
Noninvasive Determination of Vortex Formation Time Using Transesophageal Echocardiography During Cardiac Surgery

Published: November 28, 2018


We describe a protocol to measure vortex formation time, an index of left ventricular filling efficiency, using standard transesophageal echocardiography techniques in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. We apply this technique to analyze vortex formation time in several groups of patients with differing cardiac pathologies.


Trans-mitral blood flow produces a three-dimensional rotational body of fluid, known as a vortex ring, that enhances the efficiency of left ventricular (LV) filling compared with a continuous linear jet. Vortex ring development is most often quantified with vortex formation time (VFT), a dimensionless parameter based on fluid ejection from a rigid tube. Our group is interested in factors that affect LV filling efficiency during cardiac surgery. In this report, we describe how to use standard two-dimensional (2D) and Doppler transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) to noninvasively derive the variables needed to calculate VFT. We calculate atrial filling fraction (β) from velocity-time integrals of trans-mitral early LV filling and atrial systole blood flow velocity waveforms measured in the mid-esophageal four-chamber TEE view. Stroke volume (SV) is calculated as the product of the diameter of the LV outflow track measured in the mid-esophageal long axis TEE view and the velocity-time integral of blood flow through the outflow track determined in the deep transgastric view using pulse-wave Doppler. Finally, mitral valve diameter (D) is determined as the average of major and minor axis lengths measured in orthogonal mid-esophageal bicommissural and long axis imaging planes, respectively. VFT is then calculated as 4 × (1-β) × SV/(πD3). We have used this technique to analyze VFT in several groups of patients with differing cardiac abnormalities. We discuss our application of this technique and its potential limitations and also review our results to date. Noninvasive measurement of VFT using TEE is straightforward in anesthetized patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The technique may allow cardiac anesthesiologists and surgeons to assess the impact of pathological conditions and surgical interventions on LV filling efficiency in real time.


Fluid mechanics is a critical yet often underappreciated determinant of left ventricular (LV) filling. A three-dimensional rotational body of fluid, known as a vortex ring, is generated whenever a fluid traverses an orifice1,2,3. This vortex ring improves the efficiency of fluid transport compared with a continuous linear jet4. Movement of blood through the mitral valve during early LV filling causes a vortex ring to form5,6,7,8 and facilitates its propagation into the chamber by preserving fluid momentum and kinetic energy9. These actions enhance LV filling efficiency4,10,11,12,13. The ring not only inhibits blood flow stasis in the LV apex14,15,16,17 but also directs flow preferentially beneath the anterior mitral leaflet7,18, effects that decrease the risk of apical thrombus formation and facilitate filling of the LV outflow track19, respectively. Contrast echocardiography17, Doppler vector flow mapping6,20,21, magnetic resonance imaging7, and particle imaging velocimetry9,22,23,24 have been used to demonstrate the appearance and behavior of trans-mitral vortex rings under normal and pathological conditions. The left atrial-LV pressure gradient, the degree of diastolic mitral annular excursion, the minimum LV pressure achieved during diastole, and the rate and extent of LV relaxation are the four major determinants of the duration, size, flow intensity, and position of the trans-mitral ring2,12,25,26,27,28,29.

Vortex ring development is most often quantified with a dimensionless parameter (vortex formation time; VFT) based on fluid ejection from a rigid tube3, where VFT is defined as the product of the time-averaged fluid velocity and the duration of ejection divided by the orifice diameter. The optimal size of a vortex ring is achieved when VFT is 4 in vitro because trailing jets and energetic limitations prevent it from attaining a larger size3,4. Mitral valve VFT has been approximated clinically using transthoracic echocardiography8,30,31. Based on analysis of trans-mitral blood flow velocity and mitral valve diameter (D), it can be easily shown8 that VFT = 4 × (1-β) × EF ×α3, where β = atrial filling fraction, EF = LV ejection fraction, and α = EDV1/3/D, where EDV = end-diastolic volume. Ejection fraction is the ratio of stroke volume (SV) and EDV, allowing this equation to be simplified to VFT = 4 × (1-β) × SV/(πD3). Because VFT is dimensionless (volume/volume), this index allows direct comparison between patients of varying size without adjustment for weight or body surface area8. Optimal VFT ranges between 3.3 and 5.5 in healthy subjects8, and results are consistent with those obtained in fluid dynamics models3,32. VFT was shown to be ≤ 2.0 in patients with depressed LV systolic function, findings that are also supported by theoretical predictions8. Reductions in VFT independently predicted morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure30. Elevated LV afterload33, Alzheimer's disease34, abnormal diastolic function19, and replacement of the native mitral valve with a prosthesis35 have also been shown to decrease VFT. Measurement of VFT may also be useful to identify blood flow stasis or thrombosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction36,37.

Our group is interested in factors that affect LV filling efficiency during cardiac surgery38,39,40,41. We use standard two-dimensional and Doppler transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) to noninvasively derive the variables required to calculate VFT. In this report, we describe this methodology in detail and review our findings to date.


The Institutional Review Board of the Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center approved the protocols. Written informed consent was waived because invasive cardiac monitoring and TEE are routinely used in all patients undergoing cardiac surgery in our institution. Patients with relative or absolute contraindications for TEE, those undergoing repeat median sternotomy or emergency surgery, and those with atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias were excluded from participation. 1. Anesthe…

Representative Results

The current technique allowed us to reliably measure VFT during cardiac surgery under a variety of clinical conditions by obtaining each determinant from blood flow and dimensional recordings in standard TEE imaging planes. A pulse-wave Doppler sample volume was placed at the tips of the mitral leaflets in the mid-esophageal four-chamber view to obtain the trans-mitral blood flow velocity profile necessary to calculate atrial filling fraction (β; Figure 1</strong…


The current results illustrate that VFT can be reliably measured during cardiac surgery using the TEE techniques described here. Previous descriptions of VFT used transthoracic echocardiography in conscious subjects, but this approach cannot be utilized when the chest is open. We used intraoperative TEE to determine VFT in the anesthetized patients undergoing cardiac surgery during which changes in LV filling dynamics are often encountered as a result of ischemia-reperfusion injury or surgical interventions. Our findings…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This material is the result of work supported with resources and the use of the facilities at the Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Echocardiography Machine Philips Ultrasound, Bothall, WA iE33
Transesophageal Echocardiography Probe Philips Ultrasound, Bothall, WA X7-2t
Statistical Software AnalystSoft, Walnut, CA StatPlus:mac Pro


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Citar este artículo
Pagel, P. S., Dye III, L., Hill, G. E., Vega, J. L., Tawil, J. N., De Vry, D. J., Chandrashekarappa, K., Iqbal, Z., Boettcher, B. T., Freed, J. K. Noninvasive Determination of Vortex Formation Time Using Transesophageal Echocardiography During Cardiac Surgery. J. Vis. Exp. (141), e58374, doi:10.3791/58374 (2018).

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