
Optimizing Sample Preparation Process for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Neuromuscular Junctions in Drosophila Larvae

Published: September 15, 2023


This report provides a new sample preparation procedure for visualizing neuromuscular junctions in Drosophila Larvae. This method is more effective in preventing the curling of the samples compared to the traditional method and is particularly useful for Drosophila neuromuscular junction ultrastructural analysis.


The Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has emerged as a valuable model system in the field of neuroscience. The application of confocal microscopy at the Drosophila NMJ enables researchers to acquire synaptic information, encompassing both quantitative data on synapse abundance and detailed insights into their morphology. However, the diffuse distribution and limited visual range of the TEM present challenges for the ultrastructural analysis. This study introduces an innovative and efficient sample preparation method that surpasses the conventional approach. The procedure begins by placing a metal mesh at the base of a flat-bottomed bottle or test tube, followed by positioning fixed larvae samples onto the mesh. An additional mesh is placed over the samples, ensuring that they are positioned between the two meshes. The fixed samples are thoroughly dehydrated and infiltrated before proceeding with the embedding procedure. Then embedding of the samples in epoxy resin is performed in a flat sheet manner, which allows for the preparation of muscles for positioning and sectioning. Benefiting from these steps, all the muscles of Drosophila larvae can be visualized under light microscopy, therey facilitating subsequent positioning and sectioning. Excess resin is removed after locating the 6th and 7th muscles of body segments A2 and A3. Serial ultra-thin sectioning of the 6th or 7th muscle is performed.


Electron microscopy is one of the most ideal methods for studying the ultrastructure of biological materials that can visually and accurately demonstrate the internal structure of cells at the nanoscale level1. However, due to the complexity of the sample preparation process and the high cost, electron microscopy is not as popular as light microscopy. Recent advancements in electron microscopy techniques have led to significant improvements in image quality, coinciding with a remarkable reduction in the associated workload. Consequently, electron microscopy has assumed an important role in advancing scientific knowledge in diverse fields2.

Drosophila is an excellent animal model for performing genetic manipulations to precisely control the spatial and temporal expression of target genes3. Besides, Drosophila has the advantages of a short growth period and easy rearing compared to mammalian models; therefore, Drosophila is widely used in morphology research4,5.

In Drosophila larvae, neuromuscular junction (NMJ) boutons are widely distributed in the muscles6,7, and immunostaining of NMJ can easily provide information on synapse quantity and morphology8,9 . The NMJ boutons located in the 6th/7th muscles of the A2 and A3 segments are well suited for quantitative and morphological research using light microscopy. This is because of their size and abundance10,11. Therefore, Drosophila larvae NMJs are considered a useful model for neuroscience research12.

However, it is challenging to observe the NMJ bouton ultrastructure by the TEM. Since the scan window of transmission electron microscopy is narrow, it is hard to position the widely distributed NMJ boutons13. The other reason is that the Drosophila body wall is susceptible to curling during the alcohol dehydration step of the sample preparation protocol7.

Traditional studies have usually chosen boutons between the 6th and 7th muscles of the A2 and A3 segments as sample materials because of their abundance and size14,15. The 6th and 7th muscles of the A2 and A3 segments are bigger than the other muscles and contain more boutons. However, when samples were prepared for electron microscopy, fixed samples tended to become thin and prone to curling, thereby leading to improper positioning of the 6th and 7th muscles of the A2 and A3 segments.

We hereby report a new processing procedure that is more effective in preventing the curling of the samples compared to the traditional method of sample preparation7,16, by allowing the samples to stay flat during the subsequent dehydration, thereby facilitating better positioning of the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junctions.


NOTE: The transmission electron microscopy sample preparation method used in this article has been reported previously16. It is important to note that the selection of reagents and the adjustment of dosage are necessary depending on the sample. There are many toxic chemical reagents used in the sample preparation process, therefore, the operator needs to take certain protective measures, such as wearing protective clothing and gloves and operating in a fume hood. …

Representative Results

The Drosophila larva body wall is composed of 30 identifiable muscle fibers arranged in a regular pattern and looks like a thin slice after dissection and fixation21(Figure 1A). The sample remains flat during the dehydration process due to the presence of the metal meshes (Figure 1B, C). The larval body muscle is buried in a thin plate made of epoxy resin (Figure 1D-…


Drosophila larva samples tend to curl up during dehydration, as the samples are thin, making it difficult to accurately locate the neuromuscular junction, thereby increasing the difficulty and workload for the sample preparation. The traditional improvement is to shorten the sample7, but the samples were still curled to different degrees.

In our method, there are two critical steps: first, the samples remain flat throughout the dehydration process due to the re…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China Grant 32070811, and Southeast University (China) Analysis Test Fund 11240090971. We thank the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy and Center of Morphological Analysis, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.


1,2-Epoxypropane SHANGHAI LING FENG CHEMICAL REAGENT CO., LTD JYJ 037-2015 Penetrating Agent
Drosophila Stocks Bloomington none The wild-type control Drosophila strains used in this research were all W1118, and were reared according to standard culture methods
Flat-bottomed glass test tubes Haimen Chenxing Experimental equipment Company  none Flat-bottomed glass test tubes(bottle)with sponge plug(or bottle stopper)
K4M cross-linker  Agar Scientific Cat# 1924B The embedding resins are based on a highly cross-linked acrylate and methacrylate formula 
K4M resin (monomer B)  Agar Scientific Lot# 631557 Resin Monomer
Polyvinyl film Haimen Chenxing Experimental equipment Company  none Transparent polyethylene film is the best , thickness of about 0.2mm
SPI Chem DDSA SPI SpI#02827-AF Dodecenyl Succinic Anhydride
SPI-Chem DMP-30 Epoxy SPI 02823-DA Accelerator
SPI-Chem NMA SPI SpI#02828-AF Hardner for Epoxy
SPI-PON 812 Epoxy SPI SPI#0259-AB Resin Monomer
Steel mesh  Yuhuiyuan Gardening Store(online) none Copper or stainless steel net
Transmission electron microscopy Hitachi H-7650 11416692 All grids (on which samples were gathered) were stained with lead citrate and observed under a transmission electron microscopy.
Ultrathin microtome Leica UC7 ultrathin microtome 595915 All sectioning operations are carried out on a Leica UC7 ultrathin microtome using a diamond knife


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Citer Cet Article
Guangming, G., Qingyuan, S., Yutong, O., Mei, C., Chenchen, Z. Optimizing Sample Preparation Process for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Neuromuscular Junctions in Drosophila Larvae. J. Vis. Exp. (199), e64934, doi:10.3791/64934 (2023).

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