
Ein Hybrid-DNA-Extraktionsmethode für die qualitative und quantitative Bewertung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaften aus Zucht Proben

Published: December 10, 2014


A novel semi-automated hybrid DNA extraction method for use with environmental poultry production samples was developed and demonstrated improvements over a common mechanical and enzymatic extraction method in terms of the quantitative and qualitative estimates of the total bacterial communities.


Die Wirksamkeit von DNA-Extraktionsprotokollen kann stark abhängig sowohl von der Art der Probe untersucht, und die Arten von Downstream-Analysen durchgeführt werden. In Anbetracht, dass der Einsatz neuer Bakteriengemeinschaft Analysetechniken (zB microbiomics, Metagenomik) wird immer häufiger in den Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaften, und viele Umweltproben in diesen Disziplinen können physikalisch-chemisch und mikrobiologisch einzigartige (zB Fäkalien und Abfall / Bettwäsche Proben aus sein die Geflügelproduktion Spektrum), müssen geeignete und wirksame DNA-Extraktionsmethoden sorgfältig ausgewählt werden. Daher wurde eine neue halbautomatische Hybrid-DNA-Extraktionsverfahren, die speziell für die Verwendung mit Umweltgeflügelproduktion Proben entwickelt. Diese Methode ist eine Kombination der beiden wichtigsten Arten von DNA-Extraktion: mechanische und enzymatische. Ein zweistufiges intensiven mechanischen Homogenisierungsschritt (mit Wulst schlag speziell für environmen formuliertental Proben) wurde Anfang der "Goldstandard" enzymatische DNA-Extraktions-Verfahren hinzugefügt für Stuhlproben, um die Entfernung von Bakterien und DNA aus der Probenmatrix und zur Verbesserung der Rückgewinnung von Gram-positiven bakteriellen Mitgliedern der Gemeinschaft. Sobald die enzymatische Extraktion Abschnitt des Hybridverfahren eingeleitet wurde, wurde die restliche Reinigungsverfahren unter Verwendung eines Roboter-Arbeitsstation, um den Probendurchsatz zu erhöhen und Probenbearbeitungsfehler automatisiert. Im Vergleich zu den strengen mechanischen und enzymatischen DNA-Extraktionsmethoden, dieses neue Hybridverfahren vorgesehen die beste Gesamtleistung in Kombination, wenn man quantitativ (mit 16S-rRNA-qPCR) und qualitativen (mit microbiomics) Schätzungen der Gesamtbakteriengemeinschaften bei der Verarbeitung von Geflügel Kot und Einstreu Proben .


When analyzing complex clinical or environmental samples (e.g., feces, soils), there are two main methodologies used for the extraction of DNA. The first is a mechanical disruption of the matrix using an intense bead-beating step, while the second is an enzymatic disruption of the matrix to chemically release bacterial cells and inhibit PCR inhibitors from the matrix simultaneously. Given the different means by which these two types of extraction methods work, it is not surprising that previous studies demonstrated that the appropriate DNA extraction method is both highly sample and analysis dependent. Comparative DNA extraction studies previously showed that some methods are more appropriate for improved DNA quality and quantity from environmental samples1-3, while others demonstrated improvements for community-level analyses such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)4-6, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP)7, automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA)8, and phylogenetic microarrays9. Therefore, appropriate DNA extraction methods need to be used, or developed, according to the types of environmental samples and the types of analyses being performed on those samples, especially given the recent advancements in bacterial community analyses.

Next generation sequencing, in conjunction with more quantitative community assessments (e.g., quantitative PCR (qPCR)), is becoming more prevalent in the environmental and clinical sciences, however, very little research has been performed to determine the effect of DNA extraction methods on these data sets. Most DNA extraction comparison studies dealt with microbiomic community estimates from human or human model samples10,11, not agricultural animal samples. The few poultry-focused next generation sequencing studies dealt with specific metagenomic12,13 or microbiomic14 questions; they did not discuss the effect of DNA extraction method on the resulting microbiomic analyses. Considering the complex nature of environmental samples related to poultry production (e.g., feces, litter/bedding, pasture soil), DNA extraction methods need to be carefully selected. Poultry-related environmental samples are known to contain large numbers of PCR inhibitors and up to 500-fold DNA extract dilutions have been required for PCR and subsequent downstream analysis15-17. Therefore it is essential that DNA extraction methods be optimized for these types of samples in order to not only physically disrupt the matrix, but also to be able to reduce/eliminate the large number of inhibitors that are present.

The QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit, an enzymatic extraction method, has been considered the “gold standard” when extracting DNA from difficult gut/fecal samples1,18,19 and has been applied successfully to poultry environmental samples8,14. The enzymatic removal of PCR inhibitors through the use of a proprietary matrix is one of the greatest advantages of using this method for these types of environmental samples, as is the ability to significantly improve throughput (and reduce sample processing error) using automated workstations. One major disadvantage is the lack of a mechanical homogenization step to physically disassociate bacterial cells from the environmental matrix. When testing gut and fecal samples of non-poultry origin, the addition of a bead-beating or mechanical disruption step within a DNA extraction protocol significantly increased extraction efficiency9, DNA yield/quality1,4,5 and significantly improved downstream community analyses in terms of richness, diversity, and coverage5,6,11. These studies compared not only mechanical bead-beating methods to the “gold standard” enzymatic method, but some also added the mechanical bead-beating step to the enzymatic protocol to improve results6,9,11.

According to the results from the above studies, bacterial community analyses (both qualitative and quantitative) could be improved from poultry-related environmental samples through the addition of a mechanical homogenization step to the enzymatic method. Therefore, the goal of this study was twofold: (1) to develop a novel DNA extraction technique that utilizes the most desirable aspects of both the mechanical (powerful homogenization step) and enzymatic (PCR inhibitor removal and automation) extraction methods and (2) compare the quantitative (via qPCR) and qualitative (via microbiomics) bacterial community assessments of this novel method to representative mechanical and enzymatic methods.


1. Mechanische Homogenisierung von Umweltzucht Proben Vor der Extraktion, setzen Sie ein Wasserbad auf 95 ° C und das Wasser Badezeit, um diese Temperatur zu erreichen. Abwiegen 0,33 g Boden oder Fäkalien in eine 2 ml Lysismatrix E Rohr. Sie 0,33 g der Probe in der Röhre nicht überschreiten, da dies die folgenden Lösungen führen, um die Kapazität des Rohres übertrifft. Eingefrorene Proben auf Raumtemperatur vor dem Wiegen. Um insgesamt …

Representative Results

Für diese Studie wurden frisch fäkal Kot und Einstreu Proben von einem kommerziellen Broilerstall (~ 25.000 Vögel) im Südosten der USA gewonnen. Die Masthühner (Gallus gallus) waren Cobb-500 durchquert, und sie waren 59 Tage alt zum Zeitpunkt der Probenahme. Frische Fäkalien und Abfall-Proben wurden von vier verschiedenen Bereiche innerhalb des Hauses gewonnen (in der Nähe von Kühlkissen, in der Nähe der waterer / Zubringerlinien, zwischen den waterer / Speiseleitungen und in der Nähe von Abluftventil…


Die verwendeten DNA-Extraktionsverfahren erfolgen die quantitativen und qualitativen Gesamtkeim Schätzungen Gemeinschaft sowohl für die fäkale und Wurf-Proben, die Unterstützung der Probenanalysen Abhängigkeit der DNA-Extraktionsverfahren zuvor 1,3,6 gesehen. Sowohl für die fäkale und Wurf Proben war die Reihenfolge der Durchführung der DNA-Extraktionsmethoden verschiedene für die quantitative (Mechanisch> Trekking> enzymatische) und qualitativen (enzymatische> Trekking> Mechanische) Gesa…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to acknowledge Latoya Wiggins and Katelyn Griffin for their assistance in sample acquisition, as well as Laura Lee Rutherford for their assistance in sampling and molecular analyses. We would also like to thank Sarah Owens from Argonne National Lab for microbiomic sample preparation and sequencing. These investigations were supported equally by the Agricultural Research Service, USDA CRIS Projects “Pathogen Reduction and Processing Parameters in Poultry Processing Systems” #6612-41420-017-00 and “Molecular Approaches for the Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry” #6612-32000-059-00.


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Lysing Matrix E tube MPBio 6914-050 Different sizes available and the last 3 numbers of the cat. No. indicate size (-050 = 50 tubes, -200 = 200 tubes, -1000 = 1000 tubes)
Sodium Phosphate Solution MPBio 6570-205 Can be purchased individually, or also contained within the FastDNA Spin Kit for Feces (Cat. No. 116570200)
PLS Buffer MPBio 6570-201
Buffer ASL (560 ml) Qiagen 19082
FastPrep 24 homogenizer MPBio 116004500 48 x 2 ml HiPrep adapter (Cat. No. 116002527) available to double throughput of mechanical homogenization step
QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit Qiagen 51504
QIAcube24 (110V) Qiagen 9001292 Preliminary results show that QIAcube HT (Cat. No. 9001793) can be used to improve throughput, but different consumables are required of this machine and more comparative work needs to be done.
Filter-Tips, 1000 ml (1024) Qiagen 990352
Filter-Tips, 200 ml (1024) Qiagen 990332
QIAcube Rotor Adapters (10 x 24) Qiagen 990394 For 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes included with in the rotor adapter kit there is an alternative.  It is Sarstedt Micro tube 1.5 ml Safety Cap, Cat. No. 72.690
Sample Tubes RB (2 ml) Qiagen 990381 Alternative: Eppendorf Safe-Lok micro test tube, Cat. No. 022363352


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Citazione di questo articolo
Rothrock Jr., M. J., Hiett, K. L., Gamble, J., Caudill, A. C., Cicconi-Hogan, K. M., Caporaso, J. G. A Hybrid DNA Extraction Method for the Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Bacterial Communities from Poultry Production Samples. J. Vis. Exp. (94), e52161, doi:10.3791/52161 (2014).

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