketamine 100 mg/ml (Ketamil) Troy Laboratories AC 116
Medetomidine 1 mg/ml (Domitor) Pfizer sc-204073
Tropicamide 1.0% (Mydriacyl) Alcon sc-202371
Homoeothermic blanket system Harvard Apparatus NC9203819
Impedance meter  Grass F-EZM5
Screw electrodes  Micro Fasteners M1.0×3mm Csk Slot M/T 304 S/S
Subdermal needle electrodes  Grass F-E3M-72
Rapid Repair  DeguDent GmbH
Light-emitting diode  Nichia NSPG300A
Bioamplifier CWE, Inc. BMA-400
CED system Cambridge Electronic Design, Ltd. Power1401
Hamilton syringe  Hamilton 87930
Lysolecithin Sigma L4129
Evan’s blue  Sigma E2129


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Citar este artículo
You, Y., Gupta, V. K., Chitranshi, N., Reedman, B., Klistorner, A., Graham, S. L. Visual Evoked Potential Recording in a Rat Model of Experimental Optic Nerve Demyelination. J. Vis. Exp. (101), e52934, doi:10.3791/52934 (2015).

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