Marit Navis

Amsterdam UMC

Tytgat Institute

Marit Navis
PhD student

2016 - currently PhD project Early life intestinal epithelial maturation & nutrition, Tytgat Institute, Amsterdam UMC

2013 - 2015 Master of Science, Human Nutrition, Wageningen University

2010 - 2013 Bachelor of science, Nutrition & Health, Wageningen University


Повторяя сосание к отнятию Переход в пробирке с использованием плода кишечных органоидов

1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tytgat Institute for Intestinal and Liver Research, Amsterdam UMC, AG&M, University of Amsterdam, 2Department of Pediatrics, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam

JoVE 60470

 Biologia dello sviluppo