
Practical Use of RNA Interference: Oral Delivery of Double-stranded RNA in Liposome Carriers for Cockroaches

Published: May 01, 2018


This manuscript demonstrates the depletion of gene expression in the midgut of the German cockroach through oral ingestion of double-stranded RNA encapsulated in liposomes.


RNA interference (RNAi) has been widely applied for uncovering the biological functions of numerous genes, and has been envisaged as a pest control tool operating by disruption of essential gene expression. Although different methods, such as injection, feeding, and soaking, have been reported for successful delivery of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), the efficiency of RNAi through oral delivery of dsRNA is highly variable among different insect groups. The German cockroach, Blattella germanica, is highly sensitive to the injection of dsRNA, as shown by many studies published previously. The present study describes a method to demonstrate that the dsRNA encapsulated with liposome carriers is sufficient to retard the degradation of dsRNA by midgut juice. Notably, the continuous feeding of dsRNA encapsulated by liposomes significantly reduces the tubulin expression in the midgut, and led to the death of cockroaches. In conclusion, the formulation and utilization of dsRNA lipoplexes, which protect dsRNA against nucleases, could be a practical use of RNAi for insect pest control in the future.


RNAi has been demonstrated as an effective method to knockdown gene expression through a mechanism of a post-transcriptional silencing pathway triggered by dsRNA molecules in many eukaryotes1. Over the past decade of study, RNAi has become a useful tool to study the functions of genes from development to behavior by depleting the expression of specific genes via injection and/or feeding of dsRNA in various taxa of insects2,3. Due to the specificity and robustness of the depleting effect, the application of RNAi is currently being considered as a potential strategy for pest control management4,5. However, the efficiency of RNAi varies widely between insect species, depending on the different genes being targeted and the delivery methods. A growing body of evidence suggests that the instability of dsRNA, which is degraded by ribonucleases, is a critical factor in the limited efficacy of RNAi5,6. For instance, the low RNAi sensitivity in Manduca sexta has been explained by the fact that the dsRNA mixed with hemolymph was quickly degraded within 1 hour7. Similarly, the presence of alkaline nucleases in the midgut, which efficiently degrade ingested dsRNA, is strongly correlated with low RNAi efficiency in different insect orders8,9,10.

The oral delivery of dsRNA is particularly interesting for the application of RNAi in a pest control strategy, but a method to retard the degradation of dsRNA by the nucleases in the midgut has not yet been developed, which would have the potential to ensure effective RNAi through feeding. However, the unresponsiveness of RNAi to oral delivery of dsRNA has been reported by feeding large amount of dsRNA, e.g. 50 µg in Bombyx mori, or continuously feeding for 8 days (8 µg dsRNA in total) in the locust species. The German cockroach, Blattella germinica, is highly sensitive to RNAi by the injection of dsRNA11,12,13,14, but is not responsive to dsRNA through feeding. Recently, Lin et al. (2017) have demonstrated that the dsRNA encapsulated with liposome carriers results in successful RNAi to knockdown the α-tubulin gene expression in the midgut and trigger significant mortality of the German cockroach15. As the degradation of dsRNA in the midgut is the limiting factor for oral RNAi, the liposome carriers serve as a vehicle to protect dsRNA from degradation, which is readily applicable in other insects with strong nuclease activities in the gut. Of note, the reason for choosing the particular transfection reagent (see Table of Materials) we used as liposome carrier in the current protocol is that it has been tested for insect cell line transfection with less toxicity, according to the manufacturer's instructions. According to the comparison of different liposome transfection systems in Gharavi et al. (2013)16, the efficiency of transfecting small interfering RNA (siRNA) is approximately the same between this and other commercially available systems that have been used for dsRNA delivery systems in other insects17,18.Furthermore, our feeding method is careful enough to ensure the proper amount of dsRNA is ingested by each cockroach, and that the results are robust and confirmed. In summary, the present protocol and results demonstrate that using dsRNA lipoplexes improves dsRNA stability and opens the door to the design of the strategy oral delivery of RNAi, which is a promising approach for pest control in the future.


1. Synthesis and Preparation of dsRNA Identify the dsRNA target sites in the 3' untranslated region of the target genes. The dsTub is used for targeting the α-tubulin (tub) gene (GenBank accession number: KX228233), and dsEGFP as a negative dsRNA control is designed from the sequence of enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP; GenBank accession number: LC311024). Perform standard PCR amplification to synthesize the dsRNA templates with gene-specific primers containing the T7 promoter sequ…

Representative Results

A simplified scheme of the protocol for the oral delivery of dsRNA is presented in Figure 1, where the key steps for preparation of dsRNA lipoplexes are shown. In order to investigate the protection given by liposome carriers upon dsRNA degradation in the midgut juice of B. germanica, an ex vivo assay where dsTub lipoplexes were incubated with midgut juice was conducted, and the in…


This protocol presents a method for effective RNAi through oral delivery of dsRNA lipoplexes, involving protection against ribonuclease digestion in the midgut juice of the German cockroach. As shown in other studies in various insect species, the poor RNAi effect through oral delivery of dsRNA is mostly accounted for by the degradation of dsRNA8,9,10. This protocol produces liposomes that serve as protective vehicles in oral de…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by grants from Taiwan (Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 100-2923-B-002-002-MY3 and 106-2313-B-002-011-MY3 to H.J.L.), the Czech Republic (Grant agency of South Bohemia University, GAJU grant 065/2017/P to Y.H.L), and Spain (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grants CGL2012-36251 and CGL2015-64727-P to X.B., and the Catalan Government, grant 2014 SGR 619 to X.B.); it also received financial support from the European Fund for Economic and Regional Development (FEDER funds to X.B.).


GenJe Plus DNA in vitro Transfection reagent SignaGen SL100499 for lipoplexes preparation
Blend Taq plus TOYOBO  BTQ-201 for PCR
Fast SYBR Green Master Mix ABI  4385612 for qPCR
FirstChoice RLM-RACE Kit Invitrogen AM1700 for 3' UTR identification 
MEGAscript T7 Transcription Kit Invitrogen AMB13345 for dsRNA synthesis
TURBO DNase Invitrogen AM2239 remove DNA template from dsRNA
TRIzol Invitrogen 15596018 for dsRNA or total RNA extraction
RQ1 RNase-Free Dnase Promega M6101 remove DNA template from total RNA 
chloroform  Sigma-Aldrich C2432 for dsRNA or total RNA extraction
2-Propanol Sigma-Aldrich I9516 for dsRNA or total RNA extraction
ethanol Sigma-Aldrich 24102 for dsRNA or total RNA extraction
Diethyl pyrocarbonate, DEPC Sigma-Aldrich D5758 for RNase free water preparation
glucose solution Sigma-Aldrich G3285 for lipoplexes preparation
Sodium chloride, NaCl Sigma-Aldrich S7653 insect saline buffer formula
Potassium chloride, KCl Sigma-Aldrich P9333 insect saline buffer formula
Calcium chloride, CaCl2 Sigma-Aldrich C1016 insect saline buffer formula
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, MgCl2.6H2O Sigma-Aldrich M2670 insect saline buffer formula
EGTA  Sigma-Aldrich E3889 enzyme inhibitor 
dissecting scissor F.S.T. cockroach dissection
fine tweezers F.S.T. cockroach dissection
flexible tweezer F.S.T. cockroach holding 
pipetman RAININ P10 sample preparation
microcentrifuge tube Axygen MCT175C, PCR02C sample preparation
pipette tip  Axygen sample preparation
vortexter Digisystem vm1000 sample preparation
Minispin centrifuge The Gruffin Group GMC 206 for liquid spin down 
Centrifuge ALC PK121R sample preparation
pH meter  JENCO 6071 for pH adjust
micro-volume spectrophotometer Quawell Q3000 nucleic acid quantitative
PCR Thermal cycler ABI  2720 for template PCR or  dsRNA synthesis incubation 
quantitative real-time PCR ABI  StepOne plus gene expression quantitative
Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators eppendorf 5301 for dsRNA or total RNA extraction
Multipette  eppendorf xstream for real-time PCR sample loading 
Agarose I amresco 0710 for nucleic acid electrophoresis
tub gene specfifc forward preimer tri-I biotech GGG ACA AGC CGG AGT GCA GA
tub gene specfifc reverse preimer tri-I biotech TCC TGC TCC TGT CTC GCT GA
dsTub template forward primer tri-I biotech TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG GGA CAA GCC GGA GTG CAG 
dsTub template reverse primer tri-I biotech TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG GGT CCT GCT CCT GTC TCG CTG 
dsEGFP template forward preimer tri-I biotech TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG GGT ATG GTG AGC AAG GGC GAG GAG
dsEGFP template reverse preimer tri-I biotech TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG GGT GGC GGA TCT TGA AGT TCA CC
tub qPCR forward primer tri-I biotech GGA CCG CAT CAG GAA ACT GGC
tub qPCR reverse preimer tri-I biotech CCA CAG ACA GCC TCT CCA TGA GC
ef1 qPCR forward primer tri-I biotech CGC TTG AGG AAA TCA AGA AGG A
ef1 qPCRreverse preimer tri-I biotech CCT GCA GAG GAA GAC GAA G


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Citazione di questo articolo
Huang, J., Liu, Y., Lin, Y., Belles, X., Lee, H. Practical Use of RNA Interference: Oral Delivery of Double-stranded RNA in Liposome Carriers for Cockroaches. J. Vis. Exp. (135), e57385, doi:10.3791/57385 (2018).

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