
Получение одноклеточной суспензии эпителиальных клеток тимуса мыши и окрашивание внутриклеточных молекул для проточного цитометрического анализа

Published: July 26, 2024


We describe protocols for the preparation of single-cell suspension of mouse thymic epithelial cells and the staining of intracellular molecules for flow cytometric analysis.


Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) play an essential role in promoting the development and repertoire selection of T cells. Cortical TECs (cTECs) in the thymic cortex induce early T cell development and positive selection of cortical thymocytes. In contrast, medullary TECs (mTECs) in the thymic medulla attract positively selected thymocytes from the cortex and establish self-tolerance in T cells. A variety of molecules, including DLL4 and beta5t expressed in cTECs, as well as Aire and CCL21 expressed in mTECs, contribute to thymus function supporting T cell development and selection. Flow cytometric analysis of functionally relevant molecules in cTECs and mTECs is useful to improve our understanding of the biology of TECs, even though current methods for the preparation of single-cell suspensions of TECs can retrieve only a small fraction of TECs (approximately 1% for cTECs and approximately 10% for mTECs) from young adult mouse thymus. Because many of these functionally relevant molecules in TECs are localized within the cells, we describe our protocols for the preparation of single-cell suspension of mouse TECs and the staining of intracellular molecules for flow cytometric analysis.


The thymus is an epithelial mesenchymal organ that promotes the development and repertoire selection of T lymphocytes. In the cortical and medullary microenvironments within the thymus, thymic epithelial cells (TECs) play a crucial role in directing T cell development and selection. It is well accepted that cortical TECs (cTECs) in the thymic cortex primarily contribute to the induction of early T cell development and positive selection of newly generated T-cell antigen-receptor (TCR)-expressing thymocytes. In contrast, medullary TECs (mTECs) in the thymic medulla are essential for the attraction of positively selected thymocytes from the cortex and the establishment of central self-tolerance by eliminating self-reactive T cells and by generating regulatory T cells1,2. These functions of TECs in supporting T cell development and selection are mediated through a variety of molecules expressed in cTECs and mTECs.

These include Delta-like ligand 4 (DLL4), important for T-cell-lineage specification of lymphoid progenitors)3,4, beta5t (also known as Psmb11, important for positive selection of CD8 T cells)5,6, and Prss16 (also known as thymus-specific serine protease, or TSSP, important for positive selection of CD4 T cells)7,8 expressed in cTECs, and Autoimmune regulator (Aire, important for promiscuous expression of self-genes)9,10, Fez family zinc finger 2 (Fezf2, important for promiscuous expression of Aire-independent self-genes and the generation of thymic tuft cells)11,12,13,14, and C-C motif chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21, important for medullary migration and accumulation of positively selected thymocytes)14,15,16 expressed in mTECs. Flow cytometry provides a means for quantitatively detecting these functionally significant molecules in TECs, facilitating the assessment of both the development and function of cTECs and mTECs. Since many of the molecules in TECs are primarily expressed within the cells, such as in the cytoplasm (e.g., proteasome component beta5t) and the nucleus (e.g., transcriptional regulator Aire), it is advantageous to quantitatively analyze intracellular molecules in cTECs and mTECs using flow cytometry.

TECs are rare in the thymus. A female mouse at 5 weeks old has approximately 1 × 106 cTECs and approximately 2.5 × 106 mTECs, whereas the thymic cortex contains approximately 3 × 108 CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and the thymic medulla contains approximately 5 × 107 CD4+CD8 and CD4CD8+ thymocytes17. Therefore, the vast majority (>99%) of cells in the thymus are hematopoietic cells, including thymocytes, rather than TECs, in young adult mice. Moreover, TECs are tightly associated with neighboring cells (e.g., thymocytes) and architectural extracellular components (e.g., collagen) within the thymus, so the liberation of TECs into cell suspension requires protease digestion of the thymus. Conventional methods for enzymatic digestion yield only a small fraction of TECs; approximately 1% (1 × 104) and 10% (2 × 105) for cTECs and mTECs, respectively, from 5-week-old mouse thymus17,18,19. The low efficiency of TEC liberation from the thymus is likely due to the susceptibility of TECs to proteolytic enzymes and mechanical stress and the tight association of TECs with neighboring cells, particularly between cTECs and CD4+CD8+ thymocytes20. In this regard, the results of single-cell analysis of mouse TECs, including flow cytometric analysis and single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis, based on current enzymatic digestion-mediated cell preparation methods are representative of only a small portion of TECs and therefore, are far from being comprehensive. Nevertheless, despite such limitations in the enzymatic retrieval of TECs, flow cytometric analysis of mouse TECs in single-cell suspension is still useful for the quantitative analysis of functionally relevant molecules in cTECs and mTECs. In cell suspension, TECs have been defined as cells positive for epithelial surface molecule EpCAM (CD326) and negative for hematopoietic surface molecule CD45. Within EpCAM+CD45 TECs, cell-surface expression levels of Ly51 molecules (also known as BP-1 and CD249) and Ulex Europaeus agglutinin I (UEA1) binding capacity (primarily binding to glycoproteins and glycolipids containing α-linked fucose) have been used to phenotypically mark cTECs (Ly51highUEA1low) and mTECs (Ly51lowUEA1high). Here we describe our experimental protocols for the conventional preparation of single-cell suspension of mouse TECs and the staining of intracellular molecules for flow cytometric analysis, focusing on the quantitative analysis of intracellular molecules beta5t, CCL21, and Aire in freshly prepared mouse TECs.


All mouse experiments were performed under the approval of the Animal Care and Use Committee of the National Cancer Institute (ASP21-431, ASP21-432, and EIB-076-3). 1. Preparation of thymus cell suspension NOTE: Mouse ontogeny affects the efficiency of enzymatic liberation of TECs from the thymus. Three methods depending on mouse age are described as follows. For postnatal mice more than 3 weeks old Harvest the thymus (two th…

Representative Results

The analysis requires a flow cytometer that allows the detection of at least six fluorescence channels (for CD45, EpCAM, Ly51, UEA1, Ghost Dye, and beta5t, CCL21, and/or Aire) as well as forward and side scatter parameters. Representative flow cytometric profiles of Collagenase/Dispase-digested thymus cells from 0-day-old mice and 2-week-old mice are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. In both figures, the dot plot in Panel A shows for…


Collagenase, with or without Dispase, is widely used to digest mouse thymus to prepare TECs4,5,9,18,21. Liberase, which contains a blend of proteases including collagenase, is also used to digest the thymus to prepare TECs17,22. The use of Collagenase and Liberase gives essentially equivalent yields an…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Dr. Izumi Ohigashi for reading the manuscript. This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program ZIA BC 011806 of the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, and the Center for Cancer Research.


Collagenase/Dispase  Roche 11097113001
Liberase TM Roche 5401127001
Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Set eBioscience 00-5523-00
Ghost Dye Violet 510  Tonbo 13-0870-T500
BV421 anti-mouse CD45 monoclonal antibody, Clone 30-F11 BD Horizon 563890
Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse Ly51 monoclonal antibody, Clone 6C3 BioLegend 108312
PE/Cy7 anti-mouse EpCAM/CD326 monoclonal antibody, Clone G8.8 BioLegend 118216
DyLight 594 Ulex Europaeus Agglutinin I (UEA1) Vector Laboratories DL-1067-1
Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse Aire monoclonal antibody, Clone 5H12 eBioscience 53-5934-82
Anti-mouse Psmb11/beta5t rabbit monoclonal antibody, Clone CPTC-PSMB11(mouse)-1 NIH NCI CPTC-PSMB11(mouse)-1
Anti-mouse CCL21/exodus 2 rabbit polyclonal antibody Bio-Rad AAM27
Alexa Fluor 555 anti-rabbit IgG heavy chain goat recombinant antibody Invitrogen A27039
Anti-Mouse CD32/CD16 – Purified (Fc Block Antibody) Leinco Technologies C247
Nylon Mesh 60 Micron Component Supply W31436
Thermomixer Eppendorf Heat block
Cellometer Auto 2000 Cell Viability counter Nexcelom Viable cell counting
LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer BD Biosciences Flow cytometer Five lasers (355, 408, 488, 595, and 637 nm)
FACSDiva software version 9.0.1 BD Biosciences Flow cytometric analysis
FlowJo 10.9.0 BD Biosciences Flow cytometric data analysis
Antibody Dilution rate (Working concentration) Dilution Buffer
Anti-Mouse CD32/CD16 – Purified (Fc Block Antibody) 1:40 FACS Buffer
BV421 anti-mouse CD45 monoclonal antibody 1:25 FACS Buffer
PE/Cy7 anti-mouse EpCAM/CD326 monoclonal antibody 1:100 FACS Buffer
Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse Ly51 monoclonal antibody 1:100 FACS Buffer
DyLight 594 Ulex Europaeus Agglutinin I (UEA1) 1:400 FACS Buffer
Anti-mouse CCL21/exodus 2 rabbit polyclonal antibody 1:200 1x Permeabilization Buffer
Anti-mouse Psmb11/beta5t rabbit monoclonal antibody, Clone CPTC-PSMB11(mouse)-1 1:1000 1x Permeabilization Buffer
Alexa Fluor 555 anti-rabbit IgG heavy chain goat recombinant antibody 1:400 1x Permeabilization Buffer
Buffer Purpose
RPMI1640 containing 10 mM HEPES  For cell preparation
RPMI1640 containing 2% FBS For cell preparation
FACS buffer (1x HBSS containing 1% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide) For cell preparation and antibody staining
1 mg/ml Collagenase/Dispase and 1U/ml DNase solution in RPMI1640 containing 2% FBS For enzyme digestion
2% PFA in PBS For cell fixation
Fixation/Permeabilization Buffer (1 part of Fixation/Permeabilization Concentrate with 3 parts of Fixation/Permeabilization Diluent) For cell fixation
1x Permeabilization Buffer (1 part 10X concentrate with 9 parts distilled water) For intercellular antibody staining 


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Yang, M., Li, J., Matsuda-Lennikov, M., Crossman, A., Takahama, Y. Preparation of Single-cell Suspension of Mouse Thymic Epithelial Cells and Staining of Intracellular Molecules for Flow Cytometric Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (209), e66945, doi:10.3791/66945 (2024).

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