

Published: October 28, 2022










すべての動物実験は、実験動物の飼育と使用に関するガイドラインに従って実施され、東呉大学の動物実験施設の飼育と使用委員会によって承認されました。 1.外科的処置 生後6週齢のC57BL/6雄マウス21匹を、横頸靭帯および前距腓靭帯群、横頸靭帯および三角筋靭帯群、偽手術群の3群に分ける。すべてのマウスが特定の病原体フリー(SPF)基準を満たす?…

Representative Results

相関データの統計分析は、オンライン統計分析ツールを使用して実行しました。正規分布と分散の均一性の2つの検定を満たしたデータは、一元配置分散分析によるさらなる統計分析に使用されました。データが2つの検定を満たさない場合、Kruskal-Wallis検定が統計分析に使用されました。データは標準偏差±平均値で表され、 p < 0.05 は統計的に有意であると見なされました。 <p class="…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




5-0 Surgical Nylon Suture Ningbo Medical Needle Co., Ltd. 191104
Acidic ethanol differentiation solution (1%) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R20778
Adhesive slides Jiangsu Shitai Company
Ammonia solution (1%) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R20788
Anhydrous ethanol Shanghai Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
Aqueous acetic acid (1%) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R20773
Black cube cassette Shanghai Yizhe Instrument Co., Ltd.
Centrifuge tube 15ml Beijing Soleibo Technology Co., Ltd. YA0476
Centrifuge tube 50ml Beijing Soleibo Technology Co., Ltd. YA0472
Cover glass Jiangsu Shitai Company
CTAn software Blue scientific micro-CT analysis software
Dataview software AEMC instruments commercial data analysing software
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-2Na) Beijing Soleibo Technology Co., Ltd. E8490
Electric incubator Suzhou Huamei Equipment Factory
Embedding paraffin Leica, Germany 39001006
Eosin staining solution (alcohol soluble, 1%) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R30117
Fast green staining solution Sigma-Aldrich, USA F7275
Gait paper Baoding Huarong Paper Factory
GraphPad Prism 8.0 Graphpad software online statistical analysis tools
Iodophor cotton balls Qingdao Hainuo Bioengineering Co., Ltd.
Leica 818 blade Leica, Germany
Micro-CT Skyscan, Belgium SkyScan 1176
Micromanipulation microscope Suzhou Omet Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
Mimics software Materialise  3D medical image processing software 
Modified Harris Hematoxylin Stain Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R20566
Mouse anti-mouse type II collagen American Abcam Company
NaOH Shanghai Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
N-butanol Shanghai Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
Neutral formalin fixative (10%) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Neutral resin Sigma-Aldrich, USA
Nrecon reconstrcution software  Micro Photonics Inc.
Oaks hair clipper Oaks Group Co., Ltd.
Paraffin Embedding Machine Leica, Germany
PH meter Shanghai Leitz Company
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) American Biosharp
Physiological saline (for mammals, sterile) Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. R22172
Safranin O-staining solution Sigma-Aldrich, USA HT90432
Saline (0.9%) Shanghai Baxter Medical Drug Co., Ltd. 309107
Shaker Haimen Qilin Bell Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 2008779
SPSS 23 IBM online statistical analysis tools
Tablet machine Leica, Germany
Tissue slicer Leica, Germany
Ugo Basile Ugo Basile Biological Research Company
Upright fluorescence microscope Zeiss Axiovert, Germany
U-shaped plastic channel Shanghai Yizhe Instrument Co., Ltd.
Veterinary eye ointment Pfizer
Xylene Shanghai Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
YLS-10B Wheel Fatigue Tester Jinan Yiyan Technology Development Co., Ltd.


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Citer Cet Article
Wang, S., Liu, P., Hua, C., Zhang, H., Yu, J. A Mouse Model of Ankle-Subtalar Complex Joint Instability. J. Vis. Exp. (188), e64481, doi:10.3791/64481 (2022).

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