
संवर्धित वयस्क पृष्ठीय रूट नाड़ीग्रन्थि न्यूरॉन्स साथ Axon पुनर्जनन की आनुवंशिक अध्ययन

Published: August 17, 2012


एक<em> इन विट्रो में</em> अक्षतंतु उत्थान का उपयोग सुसंस्कृत वयस्क माउस पृष्ठीय रूट नाड़ीग्रन्थि न्यूरॉन्स की आनुवंशिक अध्ययन के लिए मॉडल में वर्णित है. इस विधि आनुवंशिक हेरफेर के दौर से गुजर न्यूरॉन्स से कदम अक्षतंतु फिर से विकास की अनुमति re-suspension/re-plating शामिल हैं. इस दृष्टिकोण अक्षतंतु उत्थान के नुकसान के समारोह के अध्ययन आरएनएआई आधारित प्रोटीन पछाड़ना का उपयोग करने के लिए विशेष रूप से उपयोगी है.


It is well known that mature neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) cannot regenerate their axons after injuries due to diminished intrinsic ability to support axon growth and a hostile environment in the mature CNS1,2. In contrast, mature neurons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) regenerate readily after injuries3. Adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons are well known to regenerate robustly after peripheral nerve injuries. Each DRG neuron grows one axon from the cell soma, which branches into two axonal branches: a peripheral branch innervating peripheral targets and a central branch extending into the spinal cord. Injury of the DRG peripheral axons results in substantial axon regeneration, whereas central axons in the spinal cord regenerate poorly after the injury. However, if the peripheral axonal injury occurs prior to the spinal cord injury (a process called the conditioning lesion), regeneration of central axons is greatly improved4. Moreover, the central axons of DRG neurons share the same hostile environment as descending corticospinal axons in the spinal cord. Together, it is hypothesized that the molecular mechanisms controlling axon regeneration of adult DRG neurons can be harnessed to enhance CNS axon regeneration. As a result, adult DRG neurons are now widely used as a model system to study regenerative axon growth5-7.

Here we describe a method of adult DRG neuron culture that can be used for genetic study of axon regeneration in vitro. In this model adult DRG neurons are genetically manipulated via electroporation-mediated gene transfection6,8. By transfecting neurons with DNA plasmid or si/shRNA, this approach enables both gain- and loss-of-function experiments to investigate the role of any gene-of-interest in axon growth from adult DRG neurons. When neurons are transfected with si/shRNA, the targeted endogenous protein is usually depleted after 3-4 days in culture, during which time robust axon growth has already occurred, making the loss-of-function studies less effective. To solve this problem, the method described here includes a re-suspension and re-plating step after transfection, which allows axons to re-grow from neurons in the absence of the targeted protein. Finally, we provide an example of using this in vitro model to study the role of an axon regeneration-associated gene, c-Jun, in mediating axon growth from adult DRG neurons9.


1. Coverslips, संस्कृति, मध्यम और पाचन एंजाइमों की तैयारी 12 मिमी दौर # 1 गिलास coverslips से neuronal संस्कृति के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है. coverslips साथ 10% एचसीएल रातोंरात आसुत और विआयनीकृत पानी के साथ 3 बार (20 मिनट / समय) के लिए अल्ट्…


वयस्क DRG न्यूरॉन्स और vivo में इन विट्रो में परिधीय तंत्रिका चोट के बाद मजबूती के साथ उनके axons पुनर्जन्म, इस प्रकार अक्षतंतु उत्थान के लिए वयस्क पशुओं में अध्ययन के लिए एक उपयोगी प्रणाली प्रदान करते हैं….


The authors have nothing to disclose.


इस काम FZ करने के लिए (R01NS064288) NIH और क्रेग एच. Neilsen फाउंडेशन से अनुदान द्वारा समर्थित किया गया.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number
MEM Invitrogen 11090-081
Poly-D-Lysine hydrobromide Sigma -Aldrich P6407
Laminin Invitrogen 23017-015
5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine Sigma -Aldrich F0503
Uridine Sigma -Aldrich U3003
Collagenase A Roche 10103578001
TrypLE Express Invitrogen 12604-013
Fetal bovine serum Invitrogen 10270-098
Penicillin-streptomycin (100X) Invitrogen 15140-122
GlutaMAX-I (100X) Invitrogen 35050-038
Glass coverslips (#1) Electron Microscopy sciences 72196-12
24 well cell culture plate Becton Dickinson 35-3047
1X PBS Mediatech 21-040-CV
Sterile, distilled and deionized water Mediatech 25-055-CV
Nucleofector and electroporation Kits for Mouse Neurons Lonza VPG-1001
ON-TARGETplus siRNA against c-Jun Dharmacon L-043776
Anti–βIII tubulin antibody (Tuj-1) Covance MMS-435P
ProLong Gold Antifade mounting solution Invitrogen P36930


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Saijilafu, Zhou, F. Genetic Study of Axon Regeneration with Cultured Adult Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons. J. Vis. Exp. (66), e4141, doi:10.3791/4141 (2012).

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