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Published: April 21, 2023 doi: 10.3791/64954
* These authors contributed equally



在这里,我们提出了大鼠模型中正常变 位异地 保存后异位植入心脏的评估方案。


心脏移植是终末期心力衰竭最有效的治疗方法。尽管治疗方法和干预措施有所改善,但等待移植的心力衰竭患者人数仍在增加。常温 异地 保存技术已被确立为与传统静态冷藏技术相当的方法。该技术的主要优点是供体心脏可以在生理条件下保存长达12小时。此外,该技术允许在循环死亡后对供体心脏进行复苏,并应用所需的药物干预来改善植入后的供体功能。已经建立了许多动物模型来改进常温 异地 保存技术并消除与保存相关的并发症。虽然与小型动物模型相比,大型动物模型易于处理,但它既昂贵又具有挑战性。我们提出了一个正常变温异位供体心脏保存后异 腹部移植的大鼠模型。这种模型相对便宜,可以由单个实验者完成。




在本研究中,我们引入了NESHP的简化大鼠模型,然后是异位心脏移植,以评估保存技术对植入后移植条件的影响。该模型简单,具有成本效益,可以由单个实验者执行。 图 1 显示了该过程的原理图。

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全南大学医院实验动物研究中心伦理委员会(批准文号)中国农业大学 IACUC - H - 2022-36) 批准了所有动物实验。本研究中使用的雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠(350-450g)按照实验动物的护理和使用指南接受了护理。将大鼠饲养在温控室中,进行12小时的明暗循环,并提供标准食物和水。

1. 准备


  1. 手术前组装朗根道夫装置,包括氧合器、泵和灌注管路(图2)。用 20 mL 盐水溶液填充灌注回路并循环直至灌注自体血。
  2. 通过连接到主动脉套管的旋塞 阀将 心脏麻痹管连接到回路,并准备注射泵进行最后的心脏停搏输注。
  3. 将温度传感器放置在将储存供体心脏的储液器内,将电路的温度保持在37°C。
  4. 手术准备
    1. 为每只供体和受体大鼠准备一套单独的无菌微型仪器和材料。
      1. 为捐赠者准备手术套装:一把手术剪刀、一对微型镊子、锋利的蚊钳、5-0 丝线、棉签、50 mL 注射器、心脏停搏液 (CPS) 灌注管、注射泵、18 G 血管导管、一套 5 Fr. 股骨导管和无菌纱布。
      2. 为接受者准备手术套装:显微手术剪刀、伤口牵开器、一对微钳、蚊钳、血管微夹、1 mL 注射器、一条 5-0 和 9-0 聚丙烯缝合线、5-0 丝线、棉签和无菌纱布。

2. 供体心脏保存和采血

  1. 在麻醉室中用异氟醚(5%)诱导供体大鼠麻醉,并在将其放在手术台上之前记录大鼠的重量。
  2. 将大鼠仰卧在手术台上,并通过鼻锥输送2%-2.5%异氟醚和90%氧气进行连续麻醉。
  3. 通过检查对脚趾捏和呼吸频率缺乏反应来验证麻醉深度,呼吸频率应在每分钟 50-60 次之间。
  4. 涂抹眼部润滑剂并将耻骨区域剃到锁骨,在那里进行手术。用碘基磨砂膏和 70% 酒精清洁该区域。
  5. 插管
    1. 做一个7厘米的中线腹部切口和从剑突到锁骨中段的3厘米双侧切口。从胸部区域取下毛皮。
    2. 使用棉签,将腹部器官动员到腹部左侧。将腹主动脉与腹膜后筋膜和脂肪组织隔离。
    3. 使用 1 mL 注射器通过下腔静脉 (IVC) 注射溶解在 0.3 mL 等渗盐水中的 1,000 IU 肝素。用棉签轻轻按压针孔出血,以阻止针孔出血。
    4. 将一根 5 Fr. 股骨导管插入腹主动脉 (Abd. A)。确保导管尖端到达主动脉弓。通过评估导管插入部分的大致长度来确认导管位置。
  6. 采血
    1. 通过插入 Abd. A 中的导管 收集 约 10 mL 的血液。
    2. 之后,用等渗盐水稀释启动血液,直到总体积达到 12 mL。加入5mg头孢唑啉溶解在0.3mL盐水和胰岛素(20IU)中。
  7. 心搏骤停
    1. 将先前制备的CPS灌注管连接到腹导管,并以800mL / h的速率使用注射泵开始CPS给药。
    2. 从横膈膜打开胸腔,并在膈肌附近切开IVC,以防止心室扩张。沿胸椎双侧切肋骨,直至胸廓入口。用蚊钳向上反射活动腹侧胸壁。
    3. 使用微镊子完全切除胸腺,以观察主动脉弓。如果胸腺动脉出血,则进行轻度按压。
  8. 萃取
    1. 施用所有CPS后,将主动脉弓与周围组织隔离。仔细解剖左锁骨下动脉下方。
    2. 横断头臂动脉,左颈总动脉位于远处位置,留下主动脉弓较长的残端,以便在主动脉插管期间易于处理。使主肺动脉 (MPA) 的横断面尽可能靠近分叉。注意不要损伤左心耳。
    3. 小心地用5-0丝线结扎上腔静脉(SVC)和IVC,防止右心房(RA)和冠状窦阻塞。用湿纱布覆盖胸部左缘,将心脏放在其上,轻轻缩回SVC和IVC结扎以露出肺门。
    4. 用5-0丝线将肺静脉和无齐静脉结扎在一起。切断结扎处的组织背侧并提取心脏。检查心脏是否有任何损伤。最后,在主动脉插管前称量心脏。

3. 非原位 灌注

  1. 主动脉插管和灌注
    1. 在主动脉插管之前,用血液灌注代替生理盐水灌注回路。
    2. 将主动脉套管插入主动脉弓,并用临时微型夹将其固定。确保套管的尖端位于头臂交界处。
    3. 用微镊子轻轻抓住主动脉来确认套管的正确位置。
    4. 以 2-3 mL/min 的流速开始灌注,让灌注液从插管部位泄漏以去除任何气泡。
    5. 通过连接到监测系统的传感器监测灌注压力和温度。
    6. 用食指和食指轻轻按摩心脏,直到静脉血液从主肺动脉 (MPA) 泄漏。
    7. 用 1-0 丝结扎固定主动脉,并在验证所有设置(灌注回路、灌注压力、温度)后取下夹子。
    8. 放置永久性结扎后,确保心脏在几秒钟内开始收缩,并在 60 秒内达到正常节律。37 °C 下平均灌注压为 55-65 mmHg,冠状动脉流速为 3-4 mL 表明灌注充分。
    9. 从储液器中收集 0.15 mL 血液,并在灌注开始时检查血气分析 (BGA),此后每 20 分钟检查一次。灌注过程中监测和记录pH值、pCO2、pO2、葡萄糖、血细胞比容、钾和乳酸。灌注 120 分钟后,以 250 mL/h 的速率通过注射泵施用 3 mL 的 Custodiol 以停止心脏。

4. 植入

  1. 准备接收者
    1. 停止异位 灌注前30分钟开始接受者准备。
    2. 使用与步骤2.2中提到的相同方法麻醉受体动物。
    3. 将大鼠仰卧放在加热垫上,并将温度探头插入直肠以将体温保持在37°C。
    4. 涂抹眼部润滑剂,将耻骨剃到上腹部,并用碘基磨砂膏和 70% 酒精清洁该区域。
  2. 药物
    1. 皮下注射 2 mL 温盐水,以补偿手术期间流失的液体。皮下注射200 IU肝素。
    2. 通过皮下或肌肉注射溶解在 0.3 mL 盐水中的 10 mg/kg 头孢唑啉来预防抗生素。
    3. 通过皮下注射20mg / kg双氯芬酸来控制疼痛。
  3. 进行中线剖腹手术并插入牵开器以扩大腹腔。使用棉签将腹部器官移动到受体的左侧,为手术腾出空间。
  4. 通过用温湿的纱布包裹腹部器官来防止脱水。在手术过程中,用50mL注射器间歇性地散布温盐水。
  5. 利用放大倍率为10倍的手术显微镜,用棉签钝切解剖来调动十二指肠和近端空肠,以暴露Abd.A.和IVC。准备阿卜杜勒。A和IVC用于吻合并系统地植入供体心脏,按照 图3 或先前记录的方法15
    1. 假设血管吻合口放置在下部,准备足够的主动脉和IVC部分用于钳夹。
    2. 使用棉签或锋利的锯齿状镊子进行钝器制备,以去除血管周围的脂肪和筋膜。
    3. 将5-0丝结扎器放在肠系膜分支以及主要血管的颅侧和尾侧。抬高腹部血管,用 5-0 条丝线凝固或结扎腰支。切记要保留睾丸动脉和静脉,不要夹住它们。
    4. 使用结扎器抬起血管并将微夹定位在大血管的肠系膜分支、尾部和颅侧,以阻止吻合部位的血流。在放置夹子之前关闭加热垫,因为过度加热会加剧肢体缺血。确保在松开容器后打开加热垫,以避免体温过低。
    5. 使用27G针刺穿主动脉,并用微型剪刀将切口拉长至等于或略大于供体升主动脉(Asc)的开口。A),大约是 5 毫米。
    6. 以与主动脉切开术相同的方式在IVC上做一个纵向切口,但与主动脉切口相比,使其更接近尾侧3毫米。
    7. 开始吻合,将供体心脏放在受体腹部的右侧并连接供体 Asc。A 到收件人的 Abd。A在纵向切口的颅角有一个简单的断针(9-0聚丙烯)。
    8. 将心脏移动到受体腹部的左侧,并对供体的 ASC 进行吻合。A 与收件人的 Abd。A采用9-0聚丙烯缝合线。
    9. 在纵向切口的尾角和颅角处用两条中断的缝合线(9-0聚丙烯)将供体肺动脉固定在IVC上。
    10. 从血管腔内侧进行静脉吻合的前半部分,从血管腔外侧完成后半部分。在拧紧结之前,用盐水冲洗田野以防止空气栓塞。
  6. 排气和脱夹
    1. 完成吻合后首先取下肠系膜静脉夹,让心脏右侧充满静脉血。
    2. 去除冠状动脉回路和腹腔中的空气。A.通过逆行冠状动脉灌注几秒钟。
    3. 在血管两侧放置一块纱布,取下尾夹和颅夹。
    4. 用棉签轻轻按压1-2分钟。确保足够的止血后,取出拭子并用温盐水清洗吻合口。
  7. 以蜿蜒的方式更换腹部器官,并使用连续的5-0聚丙烯缝合线关闭腹部切口的层。
  8. 手术后,将麻醉动物放在加热垫上方的清洁区域,直到体温达到 37°C。
    注意:在体温达到37°C之前,请勿开始术后检查。 将麻醉维持在2-2.5%异氟醚直至实验结束。
  9. 监测移植供体心脏的心电图3小时。然后,在深度麻醉下切除心脏以进行组织学研究。

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Representative Results

图1 显示了小动物模型中使用的实验设计。 图2 显示了改进的朗根道夫灌注装置,其中包括一个小动物氧合器。异位腹腔植入的吻合顺序如图 3所示。

图4 显示了用于评估 非原位 灌注期间心脏活力的参数,例如乳酸、钾和平均主动脉压。在这项研究中,使用常温 异位 保存将六个成功病例的总缺血时间减少到46.2±4.7分钟,而总体外时间为166.2±4.7分钟(图5)。从供体中提取心脏并准备异位灌注和 异位 移植需要5.8±1.3分钟,如图 5所示。手术总成功率为70%,6例成功病例的平均吻合时间为38.4±3.4 min。在所有实验中,植入后心率立即显着下降,但最终会随着时间的推移而恢复,如图 6所示。在异位保存和 位植入后,供体心脏的总体结构保存良好,未检测到明显的损伤。然而,苏木精 - 伊红染色显示异位植入3小时后炎症细胞数量增加,主要是中性粒细胞(图7)。

Figure 1
图1:异位心脏移植的常温异位心脏保存实验设计。缩写:BGA = 血气分析,CPS = 心脏停搏溶液。请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 2
图2:改良小动物 异地 心脏保存示意图。 缩写:血压传感器=血压传感器,CPS=心脏停搏溶液。 请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 3
图3:异位心脏移植中的吻合顺序 。 (A)供体心脏在受体腹部的位置和吻合顺序的示意图。(B)供体升主动脉和受者腹主动脉吻合术。(C)供体肺动脉和受体IVC吻合术。缩写:LV = 左心室,RV = 右心室,LA = 左心房,MPA = 主肺动脉,IVC = 下腔静脉。 请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 4
图4非原位 灌注期间活力评估的参数请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 5
图5:六颗成功保存的心脏的保存时间表。 心脏提取和 异位 灌注促进:5.8 ± 1.3 分钟 非原位 灌注:120 分钟植入受体大鼠的腹部:38.4±3.4分钟, 请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 6
图6:供体心脏在获取前和植入后的电生理性能 。 (A)心率的变化。收获前,30分钟,60分钟,90分钟,120分钟,150分钟,180分钟:植入后的时间。(B)供体心脏采集前和植入3小时后的心电图图像。 请点击此处查看此图的大图。

Figure 7
图 7:供体心脏的宏观 (A-C) 和微观 (D-F) 外观。 公元,卒)在常温 异地 保存之前。(乙,东)常温 异地 保存后。(中,女)异位植入2小时后。 请点击此处查看此图的大图。

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我们建立这个模型的重点是复制正常的人类心脏移植。非射血模型是在 非原位 环境中保存供体心脏的常用首选技术16。虽然射血模型在 评估非原 位灌注期间的心脏功能方面具有许多优势17,但它们不适用于异位移植模型。在异位移植中,植入的供体心脏需要克服宿主心脏在受体循环系统中产生的收缩后负荷压力,导致供体心脏性能有限,并且在评估中被低估了18。因此,非射血模型在异位移植中更有利。在非喷射模型中,供体心脏被灌注,但不支持受体的循环,这大大限制了心脏的性能评估。形态学和分子学评估,如组织学染色和印迹分析,在功能评估有限时有益于检查供体心脏状况。此外,代谢标志物可以使用先进技术进行评估,例如正电子发射断层扫描(PET)或磁共振成像(MRI)19。该模型可用于测试植入前药物和遗传干预的长期有效性。

许多研究小组已经开发了一种常温 异地 保存模型,该模型已成功用于保存猪心长达 12 小时6.然而,对于小型实验室来说,大型动物模型的维护成本可能过高,因为它涉及大量费用并且需要大量训练有素的人员。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种更便宜且技术上简单的异位保存方法,该方法涉及使用自体血,然后进行 异位 心脏移植。值得注意的是,使用我们的模型进行单个实验的成本约为 300 美元。虽然没有等效的小动物模型来比较成本,但大型动物的 异地 灌注设备,如果使用一次,成本可能高达30,000美元16

所提出的协议表明,所有实验程序都可以由单个实验者逐步执行(图3)。异位保存后 位植入的可能性是该模型的另一个优点。通过插管供体心脏的降主动脉进行 异位 灌注,我们能够保留升主动脉而不会造成任何损害。此外,我们修改了Langendorff回路,将有效心脏灌注所需的灌注液量减少到12 mL。灌注血液是在收获前从供体大鼠那里获得的,使我们能够用自己的血液保存心脏,并在保存过程中避免任何免疫反应。

建议使用 非原位 灌注回路将平均后载荷压力保持在 50-70 mmHg 的范围内。压力由各种因素决定,包括灌注流量、冠状动脉阻力和灌注液粘度20。冠状动脉阻力容易受到温度和pH值变化引起的波动,因此将这些参数保持在正常范围内至关重要。每个实验所需的灌注流量各不相同,并且取决于维持所需灌注压力所需的流量。通常,3-4 mL/min(相当于我们的泵的5-6 rpm)的流量足以满足350-450克大鼠心脏的需求。血细胞比容水平是灌注液粘度的决定因素21。对于我们的电路,最佳血细胞比容范围为25%至30%。尽管使用了最小的实验制氧器,但对于 12 mL 的灌注液体积,0.05 m2 的大气体交换表面积会导致蒸发并随之而来的流体损失。这种液体损失可以通过根据需要添加蒸馏水来纠正。不建议在灌注液中添加盐水或林格溶液,因为它们可引起高钠血症。灌注葡萄糖浓度应保持在 100-150 mg/dL。

在灌注期间避免心律失常至关重要,因为它意味着 异地 环境的一个或多个生理参数的恶化10。快速性心律失常或左心室颤动通常与多种因素有关,例如电解失衡、低血细胞比容、酸中毒/碱中毒、体温过高和后负荷过大。另一方面,缓慢性心律失常主要是由体温过低引起的。乳酸和钾是评估心肌活力的关键参数。乳酸水平升高(>5 mmol/L)和高钾血症(>5.0 mg/dL)表明心肌损伤程度很高22


外科手术的关键阶段包括主动脉弓和MPA的夹层,主动脉插管进行 位灌注, 非原位 灌注前的脱气以及植入后移除夹子前的脱气。这些步骤非常脆弱,并且通常与失败有关。然而,克服这些挑战的关键在于确定适当的技术并获得足够的实践。在接受者进行血管隔离期间,必须特别注意右侧输尿管,该输尿管位于腹膜后间隙的IVC附近,可能类似于淋巴管。在静脉吻合的情况下,建议首先使用保持缝合线固定尾端,然后使用颅端,以防止撕裂和狭窄。这一点尤其重要,因为与主动脉相比,静脉相对脆弱。

该实验中涉及的外科手术相当复杂,特别是在获得供体心脏并从同一动物身上灌注血液时。植入后的功能评估是有限的,因为我们使用了非弹出模型。喷射模型被认为在 非原地 环境中提供更先进的结果。然而,在异位移植中,由于循环系统中存在支持宿主心脏,因此受到限制。

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Name Company Catalog Number Comments
AES active evacuation system Smiths medical PC-6769-51A Utilize CO2 and excess isoflurane
Anesthesia machine Smiths medical PC-8801-01A Mixes isoflurane and oxyegn and delivers to animal
B20 patient monitor GE medical systems B20 to observe mean aortic pressure and temperature
Homeothermic Monitoring System Harvard apparatus 55-7020 To monitor and maintain animal's temperature
Micro-1 Rat oxygenator Dongguan Kewei medical instruments Micro-MO For gas exchange in the langendorff circuit
Micropuncture introducer Set COOK medical G48007 for delivering cardioplegic solution to the arch through the abdominal aorta
Microscope Amscope MU1403 For zooming surgical field (Recipient)
Surgical loupe SurgiTel L2S09 For zooming surgical field (Donor)
Syringe pump AMP all SP-8800 To deliver cardioplegic solution
Transonic flow sensor Transonic ME3PXL-M5 Perfusion circuit flow sensor
Transonic tubing flow module Transonic TS410 flow acquiring system
Watson - Marlow pumps Harvard apparatus 010.6131.DAO Peristaltic pump used for recirculate perfusate
WBC-1510A JEIO TECH E03056D Heating bath
Sprague-Dawley rats Samtako Bio Korea Co., Ltd., Osan City Korea
BioHAnce Gel Eye Drops SENTRIX Animal care wet ointments for eye
Cefazolin JW pharmaceutical For prophilaxis
Custodiol DR, FRANZ KOHLER CHEMIE GMBH For heart harvesting
Diclofenac Myungmoon Pharm. Co. Ltd For pain control
Heparin JW pharmaceutical Anticoagulant
Insulin JW pharmaceutical hormon therapy
Saline JW pharmaceutical For hydration therapy



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  6. Trahanas, J. M., et al. Achieving 12 hour normothermic ex situ heart perfusion: an experience of 40 porcine hearts. ASAIO Journal. 62 (4), 470-476 (2016).
  7. Yang, Y., et al. Keeping donor hearts in completely beating status with normothermicblood perfusion for transplants. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 95 (6), 2028-2034 (2013).
  8. Van Caenegem, O., et al. Hypothermic continuous machine perfusion enables preservation of energy charge and functional recovery of heart grafts in an ex vivo model of donation following circulatory death. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 49 (5), 1348-1353 (2016).
  9. Lu, J., et al. Normothermic ex vivo heart perfusion combined with melatonin enhances myocardial protection in rat donation after circulatory death hearts via inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated pyroptosis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9, 733183 (2021).
  10. Pinnelas, R., Kobashigawa, J. A. Ex vivo normothermic perfusion in heart transplantation: a review of the TransMedics Organ Care System. Future Cardiology. 18 (1), 5-15 (2022).
  11. Fuchs, M., et al. Does the heart transplant have a future. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 55, i38-i48 (2019).
  12. Pahuja, M., Case, B. C., Molina, E. J., Waksman, R. Overview of the FDA's circulatory system devices panel virtual meeting on the TransMedics Organ Care System (OCS) Heart - portable extracorporeal heart perfusion and monitoring system. American Heart Journal. 247, 90-99 (2022).
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医学,第 194 期,


Formal Correction: Erratum: Rat Model of Normothermic Ex-Situ Perfused Heterotopic Heart Transplantation
Posted by JoVE Editors on 08/28/2023. Citeable Link.

An erratum was issued for: Rat Model of Normothermic Ex-Situ Perfused Heterotopic Heart Transplantation. The Protocol section was updated.

Section 4 of the Protocol was updated from:

4. Implantation

  1. Preparation of recipient
    1. Begin the recipient preparation 30 min before the cessation of ex situ perfusion.
    2. Anesthetize the recipient animal using the same method as mentioned in step 2.2.
    3. Place the rat in a supine position on the heating pad and insert the temperature probe into the rectum to maintain the body temperature at 37 °C.
    4. Apply eye lubricant, shave the pubic to the epigastric area, and cleanse the area with an iodine-based scrub and 70% alcohol.
  2. Medications
    1. Inject 2 mL of warm saline subcutaneously to compensate for the fluid lost during the surgery. Inject 200 IU of heparin subcutaneously.
    2. Administer antibiotic prophylaxis by injecting 10 mg/kg cefazolin dissolved in 0.3 mL of saline subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
    3. Administer pain control by injecting 20 mg/kg of diclofenac subcutaneously.
  3. Perform the mid-line laparotomy and insert a retractor to widen the abdominal cavity. Mobilize the abdominal organs to the left side of the recipient using cotton swabs to make space for the procedure.
  4. Prevent dehydration by wrapping the abdominal organs with warm and wet gauze. Intermittingly spread warm saline with a 50 mL syringe during the surgery.
  5. Utilizing a surgical microscope with a 10x magnification, mobilize the duodenum and proximal jejunum by blunt dissection with cotton swabs to expose the Abd. A. and IVC. Prepare the Abd. A and IVC for anastomosis and systematically implant the donor heart, in accordance with Figure 3 or previously documented methods15.
    NOTE: Do not separate the Abd. A. and IVC.
    1. Assuming vascular anastomosis to be placed infrarenal, prepare a sufficient portion of the aorta and IVC for clamping.
    2. Perform blunt preparation using cotton swabs or sharp-serrated forceps to remove the fats and fascia around the vessels.
    3. Place 5-0 silk ligatures to the mesenteric branches and both the cranial and caudal sides of the major vessels. Elevate the abdominal vessels and coagulate or ligate the lumbar branches with 5-0 silk sutures. Remember to spare the testicular arteries and veins and do not clamp them.
    4. Use ligatures to lift the vessels and position the micro-clamps to the mesenteric branches, caudal, and cranial sides of the major vessels to stop the blood flow at the anastomosis site. Be sure to switch off the heating pad before placing the clamps, as excess heating can exacerbate limb ischemia.
    5. Puncture the aorta using a 27 G needle and elongate the incision with micro scissors to a length equal to or slightly larger than the opening of the donor ascending aorta (Asc. A), which is approximately 5 mm.
    6. Make a longitudinal incision on the IVC in the same way as the aortotomy, but make it 3 mm closer to the caudal side compared to the aorta incision.
    7. Starting the anastomoses, placed the donor heart on the right side of the recipient's abdomen and attach the donor Asc. A to the recipient's Abd. A with one simple interrupted stitch (9-0 polypropylene) at the cranial corner of the longitudinal incision.
    8. Move the heart to the left side of the recipient abdomen and perform anastomosis of the donor's Asc. A with the recipient's Abd. A using a running 9-0 polypropylene suture.
    9. Fixate the donor pulmonary artery to the IVC with two interrupted sutures (9-0 polypropylene) at the caudal and cranial corners of the longitudinal incision.
    10. Perform the first half of the venous anastomosis from the intraluminal side of the vessel and complete the second half from the extraluminal side of the vessel. Before tightening the knots, flush the field with saline to prevent air embolism.
  6. De-airing and de-clamping
    1. Remove the mesenteric vein clamp first after completing the anastomosis to allow the right side of the heart to fill with venous blood.
    2. Remove the air in the coronary circuit and Asc. A. by applying retrograde coronary perfusion for several seconds.
    3. Place a piece of gauze on both sides of the vessels and remove the caudal clamp and the cranial clamp.
    4. Apply gentle compression with cotton swabs for 1-2 min. After ensuring adequate hemostasis, remove the swabs and wash the anastomoses with warm saline.
      NOTE: The heart should begin beating within the first minute of reperfusion. If the recipient rat's body temperature is below 35 °C, the heart rhythm will normalize after the temperature reaches 36 °C.
  7. Replace the abdominal organs in a meander-like manner and close the layers of the abdominal incision using continuous 5-0 polypropylene sutures.


4. Implantation

  1. Preparation of recipient
    1. Begin the recipient preparation 30 min before the cessation of ex situ perfusion.
    2. Anesthetize the recipient animal using the same method as mentioned in step 2.2.
    3. Place the rat in a supine position on the heating pad and insert the temperature probe into the rectum to maintain the body temperature at 37 °C.
    4. Apply eye lubricant, shave the pubic to the epigastric area, and cleanse the area with an iodine-based scrub and 70% alcohol.
  2. Medications
    1. Inject 2 mL of warm saline subcutaneously to compensate for the fluid lost during the surgery. Inject 200 IU of heparin subcutaneously.
    2. Administer antibiotic prophylaxis by injecting 10 mg/kg cefazolin dissolved in 0.3 mL of saline subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
    3. Administer pain control by injecting 20 mg/kg of diclofenac subcutaneously.
  3. Perform the mid-line laparotomy and insert a retractor to widen the abdominal cavity. Mobilize the abdominal organs to the left side of the recipient using cotton swabs to make space for the procedure.
  4. Prevent dehydration by wrapping the abdominal organs with warm and wet gauze. Intermittingly spread warm saline with a 50 mL syringe during the surgery.
  5. Utilizing a surgical microscope with a 10x magnification, mobilize the duodenum and proximal jejunum by blunt dissection with cotton swabs to expose the Abd. A. and IVC. Prepare the Abd. A and IVC for anastomosis and systematically implant the donor heart, in accordance with Figure 3 or previously documented methods15.
    NOTE: Do not separate the Abd. A. and IVC.
    1. Assuming vascular anastomosis to be placed infrarenal, prepare a sufficient portion of the aorta and IVC for clamping.
    2. Perform blunt preparation using cotton swabs or sharp-serrated forceps to remove the fats and fascia around the vessels.
    3. Place 5-0 silk ligatures to the mesenteric branches and both the cranial and caudal sides of the major vessels. Elevate the abdominal vessels and coagulate or ligate the lumbar branches with 5-0 silk sutures. Remember to spare the testicular arteries and veins and do not clamp them.
    4. Use ligatures to lift the vessels and position the micro-clamps to the mesenteric branches, caudal, and cranial sides of the major vessels to stop the blood flow at the anastomosis site. Switch off the heating pad before placing the clamps, as excess heating can exacerbate limb ischemia. Ensure to switch on the heating pad after de-clamping the vessels to avoid hypothermia.
    5. Puncture the aorta using a 27 G needle and elongate the incision with micro scissors to a length equal to or slightly larger than the opening of the donor ascending aorta (Asc. A), which is approximately 5 mm.
    6. Make a longitudinal incision on the IVC in the same way as the aortotomy, but make it 3 mm closer to the caudal side compared to the aorta incision.
    7. Starting the anastomoses, placed the donor heart on the right side of the recipient's abdomen and attach the donor Asc. A to the recipient's Abd. A with one simple interrupted stitch (9-0 polypropylene) at the cranial corner of the longitudinal incision.
    8. Move the heart to the left side of the recipient abdomen and perform anastomosis of the donor's Asc. A with the recipient's Abd. A using a running 9-0 polypropylene suture.
    9. Fixate the donor pulmonary artery to the IVC with two interrupted sutures (9-0 polypropylene) at the caudal and cranial corners of the longitudinal incision.
    10. Perform the first half of the venous anastomosis from the intraluminal side of the vessel and complete the second half from the extraluminal side of the vessel. Before tightening the knots, flush the field with saline to prevent air embolism.
  6. De-airing and de-clamping
    1. Remove the mesenteric vein clamp first after completing the anastomosis to allow the right side of the heart to fill with venous blood.
    2. Remove the air in the coronary circuit and Asc. A. by applying retrograde coronary perfusion for several seconds.
    3. Place a piece of gauze on both sides of the vessels and remove the caudal clamp and the cranial clamp.
    4. Apply gentle compression with cotton swabs for 1-2 min. After ensuring adequate hemostasis, remove the swabs and wash the anastomoses with warm saline.
      NOTE: The heart should begin beating within the first minute of reperfusion. If the recipient rat's body temperature is below 35 °C, the heart rhythm will normalize after the temperature reaches 36 °C.
  7. Replace the abdominal organs in a meander-like manner and close the layers of the abdominal incision using continuous 5-0 polypropylene sutures.
  8. After the surgery, place the anesthetized animal on a clean area over a heating pad until the body temperature reaches 37°C. 
    NOTE: Do not initiate the postoperative examinations till the body temperature reaches 37°C. Maintain anesthesia at 2-2.5% isoflurane until the end of the experiments.
  9. Monitor ECG of the transplanted donor heart for 3 h. Then, excise the heart under deep anesthesia for histological studies.
    NOTE: Confirm anesthesia depth via lack of pedal reflex before excising the heart. The surgical procedure and the ECG monitoring take less than 6 h. Diclofenac, administered perioperatively (step 4.2.3.), enables pain management for the entire duration of this procedure. The analgesia regimen can be adjusted per the institutional animal use guidelines.
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Kayumov, M., Jeong, I. S., Kim, D.,More

Kayumov, M., Jeong, I. S., Kim, D., Kwak, Y., Obiweluozor, F. O., Yoon, N., Kim, H. S., Cho, H. J. Rat Model of Normothermic Ex-Situ Perfused Heterotopic Heart Transplantation. J. Vis. Exp. (194), e64954, doi:10.3791/64954 (2023).

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