

Published: March 23, 2022




缺乏强大的人体呼吸 道上皮体外 模型阻碍了对呼吸系统生物学和病理学的理解。我们描述了一种明确的方案,从肺组织中的成体干细胞中提取人肺类器官,并诱导近端分化以产生成熟的气道类器官。然后以高稳定性连续扩张肺类器官超过1年,而分化的气道类器官用于在形态学和功能上模拟人气道上皮至接近生理水平。因此,我们建立了人类气道上皮的鲁棒类器官模型。肺类器官和分化气道类器官的长期扩张产生了稳定和可再生的来源,使科学家能够在培养皿中重建和扩增人气道上皮细胞。人肺类器官系统为各种应用提供了独特且具有生理活性 的体外 模型,包括研究病毒 – 宿主相互作用,药物测试和疾病建模。


类器官已成为器官发育 体外 建模和研究生物学和疾病的强大而通用的工具。当在生长因子定义的培养基中培养时,来自各种器官的成体干细胞(ASC)可以在3维(3D)中扩增并自组装成由多种细胞类型组成的器官样细胞簇,称为类器官。Clevers的实验室在2009年报告了第一个ASC衍生的类器官,人类肠道类器官的衍生12。之后,ASC衍生的类器官已被确定用于各种人体器官和组织,包括前列腺34,肝脏56,胃789,胰腺10,乳腺11和肺 1213.这些ASC衍生的类器官保留了天然器官的关键细胞,结构和功能特性,并在长期扩增培养物中保持了遗传和表型稳定性1415





本文所述的所有使用人体组织的实验均已获得香港大学/医院管理局香港西区(UW13-364和UW21-695)机构审查委员会的批准。在组织收集之前获得患者的知情同意。 1. 人肺类器官的衍生 实验材料的制备 通过用2mM谷氨酰胺,10mM HEPES,100 U / mL青霉素和100μg / mL链霉素补充高级DMEM / F12培养基来制备基础培养基。 通过用10%R-spondin 1条件培养基,10%诺金?…

Representative Results

该方案能够以高成功率衍生出人肺类器官。将新鲜的人体肺组织切成小块,然后用胶原酶分解。将所得的单细胞嵌入基底基质中,并在肺类器官扩增培养基中孵育,并补充一系列用于上皮干细胞生长的利基因子(步骤1.1.2)。 图1 显示了嵌入在2型(BME; 图 1A(左)。囊性类器官出现并随着时间的推移而扩大(图1A,右)。同时,不…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Reagents for lung organoid culture
Advanced DMEM/F12 Invitrogen 12634010
A8301 Tocris 2939 500nM
B27 supplement Invitrogen 17504-044 1x
Cultrex Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix, Type 2 (BME 2) Trevigen 3533-010-0 70-80%
FGF-10 Peprotech 100-26 20 ng/mL
FGF-7 Peprotech 100-19 5 ng/mL
GlutaMAX (glutamine) Invitrogen 35050061 1x
HEPES 1M Invitrogen 15630-056 10 mM
Heregulin β-1 Peprotech 100-03 5 nM
N-Acetylcysteine Sigma-Aldrich A9165 1.25 mM
Nicotinamide Sigma-Aldrich N0636 10 mM
Noggin (conditional medium) home made 10x
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Invitrogen 15140-122 1x
Primocin Invivogen ant-pm-1 100 µg/mL
Rspondin1 (conditional medium) home made 10x
SB202190 Sigma-Aldrich S7067 1 µM
Y-27632 Tocris 1254 5 µM
Proximal differentiation medium
DAPT Tocris 2634 10 µM
Heparin Solution StemCell Technology 7980 4 µg/mL
Hydrocortisone Stock Solution StemCell Technology 7925 1 µM
PneumaCult-ALI 10X Supplement air liquid interface supplement
PneumaCult-ALI Basal Medium StemCell Technology 05001 air liquid interface basal medium
PneumaCult-ALI Maintenance Supplement air liquid interface maintenance supplement
Y-27632 Tocris 1254 10 µM
Biological safety cabinet Baker 1-800-992-2537
Carl Zeiss LSM 780 or 800 Zeiss confocal microscope
CO2 Incubator Thermo Fisher Scientific 42093483
Stereo-microscope Olympus Corporation CKX31SF
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5418BG040397
Serological pipettor Eppendorf
Micropipette Eppendorf
ZEN black or ZEN blue software Zeiss analysis software
12mm Trans-well StemCell Technology #38023
12-well cell culture plate Cellstar 665970
15- and 50 ml conical tubes Thermo Fisher Scientific L6BF5Z8118
24-well cell culture plate Cellstar 662160
6.5mm Trans-well StemCell Technology #38024
Medical Syringe Filter Unit, 0.22 µm Sigma-Aldrich SLGPR33RB
Microfuge tubes Eppendorf
Micropipette tips Thermo Fisher Scientific TFLR140-200-Q21190531
Pasteur pipette glass Thermo Fisher Scientific 22-378893
Serological pipettes(5ml, 10ml, 25ml) Thermo Fisher Scientific BA08003, 08004, 08005
Goat Anti-Mouse Alexa Fluor 594 Invitrogen A11005
Goat Anti-Mouse, Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen A11001
Goat Anti-Rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen A11034
Goat Anti-Rabbit Alexa Fluor 594 Invitrogen A11037
Goat Anti-Rat Alexa Fluor 594 Invitrogen A11007
Mouse Anti-Cytokeratin 5 Abcam ab128190
Mouse Anti-FOX J1 Invitrogen 14-9965-82
Mouse Anti-Mucin 5AC Abcam ab3649
Mouse Anti-β-tubulin 4 Sigma T7941
Rabbit Anti-p63 Abcam ab124762
Rat Anti-Uteroglobin/CC-10 R&D Systems MAB4218-SP
Other reagent
TrypLE Select Enzyme (10X) Thermo Fisher Scientific A1217701 dissociation enzyme


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Li, C., Chiu, M. C., Yu, Y., Liu, X., Xiao, D., Huang, J., Wan, Z., Zhou, J. Establishing Human Lung Organoids and Proximal Differentiation to Generate Mature Airway Organoids. J. Vis. Exp. (181), e63684, doi:10.3791/63684 (2022).

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