Modeling Transuterine Fetal Tracheal Occlusion in Murine Model: A Surgical Procedure for Ligation of the Fetal Trachea Within a Pregnant Mouse

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Aydın, E. et al. Transuterine Fetal Tracheal Occlusion Model in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (2021)

This video demonstrates the transuterine tracheal occlusion procedure of a mouse fetus in a pregnant mouse. This model can be used to study the impact of occluded trachea on lung development.


All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Laparotomy Clean the abdominal surface with alcohol and povidone-iodine. Maintain sterile conditions throughout the operation. Perform a vertical incision for the laparotomy of pregnant dams. Cut all layers separately. Identify uterine horns on each side. Determine the candidate fetuses for…

Representative Results

Figure 1. Tracheal occlusion. (A) The transuterine suture passing through the neck. (B) Schematic representation of the structures after the suture passes through and before the knot. Abbreviations: C = Carotid artery; J = Jugular vein; T =Trachea; E = Esophagus; V = Vertebra.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Buprenorphine  Par Pharmaceutical NDC 42023-179-05 For regional anesthesia
Magnification glasses USA Medical-Surgical SLR-250LBLK At least 2.5x
Silk suture Ethicon VCP682G 4-0, 24 mm, cutting
Isoflurane  Halocarbon Life Sciences NDC  66794-017-25  For regional anesthesia
Polypropylene suture   Ethicon Y432H  6-0, 13 mm 1/2c Taperpoint


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Modeling Transuterine Fetal Tracheal Occlusion in Murine Model: A Surgical Procedure for Ligation of the Fetal Trachea Within a Pregnant Mouse. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20809, doi: (2023).

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