
Recording Synaptic Plasticity in Acute Hippocampal Slices Maintained in a Small-volume Recycling-, Perfusion-, and Submersion-type Chamber System

Published: January 01, 2018


This protocol describes the stabilization of the oxygen level in a small volume of recycled buffer and methodological aspects of recording activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in submerged acute hippocampal slices.


Even though experiments on brain slices have been in use since 1951, problems remain that reduce the probability of achieving a stable and successful analysis of synaptic transmission modulation when performing field potential or intracellular recordings. This manuscript describes methodological aspects that might be helpful in improving experimental conditions for the maintenance of acute brain slices and for recording field excitatory postsynaptic potentials in a commercially available submersion chamber with an outflow-carbogenation unit. The outflow-carbogenation helps to stabilize the oxygen level in experiments that rely on the recycling of a small buffer reservoir to enhance the cost-efficiency of drug experiments. In addition, the manuscript presents representative experiments that examine the effects of different carbogenation modes and stimulation paradigms on the activity-dependent synaptic plasticity of synaptic transmission.


In 1951, the first-reported acute brain slice experiments were conducted1. In 1971, after successful in vitro recordings from the piriform cortex2,3 and the discovery that hippocampal neurons are interconnected transversely along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus4, one of the first in vitro recordings of hippocampal neuronal activity was achieved5. The similarity of the neurophysiological or neurostructural parameters of neurons under in vivo and in vitro conditions are still the subject of some debate6, but in 1975, Schwartzkroin7 indicated that the basal properties of neurons are maintained in vitro and that high-frequency stimulation (i.e., tetanization) of afferents in the hippocampal formation induces a long-lasting facilitation of synaptic potentials8. Electrophysiological recording of neuronal activity in vitro greatly expanded the study of the cellular mechanisms of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity9,10, which had been discovered in 1973 by Bliss et al.11 de in vivo experiments with rabbits.

The study of neuronal activity or signaling pathways in brain slices, and especially in acute hippocampal slices, is now a standard tool. However, surprisingly, in vitro experiments have yet to be standardized, as evidenced by the multiple approaches that still exist for the preparation and maintenance of acute hippocampal slices. Reid et al. (1988)12 reviewed the methodological challenges for the maintenance of acute brain slices in different types of slice chambers and the choices of bathing medium, pH, temperature, and oxygen level. These parameters are still difficult to control in the recording chamber due to the custom-made elements of in vitro slice-recording setups. Publications can be found that might help to overcome some of the methodological challenges and that describe new types of submersion slice chambers, such as an interstitial 3D microperfusion system13, a chamber with enhanced laminar flow and oxygen supply14, a system with computerized temperature control15, and a multi-chamber recording system16. Since these chambers are not easy to build, most scientists rely on commercially available slice chambers. These chambers can be mounted on a microscope system, thus allowing for the combination of electrophysiology and fluorescence imaging17,18,19. Since these chambers keep the brain slices submerged in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF), a high flow rate of the buffer solution needs to be maintained, increasing the expense of drug application. To this end, we have incorporated a recycling perfusion system with outflow-carbogenation that provides sufficient stability for the long-term recording of field potentials in a submersion slice chamber using a relatively small aCSF volume. In addition, we summarized how the use of this experimental carbogenation/perfusion system affects the outcome of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity10 and how inhibition of eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (eEF2K) modulates synaptic transmission20.


The animals were maintained in accordance with the established standards of animal care and procedures of the Institutes of Brain Science and State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 1. Solution Preparation NOTE: See the Table of Materials. Prepare the slicing buffer (modified Gey's solution): 92 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 1.25 mM NaH2PO4, 30 mM NaHCO3, 25 mM glucose, 20 mM HEPES, 3 mM Na+-pyruva…

Representative Results

In the protocol section, we described the preparation of acute hippocampal slices from the ventral and intermediate part of the hippocampal formation (Figure 1) of male C57BL/6 mice and male Wistar rats (5-8 weeks). The position of the hemispheres on the slicer platform helps to keep them stable and removes the need of stabilization with agar or agarose. The perfusion system itself is based on a peristaltic pump operated on high rotation to give the required …


Although interface slice chambers exhibit more robust synaptic responses25,26,27,28, submersion chambers provide additional convenience for patch-clamp recording and fluorescence imaging. Thus, we have described several aspects of field potential recordings in acute hippocampal slices using a commercial submersion slice chamber that can easily be extended to the imaging of fluorescence probes i…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


W.W. conducted, analyzed, and designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. D.X. and C.P. assisted in figure preparation and conducted the experiments. This work was supported by NSFC (31320103906) and 111 Project (B16013) to T.B.


Reagents required
NaCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10019318
KCl Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10016318
KH2PO4 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10017618
MgCl2·6H2O Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10012818
CaCl2 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10005861
NaHCO3 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10018960
Glucose Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10010518
NaH2PO4 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 20040718
HEPES Sigma H3375
Sodium pyruvate Sigma A4043
MgSO4 Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 20025118
NaOH Sinopharm Chemical Reagent, China 10019718
Tools and materials for dissection
Decapitators Harvard apparatus 55-0012 for rat decapitation
Bandage Scissors SCHREIBER 12-4227 for mouse decapitation
double-edge blade Flying Eagle, China 74-C
IRIS Scissors RWD, China S12003-09
Bone Rongeurs RWD, China S22002-14
Spoon Hammacher  HSN 152-13
dental cement spatula Hammacher  HSN 016-15
dental double end excavator Blacksmith Surgical, USA BS-415-017
Vibrating Microtome Leica, Germany VT1200S
surgical blade  RWD, China S31023-02
surgical holder RWD, China S32007-14
Electrophysiology equipment and materials
Vertical Pipette Puller Narishige, Japan PC-10
Vibration isolation table Meirits, Japan ADZ-A0806
submerged type recording chamber Warner Instruments RC-26GLP
thermostatic water bath Zhongcheng Yiqi,China HH-1
4 Axis Micromanipulator Sutter, USA MP-285, MP-225
Platinum Wire World Precision Instruments PTP406
Amplifier Molecular Devices, USA Multiclamp 700B
Data Acquisition System Molecular Devices, USA Digidata 1440A
Anaysis software Molecular Devices, USA Clampex 10.2
Fluorescence Microscope Nikon, Japan FN1
LED light source Lumen Dynamics Group, Canada X-cite 120LED
micropipettes Harvard apparatus GC150TF extracelluar recording
borosilicate micropipettes Sutter, USA BF150-86 patch clamp
tungsten electrode A-M Systems, USA 575500
peristaltic pump Longer, China BT00-300T
tubes for peristaltic pump ISMATEC, Wertheim, Germany SC0309 1x inflow, ID: 1.02mm
tubes for peristaltic pump ISMATEC, Wertheim, Germany SC0319 2x tubes for outflow, ID: 2.79 mm
CCD camera PCO, Germany pco.edge sCMOS
lens cleaning paper Kodak
50 ml conical centrifuge tube Thermo scientific 339652
Prechamber Warner Instruments BSC-PC
Inline heater Warner Instruments SF-28
Temperature Controller Warner Instruments TC-324B


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Citar este artículo
Weng, W., Li, D., Peng, C., Behnisch, T. Recording Synaptic Plasticity in Acute Hippocampal Slices Maintained in a Small-volume Recycling-, Perfusion-, and Submersion-type Chamber System. J. Vis. Exp. (131), e55936, doi:10.3791/55936 (2018).

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