
Overlapping Peptide Library to Map Qa-1 Epitopes in a Protein

Published: December 20, 2017


Qa-1 (HLA-E in human) belongs to a group of non-classical major histocompatibility complex 1b molecules. Immunization with Qa-1-binding epitopes has been shown to augment tissue-specific immune regulation and ameliorate several autoimmune diseases. Herein we describe an overlapping peptide library strategy for the identification of Qa-1 epitopes in a protein.


Qa-1 (HLA-E in human) belongs to a group of non-classical major histocompatibility complex 1b (MHC-Ib) molecules. Recent data suggest that Qa-1 molecules play important roles in surveying cells for structural and functional integrity, inducing immune regulation, and limiting immune responses to viral infections. Additionally, functional augmentation of Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells through epitope immunization has shown therapeutic effects in several autoimmune disease animal models, e.g. experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, collagen-induced arthritis, and non-obese diabetes. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a method that can efficiently and quickly identify functional Qa-1 epitopes in a protein. Here, we describe a protocol that utilizes Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cell lines specific for an overlapping peptide (OLP) library for determining Qa-1 epitopes in a protein. This OLP library contains 15-mer overlapping peptides that cover the whole length of a protein, and adjacent peptides overlap by 11 amino acids. Using this protocol, we recently identified a 9-mer Qa-1 epitope in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). This newly mapped MOG Qa-1 epitope was shown to induce epitope-specific, Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells that enhanced myelin-specific immune regulation. Therefore, this protocol is useful for future investigation of novel targets and functions of Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells.


Qa-1 belongs to a group of non-classical major histocompatibility complex 1b (MHC-Ib) molecules in mice. Its human homolog is HLA-E. Previous evidence has demonstrated that Qa-1 molecules have important biological functions. Firstly, Qa-1 molecules play an important role in surveying cells for structural and functional integrity. In this regard, Qa-1 molecules have evolved several strategies to monitor the normal function of a cell. One such strategy enables Qa-1 molecules to form complexes with a processed leader peptide (epitope), i.e. the Qa-1 determinant modifier (Qdm) that is processed from classical MHC-Ia molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum1. These Qa-1/Qdm complexes later display on the surface of a cell and bind to inhibitory NKG2A receptors on NK cells to inhibit NK killing activity2. If the expression of MHC-Ia molecules is lost, a cell (e.g. a malignant cell) becomes sensitive to NK killing2. The other strategy enables Qa-1 molecules to form new Qa-1/epitope complexes on the surface of a cell that is deficient in TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing)3 and/or ERAAP (endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing)4 (both deficiencies often occur in malignant cells). The cell that expresses these new Qa-1/epitope complexes can then be recognized and eliminated by the epitope-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells. Secondly, Qa-1 molecules induce immune regulation5. In this regard, Qa-1/epitope complexes have been shown to stimulate CD8+ regulatory T (Treg) cells that are important for the prevention of immune-mediated damage of self-tissues6,7,8,9,10. Thirdly, Qa-1-restricted CD8+ Treg cells have been shown to limit immune responses against viral infection11.

Therefore, specific augmentation of epitope-specific Qa-1-restrictred CD8+ T cells is a potentially promising strategy for the elimination of abnormal cells, for the enhancement of immune regulation, and for the control of the magnitude of virus-induced immune responses. While it has not been determined whether augmentation of epitope-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells can enhance immune surveillance and limit virus-induced immune responses, our laboratories and others have clearly demonstrated that immunization with Qa-1 epitopes can augment the function of Qa-1-restricted CD8+ Treg cells specific for pathogenic autoimmune CD4+ T cells, leading to efficient control of CD4+ T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases in a variety of animal models such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (an animal model of human multiple sclerosis)6,10, collagen-induced arthritis (an animal model of human rheumatoid arthritis)7, and non-obese diabetes (an animal model of human type 1 diabetes)8. Additionally, we have discovered that immunization with a tissue-specific Qa-1 epitope leads to specific control of immune-mediated inflammation in that tissue through augmentation of CD8+ Treg cells12. The above successes of preclinical studies indicate a need for a full evaluation of Qa-1 epitope immunization for the treatment of tissue-specific immune-mediated diseases and potentially for the therapy of other diseases associated with deficiencies in TAP and ERAAP.

Accordingly, there is a demand for a technology that can reliably and quickly analyze Qa-1 epitopes in a protein. In this regard, a limited number of biologically important Qa-1 epitopes has been described. Most of these Qa-1 epitopes were identified serendipitously during the study of CD8+ T cell responses to bacteria13, cells deficient in TAP3, cells deficient in ERAAP4, and cells that cause EAE6,9. Therefore, a high throughput technique is desirable for the identification of biologically important Qa-1 epitopes in a defined protein. In the following, we describe an overlapping peptide (OLP) library strategy that maps functional Qa-1 epitopes in a protein using Qa-1-resrticted CD8+ T cell lines specific for the OLP pool (OLP_pool) of a protein.


All experiments were done in compliance with an Institutional Animal Care and Use Protocol approved by Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Texas at El Paso and Loma Linda University. 1. Generation of an OLP Library Covering the Whole Length of a Protein Design an OLP library in which all peptides are 15-mer in length, and adjacent peptides overlap by 11 amino acids. NOTE: In the MOG OLP study, sequence of the MOG precursor [Mus musculus] was retrieved from NCB…

Representative Results

Design of an OLP library covering the whole length of a protein Beginning at the N-terminus of a protein, each peptide is 15 amino acids (15-mer). Hence, the first peptide spans position 1 to position 15. The N-terminus of the second peptide overlaps with the C-terminus of the first peptide by 11 amino acid. Hence, the second peptide spans the position 5 to position 19. Design the rest of the peptides to the end of C-terminus of th…


Here, we have described a protocol for analyzing Qa-1 epitopes in a protein. In relation to this protocol, several other strategies were also reported previously. First, allogeneic CD8+ T cell lines and clones were used for the identification of the Qdm1. Second, a putative Qa-1-binding motif from the analysis of Qdm was used for the identification of the HSP60p216-224 and a TCRBV8.1 epitope9,18. Third, individual overlapping pe…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Penelope Garcia for her technical assistance and preparation of this manuscript. This work was supported by a Research Innovation Grant (RIG) from the Department of Medicine at Loma Linda University (681205-2967) and a pilot grant from National Multiple Sclerosis Society (PP1685) to XT.


The protein to be analyzed N/A N/A Sequence of the protein can be obtained from NCBI
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#: D2650 SIGMA DMSO should be sterile and cell culture tested.
Kb-/-Db-/- mice The Lackson Laboratory Stock#: 019995 We used Taconic H2-KbH2-Db doube knockout mice (Cat#: 4215-F and 4215-M) which however are not available anymore.
AIM V Serum Free Medium ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 12055091
2-mercaptoethanol ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 21985023
Sodium pyruvate ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 11360070
Nonessential Amino Acids ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 11140076
Dynabeads CD8 Positive Isolation Kit ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 11333D
Bio-Gel P-100 Bio-Rad Cat#: 150-4171
Phoshate Balanced Solution (PBS) ThermoFisher Scientific Cat#: 20012027
Trasfer pipette Globe Scientific Mfg#: 137238
Murine M-CSF PeproTech Cat#: 315-02
48-well tissue culture plates USA Scientific Cat#: CC7682-7548
Corning Costar TC-treated Multiple well Plates, 96-well, V-shaped bottom Sigma-Aldrich Cat#: Z372129 Sigma
1ml deep 06-well PP plate, sterile USA Scientific Item#: 1896-1110
Recombinant murine IL-2 PeproTech Cat#: 212-12
Recombinant murine IL-7 PeproTech Cat#L: 217-17
Capture anti-IFN-γ antibody BD Biosciences Cat#: 551881
ELISPOT plate Sigma-Aldrich Cat#: S2EM004M99
C1R ATCC Cat#: ATCC CRL-1993
C1R.Qa-1b Custom made (GenBank access#: NM_010398.3)
Qa-1 lentiviral vector GeneCopoeia Product#: Mm02955
Detection anti-IFN-γ antibody BD Biosciences Cat#: 551881
Tween20 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#: P9416
Streptavidin-HRP BD Biosciences Cat#: BD557630
AEC substrate BD Biosciences Cat#: 551951
ImmunoSpot Analyzer ImmunoSpot Any immunoSpot analyer should work for this purpose.


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Citar este artículo
Xu, Y., Wasnik, S., Baylink, D. J., Berumen, E. C., Tang, X. Overlapping Peptide Library to Map Qa-1 Epitopes in a Protein. J. Vis. Exp. (130), e56401, doi:10.3791/56401 (2017).

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