
Ecotoxicological Methodologies to Evaluate Biomarkers at Different Scales in Neotropical Anurans

Published: April 28, 2023


In this paper, standardized ecotoxicological methods for the evaluation of biomarkers in neotropical anuran species are presented. Specifically, this paper details several methodologies at different scales of ecotoxicological evaluation, such as the genetic, cellular-histological, biochemical, morphological, and individual levels.


The new questions in ecotoxicology highlight the importance of applying a battery of biomarkers, as this results in ecotoxicological predictions that improve not only the interpretation of the effects of environmental stressors on organisms but also the determination of their possible impact. It is well known that the use of ecotoxicological biomarkers at different levels of organization allows for the prediction of the biological responses of organisms to environmental stressors, which is useful in environmental risk assessment.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider the optimization of basic procedures, to generate historical data in control groups, and to employ specific bioassays to evaluate responses in organs and tissues in order to elucidate the nature and variation of the effects observed. Therefore, the present work aims to describe several ecotoxicological methodologies employed in all stages of neotropical anurans at different ecological levels and to validate them as useful biomarkers to be used both in wildlife and in laboratory conditions. In this work, these biomarkers were applied at the individual/organismic level (body condition index), histological/physiological level (histopathology, histometric, and pigmentary analyses), biochemical level (oxidative stress enzymes), and genetic level (direct and oxidative damage in DNA by comet assay).

Although these methodologies have small variations or modifications depending on the species, these techniques provide effective biomarkers for evaluating the effect of xenobiotics on anurans, which possess certain characteristics that make them useful indicator species of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In conclusion, the battery of biomarkers employed in the present study has proven to be adequate for estimating toxic responses in Neotropical anurans and can be further recommended as bioindicators for identifying the impact of pollutants on the aquatic ecosystems of the region. Finally, it is recommended to achieve the standardization of these important biomarkers for anurans in specific regions as well as to possibly include them in risk assessments and decision-making.


The input of environmental stressors into natural water bodies can affect the health of the aquatic ecosystem1. Exposure to these environmental stressors can affect the survival or fitness of aquatic organisms through different toxicity mechanisms, including direct exposure (both short- and long-term)2. Hence, standardized laboratory bioassays to assess toxicological endpoints related to fitness and survival may be an unreliable estimate of the many indirect effects of stress in the field. Furthermore, alterations in normal physiological levels and effects on individuals, such as in terms of prey capture, may be better long-term indicators of the impact on survival and reproductive fitness in organisms and, ultimately, on the health of the ecosystem1,3. Predicting changes in ecosystem composition and function, as well as organism health, based on a known set of environmental parameters and contaminant concentrations, is important for improving pollution management1.

Biomarkers are defined as biochemical, physiological, or histological changes due to either exposure to or the effects of xenobiotic chemicals4,5. Biomarkers have proven to be very useful as early warning signals4,5. An important question that biomarkers help answer is whether certain stressors are present in high enough concentrations in the environment to cause adverse effects. This information contributes to the assessment of whether it is worth investigating the nature and extent of the damage and the causative agents or whether no more resources should be invested in that case6,7,8. Moreover, since the concept of evaluating a single biomarker as a bioindicator may not be adequate5,7,8,9,10, there is a growing trend toward performing a comprehensive evaluation of multiple biomarkers in order to detect early warning signs and, thus, prevent irreversible effects on ecosystems.

It is very important to note that all toxic effects begin with the interaction of a stressor with biomolecules. In this sense, effects can cascade through the biochemical, subcellular, cellular, tissue, organ, individual, population, community, ecosystem, landscape, and biospheric levels of organization. Cells are the primary site of interaction between environmental stressors and biological systems. Thus, understanding molecular and genetic effects allows researchers to associate low and high levels of ecological organization and helps them to predict the effect of environmental pollutants, for example, on human health, that have not yet been tested5. Moreover, due to the high specificity of cells, they are not only useful for evaluating environmental pollutants but also human health5,11. Therefore, understanding the effects of stressors at the biochemical level may provide insights into the causes of the observed effects and allow them to be connected with those at the next higher level5. In addition, by understanding the biochemical mechanisms of stressors, the effects of new stressors that have not yet been toxicologically evaluated may be predicted with respect to other well-known contaminants based on their similarities in function. In the presence of various environmental stressors, genetic and biochemical biomarkers may provide valuable information on the specific effects observed. In addition to this, histochemical evaluations related to biochemical changes can provide information on toxicodynamics5. In short, a comprehensive analysis of cellular, biochemical, and histological biomarkers is necessary10,12, and this type of analysis, in turn, should be included in biomonitoring programs for local species5,13,14.

The study of biomarkers under laboratory conditions may, nonetheless, present some difficulties, including difficulties in the detection of sublethal effects and chronic impacts after exposure to pollutants and in the validation and standardization of the methods employed, as well as the complex time- or dose-dependent responses, the unclear or undetermined links to fitness, and the lack of integrated mechanistic models1,4. To solve these problems, the solution is not to increase the number of biomarkers measured but to carefully design studies and testable hypotheses that contribute to explaining the mechanistic bases of chemical effects on whole organisms4.

The new questions in ecotoxicology highlight the importance of applying a battery of biomarkers to generate ecotoxicological predictions that improve the interpretation of the effects of environmental stressors on organisms, as well as decision-making about their possible impact. Moreover, the importance of combining both concepts-biomarkers and bioindicators-in environmental risk assessments and biomonitoring is that this will allow researchers to determine whether organisms in a specific environment of interest are physiologically normal or stressed. The approach taken in this study resembles that of the biochemical analysis that is carried out in humans. In this sense, a battery of biomarkers may be analyzed to see if an organism is healthy both in the field and in the laboratory6. Finally, biomarkers will contribute to ecological risk assessments in two ways: (1) assessing the exposure of rare and/or long-lived species, and (2) testing hypotheses about the mechanisms of chemical impacts at different levels of biological organization4.

In the last decade, biomarkers have been used in anurans for biomonitoring the exposure to cytotoxic and genotoxic contaminants. Among these, the techniques that have been used most frequently are the micronucleus (MN) assay and the comet assay or the induction of single-stranded DNA breaks by single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. In addition, those techniques have been successfully used to estimate the DNA damage induced by various environmental stressors in several neotropical anurans14,15,16,17,18,19. Other biomarkers can used to examine changes in the oxidative status in organisms exposed to environmental pollutants16,17,18,19. Oxidative stress is a response to exposure to different xenobiotics, leading to several detrimental effects, including on the antioxidant capacity of the exposed individuals5,6,7,19,20.

In ecotoxicological studies, bioindicator species are used because they are organisms that identify the long-term interactions and adverse effects of environmental stressors at higher organizational levels (e.g., organism, population, community, and ecosystem levels)10,20,21. By integrating the two concepts-biomarkers and bioindicators-species can be screened to broadly define biochemical, physiological, or ecological structures or processes that are correlated or linked with measured biological effects at one or more levels of biological organization. Finally, the great challenge of utilizing both concepts to improve the estimates of the toxicity of a stressor relates to analyzing biomarkers and bioindicators that have high utility in the evaluation of ecological risks20. In this sense, there is consensus on the relevance of employing biomarkers and bioindicators as early warning signs, as they offer relevant information about the response of a test organism to environmental stressors12,20,21.

Amphibians are one of the most threatened and rapidly declining groups of organisms worldwide. One of the main reasons for this decline is pollutants that enter their habitat, such as pesticides, metals, and emerging pollutants22,23,24,25. Anurans have several characteristics that make them useful as bioindicator species, such as their permeable skin, close relationship with water, and sensitivity to environmental pollution2,23,24. These characteristics make amphibians effective bioindicators of environmental health7,8,22,23,24,26.

Nevertheless, it is necessary not only to consider the optimization of basic procedures and the generation of historical data in control groups but also to employ specific bioassays to evaluate responses in organs and tissues to elucidate the nature and variation of effects observed in bioindicators. In this sense, the present work aims to describe several ecotoxicological methodologies to be employed in all stages of neotropical anurans at different ecological levels and validate them as useful biomarkers to be employed both in wildlife and laboratory conditions. This work presents a battery of biomarkers that may be integrated and that have been proven for laboratory and wildlife biomonitoring in anurans exposed to environmental stressors.


The following techniques include the previous sacrifice of the animal, which was carried out in accordance with international ethical standards46,47,48, and the subsequent dissection and ablation of the organs. The animals were captured under the authorization of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Production of San Luis Province (Resolution 49-PMA2019). The methods of sacrifice and euthanasia of the animals were duly a…

Representative Results

All the biomarker techniques presented here are simple, rapid, convenient, sensitive, low cost, and accurate methods. For each biomarker, it is important to note the following. Individual level Scaled mass index Taking photographs on the millimeter scale is of great importance since this value will be used to calibrate the software, and this results in better objectivity with respect to the caliper measurement when taking the SVL variable. In addit…


The biomarkers at the individual level are very simple to determine and very low-cost, as examining these biomarkers requires only a few pieces of equipment that are usually available in any research laboratory. In addition, these biomarkers provide general information on the health and fitness of the animals. The number of animals employed in each protocol is critical for obtaining reliable results. Due to the variability of data, a minimum of five animals (N = 5) is necessary for each treatment. In detail, a critical s…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Instituto de Química de San Luis "Dr. Roberto Olsina"- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (INQUISAL-CONICET), Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Project PROICO 2-1914), Laboratório de Patologia Experimental (LAPEx) – Instituto de Biociências (INBIO) – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Cátedra de Citología – Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), and Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica (FONCYT; PICT-2018-02570 and PICT-2018-01067) for financial support. We would also like to thank native speaker Lidia Unger and GAECI-UNSL (scientific writing assistance center) from the National University of San Luis for the proofreading of the manuscript.


Analytical scale
Electrophoresis power supply  Enduro  E0203-250V 
Eosin  Merck
Fluorescence photomicroscope  Olympus  BX50 Equipped with an appropriate filter combination
Hematoxylin of Harris Merck
High resolution photo camera   >16 megapixels
Horizontal electrophoresis chamber  Sigma
Microcentrifuge Denver Instrument
Microscope Leica DM4000 B Equipped with image capture system Leica DFC 280
Microtome Leica 2265
Paraplast Sigma P3558
Personal Computer  Eqquiped with Mac OS X, Lynux or Windows
Refrigerated centrifuge
UV–Vis spectrophotometer Rayleigh 723G With UV-lamp


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Pérez-Iglesias, J. M., Franco-Belussi, L., Ruiz de Arcaute, C., Bach, N. C., Soloneski, S., González, P., Almeida, C. A., Brodeur, J. C. Ecotoxicological Methodologies to Evaluate Biomarkers at Different Scales in Neotropical Anurans. J. Vis. Exp. (194), e64520, doi:10.3791/64520 (2023).

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