
Establishment of Hepatocarcinoma in BALB/c-nu Mice and Investigation of the Therapeutic Effect of the Sanleng Jiashen Formula

Published: January 26, 2024


Here, we present the step-by-step protocol to investigate the therapeutic and vascular inhibitory effects of the Sanleng Jiashen formula on BALB/c-nu mice with orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma.


The lethality of liver cancer and the resistance to chemical drugs have forced the search for effective prescriptions of traditional herbs for liver cancer. Animal models that are repeatable, easy to manipulate, and highly mimic the pathophysiological processes of liver cancer are the prerequisite for the successful screening of effective drug candidates. Meanwhile, reliable drug efficacy evaluation indicators and means are also the guarantee of anti-liver cancer drug research and development.

Sanleng Jiashen formula, a representative prescription of traditional Chinese medicine containing Sparganium stoloni erum, Buch. -Ham. (Sanleng), Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. (ginseng), Rheum officinale Baill. (rhubarb), and Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Chuanxiong), is prescribed to nourish the liver and clear heat, remove toxins, and promote blood circulation to treat liver cancer. This experimental protocol describes the preparation of lyophilized Sanleng Jiashen formula and the establishment process of in-situ liver cancer in BALB/c-nu mice. Histopathological staining, immunohistochemical detection of cancer markers, in vivo imaging of mice, and chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane test were used to explore the inhibition and anti-angiogenesis effect of Sanleng Jiashen formula on malignant proliferation of liver cancer tissue. The data show that the Sanleng Jiashen formula can effectively resist the malignant proliferation of liver cancer tissue, which is manifested by reduced tumor mass volume, improved pathological damage, and lower levels of the cancer marker ki67.

The superior inhibition of angiogenesis also suggests that the Sanleng Jiashen formula may have the potential to treat and prevent the progression and deterioration of liver cancer. The whole experimental scheme shows a comprehensive process of traditional Chinese medicine components in the treatment of mouse liver cancer, which provides a reference for the establishment and optimization of a liver cancer model, as well as the research and development of drugs to prevent and treat liver cancer.


Liver cancer is a deadly cancer that originates in the liver and is the second most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide1. Liver disease rates in the United States and some developing countries are showing high levels, and there could be more than 1 million liver cancer cases worldwide by 20302. Due to unhealthy living habits such as smoking, obesity, and drinking, and the ravages of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other viruses, the incidence and mortality of liver cancer have increased significantly year by year3. As a heterogeneous malignant tumor with different histological features and poor prognosis, liver cancer has a very wide range of incidence, including hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, and fibrolamellar liver cancer4. Liver cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, and many advanced patients are not candidates for radiation therapy5. The multikinase inhibitor sorafenib is a highly accepted drug for patients with advanced liver cancer, but patients often develop significant resistance within a short period6. At present, immune checkpoint inhibitors PD-1 and PD-L1 combined with sorafenib have made some progress in controlling the development of liver cancer, but the therapeutic effect is still controversial7.

Orthotopic liver cancer is an early type of liver cancer: cancer cells have not spread around the liver tissue or occur interorgan metastasis, and the function of the liver is not greatly affected8. Because orthotopic liver cancer generally does not appear obvious discomfort symptoms, some patients may have mild liver pain, fatigue, and other symptoms9. In clinical practice, color Doppler ultrasonography of the liver and enhanced computerized tomography examination can diagnose substantial space-occupying lesions in the liver10. Although the local liver cancer that has not spread and metastasized can be removed by surgery, there are certain surgical risks and the inevitable psychological burden for the patients11. Chemoradiotherapy can kill all or part of liver cancer cells, and long-term immunosuppression in patients with medication may affect the effectiveness of treatment and increase the risk of other diseases12. Therefore, seeking safe and effective drug therapy for early liver cancer prevention and treatment is the key to curbing the progression and deterioration of liver cancer.

The principle of Chinese medicine treating liver cancer is based on the concept of balance and harmony within the body. Chinese medicine views liver cancer as an imbalance or disharmony in the body's energy, known as Qi, which affects the liver13. Chinese medicine treatment for liver cancer involves various approaches, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, and lifestyle recommendations. The principle is to restore the balance of Qi, strengthen the body's defense mechanisms, and promote the body's ability to heal itself14,15. Liver cancer in the traditional Chinese medicine belongs to the "tympanites" and "liver accumulation" category. As early as the "Inner Canon of Huangdi" has a detailed record of its symptoms, liver cancer is caused by blood stasis and Zhengqi deficiency and is treated by removing blood stasis, eliminating tympanites, and strengthening the body resistance to consolidate the constitution13. Sanleng pill originated from the book "Weisheng Baojian" written by Luo Tianyi, a famous doctor in the Yuan dynasty. It is composed of three kinds of drugs: Sparganium stoloni erum, Buch. -Ham. (Sanleng), Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (Chuanxiong), and Rheum officinale Baill. (rhubarb). These three kinds of drugs can enter the liver meridian and have therapeutic value for the treatment of liver cancer14. Sanleng Jiashen formula is composed of 16 g of Sanleng, 16 g of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. (ginseng), 8 g of rhubarb, and 2 g of Chuanxiong (Figure 1), which is prescribed to tonify the liver, clear heat, eliminate toxins, and promote blood circulation. These herbs are believed to have anti-cancer properties and help reduce tumor growth, alleviate symptoms, and improve overall well-being. In the previous in vitro experiments, the Sanleng Jiashen formula can inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells15. However, how to evaluate the inhibitory effect of Chinese herbal compounds on liver cancer efficiently and reasonably? By establishing a BALB/c-nu mouse in situ liver cancer model, the inhibitory effect of the Sanleng Jiashen formula on liver cancer and angiogenesis was investigated mainly through small animal live imaging and chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane test.


BALB/c-nu male nude mice that were specific pathogen-free, 5 weeks of age, and weighing 18-22 g were fed in the Animal Experimental Center of Transformation Medical College of Jilin University; the feeding conditions were 22 °C-24 °C with 40%-60% relative humidity. The experimental animal license number is SYXK(Ji) 2018-0006, and the experimental process complies with the rules and regulations of the Ethics Committee of Jilin University, and the animal ethics approval number is 20221228-01. <p class="jove_t…

Representative Results

As shown in Figure 2A, we established an in-situ liver cancer model of BALB/c-nu mice and evaluated the antitumor effect of the Sanleng Jiashen formula. Figure 2B presents that the Sanleng Jiashen formula can significantly suppress the growth of liver tumors. The pathological results indicated that, compared with the control group, the tumor foci in the model group had clear boundaries with the surrounding tissue, larger tumor foci, nodular expansion, a…


A large amount of evidence has confirmed that Sanleng, ginseng, rhubarb, and Chuanxiong in the Sanleng Jiashen formula have pharmacological effects on the treatment of liver cancer. Studies have shown that Sanleng can significantly inhibit the proliferation and growth of tumor cells to prevent tumor cell invasion and metastasis, induce cell apoptosis, and regulate the cell cycle and tumor microenvironment20. It has been proved that kaempferol, the active ingredient in Sanleng, can inhibit the occu…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China (20VYJ070), the Project of Jilin Provincial Education Department (JJKH20230963KJ), and the Second Batch of Xinglin Scholars Engineering Project in Changchun University of Chinese Medicine (QNKXJ2-2021+ZR25).


0.25% trypsin solution HyClone, America SH30042.01B
1 mL disposable syringe Mingankang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., China RWSB
1% Penicillin & streptomycin solution Hyclone, America SV30010
1.5 mL centrifuge tube Corning, America MCT-150-C-S
12 cm needle forceps Hesdick, China HKQS-211
6-0 surgical sutures Shanghai Jinhuan Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China CR631
75% alcohol Sichuan Youbang Enterprise Co., Ltd., Sichuan, China 1.00009E+11
96-well plates NEST, China 701001
Acetone Tianjin Dingfu Chemical General Plant, Tianjin, China GB686-89
BALB/c-nu male nude mice Beijing Weitonglihua Experimental Animal Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China SYXK(Ji) 2018-0006
Biological tissue baking machine Leica, Germany Leica HI1220
Cell culture dish NEST, China NEST.706001
Citric acid solution Wuhan Canos Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China sj1074
D-luciferin Gold Biotechnology®, Inc., China LUCK-100
DMEM Hyclone, America SH30243.01
Egg illuminator Shandong Weizhen Incubation Equipment Company, Shandong, China WZSDT
Eosin staining solution Hunan BKMAM Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Hunan, China 110703061
Erythromycin eye ointment  Cisen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China H37022025
Fetal bovine serum Clark, America FB25015 
Fully automatic intelligent chick incubator Shandong Weizhen Incubation Equipment Company, Shandong, China 29538
GFP lentivirus solution Suzhou GenePharma Co.,Ltd., Suzhou, China F22AZ
Goat serum Shenyang Wanlei Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shengyang, China WLA067
Hand-held mouse skull drill STRONGWT, China 190
HCCLM3 cell line WheLab, Shanghai, China C1010
Heating pad Zhongke Life Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China GEJRD-10W
Hematoxylin Hunan BKMAM Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Hunan, China B-YH250-1
Intelligent decoction pot Hangzhou Jiuyang living Appliance Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China 3003BQ
 Inverted fluorescence microscope Olympus, Japan IX73
ki67 primary antibody Wuhan Servicebio Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China GB121141-100
Lodophor disinfectant Cofoe Medical Technology Co.,Ltd., Hunan, China 202110073
Luciferase Suzhou GenePharma Co.,Ltd., Suzhou, China E26JZ
Matrix glue Corning, America 356234
Medical gauze Yunnan Chenye Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Yunnan, China 71712049971
Methanol Guangdong Guanghua Sci-Tech Co., Ltd., Guangdong, China 1.17001.023
Ophthalmic scissor Hesdick, China HKQS-209
Ophthalmic tweezer Hesdick, China HKCL-20
Paraffin embedding machine Leica, Germany  EG1150H
Paraffin slicing machine Leica, Germany Leica CM1950
Paraformaldehyde Biosharp, China BL539A
PBS buffer Wuhan Servicebio Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China G2156-1L
Puromycin Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China P8230
Refrigerator Thermo Scientific, America TDE40086FV-ULTS
Scalpel Hesdick, China HKCL-93
Secondary antibody Wuhan Servicebio Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China GB23301
Small animal live imaging system Caliper Life Sciences, America IVIS Lumina XR
Sorafenib Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China 284461-73-0 
Transparent dressing 3M, America 9534HP
Triton X-100 Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China T8200
Vacuum freeze dryer  Ningbo Xinzhi Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Ningbo, China sz-10N
White feather chicken eggs Shandong Haotai Experimental Animal Breeding Co., Ltd., Shandong, China SCXK(Lu) 20180004
Xylene Sigma-Aldrich, , America 534056


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Cui, M., Jiang, L., Yang, W., Zhang, W. Establishment of Hepatocarcinoma in BALB/c-nu Mice and Investigation of the Therapeutic Effect of the Sanleng Jiashen Formula. J. Vis. Exp. (203), e66599, doi:10.3791/66599 (2024).

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