
Use of Dual Optical Tweezers and Microfluidics for Single-Molecule Studies

Published: November 18, 2022


Visual, single-molecule biochemistry studied through microfluidic chambers is greatly facilitated using glass barrel, gas-tight syringes, stable connections of tubing to flow cells, and elimination of bubbles by placing switching valves between the syringes and tubing. The protocol describes dual optical traps that enable visualization of DNA transactions and intermolecular interactions.


Visual biochemistry is a powerful technique for observing the stochastic properties of single enzymes or enzyme complexes that are obscured in the averaging that takes place in bulk-phase studies. To achieve visualization, dual optical tweezers, where one trap is fixed and the other is mobile, are focused into one channel of a multi-stream microfluidic chamber positioned on the stage of an inverted fluorescence microscope. The optical tweezers trap single molecules of fluorescently labeled DNA and fluid flow through the chamber and past the trapped beads, stretches the DNA to B-form (under minimal force, i.e., 0 pN) with the nucleic acid being observed as a white string against a black background. DNA molecules are moved from one stream to the next, by translating the stage perpendicular to the flow to enable the initiation of reactions in a controlled manner. To achieve success, microfluidic devices with optically clear channels are mated to glass syringes held in place in a syringe pump. Optimal results use connectors permanently bonded to the flow cell, tubing that is mechanically rigid and chemically resistant, and which is connected to switching valves that eliminate bubbles that prohibit laminar flow.


The ability to visualize protein-DNA interactions at the single-molecule level and in real-time has provided significant insight into genome stability1,2. In addition to working with single molecules of DNA one at a time, the ability to view transactions between individual molecules nearby provides additional insight3,4,5. The manipulation of additional DNA molecules requires both additional optical traps as well as high-quality, multi-channel, microfluidic flow cells6.

There are several methods available to generate more than one optical trap. These include galvanometer scanning mirrors, acoustic optic modulators, and diffractive optics, which generate holographic optical tweezers4,7,8,9. Often, scanning mirrors and acoustic optic modulators produce traps that timeshare. In the setup described here, the beam of a single Nd:YAG laser is split on polarization, and then galvanometer laser scanning mirrors control the position of what is termed the mobile trap (Figure 1)4. To facilitate the positioning of mirrors and filters to direct the trapping beam to the back aperture of the microscope objective, a HeNe laser is used. This makes overall alignment easier as the HeNe beam is visible to the naked eye, whereas infrared beams are not. The HeNe beam is also safer to work with making the positioning of mirrors and other components less stressful. Initially, the beam path for this laser is separate from the 1064 nm beam, but is introduced into the same beam path, and then into the microscope objective. Once physical alignment is achieved, positioning the 1064 nm beam on top of the HeNe beam is done and this is facilitated by the use of an infrared viewer and various beam imaging tools to visualize beam position and quality. Then, the beam expander is introduced, and the resulting expanded infrared beam is aligned onto the back aperture of the objective. Finally, the objective is removed and the power in each polarized beam is measured and adjusted using λ/2 waveplates to be equal (Figure 1C). Power measurements are also done once the objective is returned and typically there is a 53% power loss. There is, however, sufficient power to form stable fixed and moving optical traps in the focal plane (Figure 1D).

To image DNA transactions, microfluidic flow cells play a key role as they permit controlled measurements at the single-molecule level with high spatial and temporal resolution (Figure 2). The term microfluidic refers to the ability to manipulate fluids in one or more channels with dimensions ranging from 5-500 μm10,11. The term stream refers to the actual fluid within a channel and the channel refers to the physical channel in which a fluid stream or streams move. Single-channel flow cell design has a common, physical channel where reactions are observed and there is typically only one fluid stream present. Thus, these designs are known as single-stream flow cells. In contrast, multi-stream flow cells are defined as a microfluidic device in which two or more entry channels converge into a single, common, physical channel (Figure 2A). Within the common channel, the fluid streams that originate from the individual channels flow parallel to one another, and remain separated with only minimal mixing between them occurring due to diffusion (Figure 2B). In the majority of experimental setups, a single pump pushes fluids into each channel at the same speed. In contrast, when boundary steering is used, three or more, independently controlled pumps push fluids through the channels. However, each pump operates at a different speed but the net flow rate in the common channel is constant12. This permits the rapid exchange of main channel components simply by altering pump speed.

In addition to laminar flow, another critical factor is the parabolic velocity profile within the laminar fluid stream. The highest flow velocity occurs in the middle of the stream and the slowest occurs next to the surfaces (Figure 2C)13. This profile must be considered to fully stretch a DNA molecule that is attached to a bead held in the stream for precise visualization of fluorescent DNA and accurate single-molecule analyses. Here, the DNA is stretched to B-form and is held in place under 0 pN of force. To achieve this, focusing of the optical trap position should be to a position 10-20 μm from the bottom coverslip surface (Figure 2D). Care must be taken so that the DNA molecule is not stretched beyond B-form as this can inhibit enzyme reactions. Under typical buffer conditions, 1 μm = 3,000 bp of DNA14. Furthermore, by trapping 10-20 μm from the coverslip, the DNA complex is positioned far from the surface thereby minimizing surface interactions.

Many methods have been used to create microfluidic device channels and these can be done in the laboratory or flow cells can be purchased from commercial sources6,15,16,17. The optimal materials used to construct the flow cells must be mechanically rigid, optically transparent with low fluorescence, and impervious to organic solvents6. Frequently, borosilicate float glass, or fused silica are used to provide a stable flow environment for an extended time that is suitable for optical trapping, visualization, and force detection. These materials also permit the use of non-aqueous solvents (e.g., spectrophotometric grade methanol) to simplify surface wetting and removal of air bubbles, and denaturants (e.g., 6M guanidinium hydrochloride) or detergents to clean the flow cell. Finally, the methods used to introduce fluids into flow cells vary from complex vacuum pump systems to single syringe pumps14,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27. In the approach described here, a syringe pump that can accommodate up to 10 syringes is used (Figure 3A). This provides flexibility to use single-channel flow cells or flow cells with multiple inlet channels. Here, a three-channel flow cell is used and is mated to syringes held in place on the syringe pump using poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) tubing (Figure 3AC). The flow of fluids is controlled by four-way switching valves and thus serve to minimize the introduction of bubbles into the flow cell (Figure 3A,D). In addition, Hamilton gastight syringes which have stiff glass walls and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-coated plungers, are recommended as they provide exceptionally smooth plunger motion that is essential to obtaining a smooth flow14,27.

In the experimental system described, flow cells with two to five inlet channels have been used. The number of inlet channels is dictated by the experiment being done. For the study of RecBCD and Hop2-Mnd1, two stream channels were sufficient14,28. For the helicase, the enzyme was bound to the free end of the DNA and translated into a stream containing magnesium and ATP to initiate translocation and unwinding. For Hop2-Mnd1, optically trapped DNA was translated into the adjacent fluid stream containing proteins and buffer ± divalent metal ions. The use of three-channel flow cells enables one to trap DNA in stream 1, translate the DNA into stream 2 to allow protein binding to occur, and then to stream 3 where ATP is present, for example, to initiate reactions. A variation on the above is to use fluorescent-tagged protein in channel 2, which results in the fluid stream being completely white and precludes visualization of the DNA. When this molecule is translated into stream 3, both proteins and DNA are now visible when reactions are initiated.

The use of four-way switching valves to control fluid flow is a critical component of the system to eliminate bubbles in the flow cells. Bubbles are detrimental to stable fluid flow as they contract and expand in unpredictable ways resulting in rapid changes in flow velocity and the introduction of turbulence. When the valves are positioned between syringes and inlet tubing, the flow path is disconnected by switching the valve position when syringes are changed out. When the new syringe is put in place, the plunger can be manually depressed so that >6 μL is ejected (the dead volume of the valve) and this eliminates bubbles almost entirely.

The attachment of connectors to flow cells is frequently the rate-limiting step in flow cell use. We describe the use of two types of connectors: removable known as press-fit and permanent ones (nanoport assemblies). The removable connectors are simple to adhere to a flow cell and different types of flexible tubing in addition to the recommended PTFE can be tested with these connectors. This is a rapid and cost-effective way to test tubing and connectors without sacrificing more expensive glass flow cells. In contrast, nanoport assemblies are attached permanently, withstand pressures up to 1,000 psi, and, in our hands, their use is restricted to PEEK tubing of different diameters. This is not a disadvantage as PEEK tubing is preferably used. A single glass flow cell with permanent assemblies attached can be reused for more than 1 year with careful use.


1. Laser trap alignment and testing with polystyrene beads NOTE: For the setup, refer to Figure 1A,B. CAUTION: The experimentalist should wear appropriate protective eyewear or laser safety glasses during laser beam alignment. As the optical tweezer system described herein uses both HeNe and IR beams, two separate sets of laser safety glassware are required. HeNe Beam alignment P…

Representative Results

The initial testing of the trap alignment and strength is done with 1 μm, non-fluorescent polystyrene beads. Since most of the research done in the laboratory uses fluorescence, we further test trap strength using 1 μm, Dragon green polystyrene beads (Figure 1D,E). Thereafter work changes to optical trapping of DNA-bead complexes where the DNA is stained with the bis-intercalating dye YOYO-114,29. When thes…


The careful assembly of the flow system is critical to the successful outcome of experiments4,6. One of the most challenging aspects of the protocol is the attachment of connectors to the glass surface. For this, we use the following two approaches: press-fit fit tubing connectors and nanoport assemblies. Press-fit connectors adhere easily to glass followed by pushing of PTFE tubing into the preformed holes using forceps. When a more stable attachment is required…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Research in the Bianco laboratory is supported by NIH grants GM100156 and GM144414 to P.R.B.


100x objective Leica 506318 or 506038 Oil immersion lenses; Imaging and optical trapping only; Plan APO objectives optimized for fluorescence imaging
10X Objective Leica 506263 Used to locate laser beams spots during alignment; to find focus and X-Y position in flow cell
1 mm fluorescent beads Bangs Labs FSDG004 Used for tap performance, focal position determination
1 mm polystyrene beads Bangs Labs CPO1004 Used for trap performance evaluation and binding to biotinylated molecules
63x objective Leica 506081 Used to locate laser beams spots during alignment and to find focus and X-y position in flow cell; can be used for optical trapping as it has an identical back aperture diameter to the 100X; oil immersion lens
Alignment laser Lumentum 1100 series 10mW HeNe laser that is visible to the naked eye that is used to position optics
Beam alignment camera Amscope MU303 A simple, inexpensive and software controlled camera for imaging of the beam position
Camera control and Image capture software Hamamatsu HCImage Coordinates activities of the Lambda DG4 with the camera to facilitate rapid wavelength switching
Camera; Orca flash 4 Hamamatsu c13440-20cu CCD camera for imaging of single-molecule experiments
C-mount for the beam alignment camera Spot imaging solutions DE50CMT Provides optimal positioning of the camera for imaging of laser beams during alignment
C-mount for the Orca Flash 4 camera Has a retainer ring to hold an IR blocking filter in place. This eliminates reflected IR beam from the optical traps and facilitates clearer imaging of trapped objects.
Cy5  fluorescence filter cube Semrock cy5-404a-lsc-zero Used in conjunction with Lambda DG4 to image Cy5 only
Fitc-Txred  fluorescence filter cube Semrock fitc/txred-2x-b-000 Used in conjunction with Lambda DG4 to image FITC and TXRed
Fluidics tubing Grace Bio 46004 PTFE tubing as an alternate to PEEK; works well on some flow cells. Can be used with PDMS flow cells or glass flow cells when Grace Bio fit tubing connectors are used
GFP fluorescence filter cube Semrock gfp-3035b-lsc-zero Used in conjunction with Lambda DG4 to image GFP only
Glass flow cells Translume Custom Clear flow channels for imaging (Fig. 2E)
Glass glue Loctite 233841 Securely and easily bonds Nanoport assemblies to glass flow cells
Glass/PDMS sandwich flow cells CIDRA Precision services Custom design Flow cells built according to your specifications; imaging channels are clear (Fig. 2C)
Hamilton Cleaning solution Hamilton 18311 Gentle but efficient cleaning solution for glass flow cells; does not bubble when used carefully
Illumination system Sutter Instrument Lamda DG4 Discontinued so recommend Lambda 721
Illumination system Sutter Instrument Lamda DG4 Discontinued so recommend Lambda 721
Image analysis software Media cybernetics Image Pro Premiere Analysis of images and single molecule tracking
Image analysis software Fiji/NIH Image/Image J Shareware Analysis of images and single molecule tracking
Image display card Melles Griot 06 DLA 001 Alternate product from Thorlabs: VRC5
Immersion oil Zeiss 444960 Immersol 518 F fluorescence free
Laser beam alignment tools Thor labs FMP05/M; dgo5-1500-h1; BHM1  Used to ensure beams are horizontal and at the correct height
Laser beam viewer Canadian Photonics labs IR 3150 Used to image IR beam spots on mirrors and  targets
Laser power meter Thor labs Measurement of laser output as well as trap strength
Laser safety glasses (HeNe) Thor labs LG7 or 8 Blocks >3 OD units of light of wavelengths >600 nm
Laser safety glasses (IR) Thor labs LG11 Blocks >7 OD units of light of wavelengths ³1000 nm
Mcherry  fluorescence filter cube Semrock mcherry-a-lsc-zero Used in conjunction with Lambda DG4 to image mcherry only
Microscope Leica DMIRE2 DIC port removed to accommodate Dichroic trapping/alignment mirror
Microscope control software  UCSF/shareware uManager Controls the microscope, permits focal alignment of objectives as well as stage control
Nanoport assembly IDEX N333 Connectors that are bonded to flow cells
Optical table support Thor Labs PA52502 Active isolation table support
Optics and lenses Solar TII Various Interference mirrors, telescopes and lenses custom designed for the system
PDMS flow cells ufluidix Custom Flow cells built according to your specifications; imaging channels are clear (Figs. 2B and D)
PEEK tubing IDEX 1532 Provides excellent connection to flow cells and switching valves
Pinkel fluorescence filter cube Semrock lf488/543/635-3x-a-000 Used in conjunction with Lambda DG4 to image multiple fluorophores rapidly
Press fit tubing connectors GraceBio 46003 Clear silicone connector with adhesive that binds well to glass
Scanning mirrors GSI Lumonics VM500 Used to provide control of the second optical trap. GSI Lumonics no longer exists. Similar mirrors can be purchased from Cambridge Scientific
Stage Leica
Stage micrometer Electron Microscopy Sciences 68042-08 Provides on screen ruler for positioning of the beam and system calibration
Switching valves IDEX V-101T Control direction of fluid flow and eliminate introduction of bubbles into flow cells
Syringe and valve manifold Machine shop None Custom built
Syringe pump Harvard Apparatus PHD 2000 Controls fluid flow through flow cells
Syringe pump software Harvard Apparatus 70-6000 Flow control provides seamless, programmable control of fluid flow
Syringes Hamilton 81320 Gas-tight, PTFE Luer Lock, glass barrels with Teflon-coated plungers
Table top Thor Labs T36H Optical table top or breadboard
Trapping laser Newport/Spectra Physics J-series; BL106C Nd:YAG laser; 1064 nm; 5W laser


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Bianco, P. R. Use of Dual Optical Tweezers and Microfluidics for Single-Molecule Studies. J. Vis. Exp. (189), e64023, doi:10.3791/64023 (2022).

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