

Published: December 04, 2009




肠神经系统(ENS),是一个自成体系的网络识别功能,能够执行复杂的行为,在隔离。丛局限于肠壁不同的飞机被安排在它的神经元(直径在10至25微米)<sup> 1</sup>肌间神经丛,可发现之间的纵向和圆形的肌肉层之间的环状肌肉层和黏膜黏膜下神经丛。由于这些丛效应系统(运输上皮细胞,内分泌细胞,免疫分子,血管平滑肌),也包含肠壁内,半完整的准备,可以解剖,保留不同的反射通路的各个组成部分。效应系统的行为是一致行动的黏膜下和肌间神经丛控制。因此,内部和之间的神经节,丛之间的沟通和突触相互作用的详细知识,了解正常的胃肠功能至关重要。 ENS的,作为一个完整的神经系统,是一个独特的实验模型,在其中一个可以相关的神经网络及其生理输出的电气特性的分子和细胞活动。由于其丛准二维组织,ENS的是特别适合于使用多个站点的光学记录技术,采用电压敏感染料的神经网络研究<sup> 2,7,8,9</sup>。我们将在这里说明一个相对较新naphthylstyryl吡啶染料(DI – 4 – ANEPPDHQ)使用<sup> 3</sup提供了多种优势,它的前辈,包括光毒性非常低,速度缓慢的内化,以及出色的化学稳定性。在同一个摄像头,允许亚毫秒级的时间分辨率一起使用时,这种染料使我们能够监视视野中的所有神经元的电活动与100X倍率〜2.5微米的一个最大的空间分辨率。在较低的放大倍率(10X或20X),单细胞分辨率的牺牲是一个角度增益补偿,揭示间神经节电路的复杂性。


第1部分:组织编制连续剥离150 – 200G(2-3周龄)哈特利几内亚,已经由吸入异氟醚和断头麻醉的猪小肠黏膜下和肌间神经丛制剂隔离。安乐死后,小肠切除和温暖,含氧的解决方案冲洗管腔,其内容删除。我们使用中等199辅以HEPES 25毫米,5毫米碳酸氢钠3和2毫米谷氨酰胺,和pH值调整到7.4(提到,从现在开始,M199 – DM),已在37预热° C。然而,该协议的所有剩余的步骤,将开展在室?…






Material Name Tipo Company Catalogue Number Comment
Medium 199   Sigma, St. Louis, MO M3769 With Earle’s salts Without L-Glutamine, Phenol Red and Sodium Bicarbonate
Sylgard   Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI 184 silicone elastomer kit  
Insect pins used for dissection   F.S.T., Foster City, CA 26001-30  
Dumont forceps   F.S.T., Foster City, CA 11203-23 or 11200-33  
Moria MC19/B Pascheff-Wolff Spring Scissors   F.S.T., Foster City, CA 15371-92  
Pins to hold the tissue during the experiment   Seirin Corp., Shizuoka, Japan Seirin Spinex  
Collagenase VII   Sigma, St. Louis, MO C0773  
Protease IX   Sigma, St. Louis, MO P6141  
Fetal Bovine Serum   Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA 10439-016  
PenStrep   GIBCO, BRL 15140  
L-Glutamine 100X   GIBCO, BRL 25030  
Nifedipine   Sigma, St. Louis, MO    
Di-4-ANEPPDHQ   Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR D36802  
4-Channel Stimulus Generator   Multi Channel System MCS GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany 2000 Series  
Peristaltic pump   Rainin, Woburn, MA 2-channel Dinamax RP-1  
High-speed camera   RedShirtImaging, LLC Decatur, GA NeuroCCD-SM  
1:10 demagnifier / relay lens   Optem, Qioptiq Linos, Inc., Rochester, NY    
Upright microscope   Olympus Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan BX61TRF  
Gibraltar fixed stage with motorized X-Y translator   Gibraltar, Burleigh Instruments, EXFO, Quebec, Canada PSSG–BX2  
Linear matrix electrodes   FHC, Inc., Bowdoin, ME Custom made  
Active vibration-isolation table   Halcyonics,Inc., Menlo Park, CA Micro 60  
Ultra-low-ripple feedback stabilized power supply   Kepco, Flushing, NY ATE 75-15M  
Heat filter   Schott Optical Glass, Duryea, PA KG-1  
High-Q interference filter   Chroma, Inc., Rockingham, VT HQ530/50  
Dichroic mirror   Chroma, Inc., Rockingham, VT 565 nm (50% transmission)  
Long-pass filter   Chroma, Inc., Rockingham, VT HQ572LP  
Acoustic curtains   Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. BSC-25  
Neuroplex   RedShirtImaging, Inc., Decatur, GA    
IDL   ITT Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, CO    
High-resolution CCD camera, with its own camera controller   Hamamatsu Photonics, KK, Hamamatsu City, Japan    
Frame-grabber for high-resolution camera   Data Translation, Marlboro, MA DT3120K-1  
Imaging software for high-resolution camera   Data Translation, Marlboro, MA Global Lab Image/2  


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  8. Obaid, A. L., Zou, D. J., Rohr, S., Salzberg, B. M. Optical recording with single cell resolution from a simple mammalian nervous system: Electrical activity in ganglia from the submucous plexus of the guinea-pig ileum. Biol. Bull. 183, 344-344 (1992).
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Citazione di questo articolo
Obaid, A. L., Salzberg, B. M. Optical Recording of Electrical Activity in Guinea-pig Enteric Networks using Voltage-sensitive Dyes. J. Vis. Exp. (34), e1631, doi:10.3791/1631 (2009).

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