
Isolation of Adipogenic and Fibro-Inflammatory Stromal Cell Subpopulations from Murine Intra-Abdominal Adipose Depots

Published: August 16, 2020


This protocol describes the technical approach to isolate adipogenic and fibro-inflammatory stromal cell subpopulations from murine intra-abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) depots by fluorescence-activated cell sorting or immunomagnetic bead separation.


The stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) of white adipose tissue (WAT) is remarkably heterogeneous and consists of numerous cell types that contribute functionally to the expansion and remodeling of WAT in adulthood. A tremendous barrier to studying the implications of this cellular heterogeneity is the inability to readily isolate functionally distinct cell subpopulations from WAT SVF for in vitro and in vivo analyses. Single-cell sequencing technology has recently identified functionally distinct fibro-inflammatory and adipogenic PDGFRβ+ perivascular cell subpopulations in intra-abdominal WAT depots of adult mice. Fibro-inflammatory progenitors (termed, “FIPs”) are non-adipogenic collagen producing cells that can exert a pro-inflammatory phenotype. PDGFRβ+ adipocyte precursor cells (APCs) are highly adipogenic both in vitro and in vivo upon cell transplantation. Here, we describe multiple methods for the isolation of these stromal cell subpopulations from murine intra-abdominal WAT depots. FIPs and APCs can be isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) or by taking advantage of biotinylated antibody-based immunomagnetic bead technology. Isolated cells can be used for molecular and functional analysis. Studying the functional properties of stromal cell subpopulation in isolation will expand our current knowledge of adipose tissue remodeling under physiological or pathological conditions on the cellular level.


White adipose tissue (WAT) represents the principal site for energy storage in mammals. Within this tissue, adipocytes, or “fat cells,” store excess calories in the form of triglyceride, packaged into large unilocular lipid droplets. Moreover, adipocytes secrete a multitude of factors that regulate various aspects of energy homeostasis1,2,3. Adipocytes constitute the bulk of WAT volume; however, adipocytes only represent less than 50% of total cells found in WAT4,5. The non-adipocyte compartment of WAT, or stromal-vascular fraction (SVF), is quite heterogeneous and contains vascular endothelial cells, tissue-resident immune cells, fibroblasts, and adipocyte precursor cell (APC) populations.

WAT is exceptional in its remarkable capacity to expand in size as the demand for energy storage increases. Maintaining this tissue plasticity is essential as adequate storage of lipids in WAT protects against deleterious ectopic lipid deposition into non-adipose tissues6. The manner by which individual WAT depots undergo this expansion in response to caloric excess is a critical determinant of insulin sensitivity in the setting of obesity7. Pathologic WAT expansion, observed in obese individuals with metabolic syndrome, is characterized by preferential expansion of visceral WAT depots at the expense of metabolically favorable subcutaneous fat tissue. Moreover, insulin resistance in obesity is associated with pathologic remodeling of WAT. This is characterized by hypertrophic growth of existing adipocytes (increase in size), inadequate angiogenesis, chronic metabolic-inflammation, accumulation of extracellular matrix components (fibrosis), and tissue hypoxia8,9. These WAT phenotypes of obesity are associated with hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance, similar to what is observed in the condition of lipodystrophy (absence of functional WAT). In contrast, healthy WAT expansion is observed in the metabolically healthy obese population and is characterized by preferential expansion of protective subcutaneous WAT and depot expansion through adipocyte hyperplasia10. The recruitment of new adipocytes is mediated by de novo adipocyte differentiation from adipocyte precursor cells (APCs) (termed, “adipogenesis”). Adipocyte hyperplasia coincides with relatively lower degrees of WAT fibrosis and metabolic inflammation6,11. A multitude of cell types within the WAT microenvironment directly influence the health and expandability of WAT in obesity12. As such, defining the function of the various cell types present in WAT remains a high priority for the field.

Over the past decade, several strategies have been employed to define and isolate native APCs from human and mouse WAT SVF13. Such strategies isolate APCs based on the cell surface expression of common mesenchymal stem/progenitor cell markers using antibody-based cell separation techniques. These approaches include fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), using fluorophore-labelled antibodies, or immunomagnetic bead separation (i.e., chemically modified antibodies). Cell surface proteins targeted for the isolation of APCs include PDGFRα, PDGFRβ, CD34, and SCA-1. These approaches have helped enrich for APCs; however, cell populations isolated based on these markers are quite heterogeneous. Very recent single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) studies have highlighted the molecular and functional heterogeneity of stromal cells within the isolated stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) of murine WAT14,15,16,17. From our own scRNA-seq and functional analyses, we have identified and characterized functionally distinct immune-modulating and adipogenic PDGFRβ+ perivascular cell subpopulations in the stromal compartment of intra-abdominal WAT in adult mice15. Fibro-inflammatory precursors, or FIPs, represent a prominent subpopulation of PDGFRβ+ cells and can be isolated based on LY6C expression (LY6C+ PDGFRβ+ cells)15. FIPs lack adipogenic capacity, exert a strong pro-inflammatory response to various stimuli, produce collagen, and secrete anti-adipogenic factors15. The pro-inflammatory and fibrogenic activity of these cells increases in association with obesity in mice, implicating these cells as regulators of WAT remodeling. The LY6C- CD9- PDGFRβ+ subpopulation represents adipocyte precursor cells (APCs). These APCs are enriched in the expression of Pparg and other pro-adipogenic genes, and readily differentiate into mature adipocytes in vitro and in vivo15. Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the isolation of these distinct cell populations from intra-abdominal WAT depots of adult mice using FACS, and immunomagnetic bead separation with biotinylated antibodies. This protocol can be used to isolate functionally distinct adipose progenitor subpopulations from multiple intra-abdominal WAT depots of adult male and female mice15. Studying these functionally distinct cell populations in isolation may contribute greatly to our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate adipogenesis and intra-abdominal adipose tissue remodeling in health and disease.

The protocol below details the isolation of adipose progenitors from murine epididymal WAT; however, the same procedure can be used to isolate corresponding cells from the mesenteric and retroperitoneal WAT depots of both male and female mice15. A detailed protocol on how to identify and isolate these depots in mice can be found in Bagchi et al.18. This protocol has been optimized for the use of mice 6-8 weeks of age. The frequency and differentiation capacity of APCs may decline in association with ageing.


All animal protocols and procedures have been approved by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee. 1. Isolation of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) from gonadal white adipose tissue Dissect the gonadal white adipose tissue from 6-8-week-old mice and place fat pads in 1x PBS solution. Combine up to 4 fat depots (2-4 depots from 1-2 mice recommended) and mince the tissue in a 10 mL beaker containing 200 µL of diges…

Representative Results

This protocol describes two strategies that allow for the isolation of distinct stromal cell populations from intra-abdominal WAT depots of adult mice. APCs and FIPs can be isolated by FACS (Figure 1) or immunomagnetic bead separation with biotinylated antibodies (Figure 2). Both approaches utilize reagents and antibodies that are all commercially available. Immunomagnetic bead separation leads to the separation of adipogenic from non-adipogenic cells from the g…


The C57BL/6 strain of mice is the most used mouse strain in studies of diet-induced obesity. C57BL/6 mice rapidly gain weight when placed on a high-fat diet (HFD) and develop some of the prominent features of metabolic syndrome associated with obesity (e.g., insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia). Notably, WAT expansion occurring in association with high-fat diet (HFD) feeding occurs in a depot-specific manner19,20,21,</sup…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors are grateful to Lisa Hansen and Kirsten Vestergaard for excellent technical assistance, and P. Scherer, N. Joffin, and C. Crewe for critical reading of the manuscript. The authors thank the UTSW Flow Cytometry Core for excellent guidance and assistance in developing the protocols described here. R.K.G. is supported by NIH NIDDK R01 DK104789, NIDDK RC2 DK118620, and NIDDK R01 DK119163. J.P. is sponsored by a pre-doctoral award from Innovation Fund Denmark.


Mechanical Tissue Preparation and SVF Isolation
40 and 100 µm cell strainers Fisher Scientific 352340/352360
1X Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) Fisher Scientific 21040CV
5ml polypropylene tubes Fisher Scientific 352053
Digestion Buffer (for 10mL)
10 ml HBSS Sigma H8264
10 mg Collagenase D (1 mg/ml final cc.) Roche 11088882001
0.15 g BSA (1.5 % final cc.) Fisher Scientific BP1605-100
Immunomagnetic separation of APCs and non-APCs
5X MojoSort Buffer (MS buffer) BioLegend 480017
5 ml MojoSort Magnet (MS magnet) BioLegend 480019
100 µL MojoSort Streptavidin Nanobeads BioLegend 480015
Purity Check and FACS
10X Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer eBioscience 00-4300-54
Fc block (Mouse CD16/CD32) eBioscience 553141
Biotin CD45 BioLegend 103103 Concentration: ≤ 0.25 µg per 10^6 cells
Species: Mouse
Clone: 30-F11
Biotin CD31 BioLegend 102503 Concentration: ≤ 0.25 µg per 10^6 cells
Species: Mouse
Clone: MEC13.3
Biotin CD9 BioLegend 124803 Concentration: ≤ 0.25 µg per 10^6 cells
Species: Mouse
Clone: MZ3
Biotin LY6C BioLegend 128003 Concentration: ≤ 0.25 µg per 10^6 cells
Species: Mouse
Clone: HK1.4
CD31-PerCP/Cy5.5 BioLegend 102419 Concentration: Dilution 1:400
Species: Mouse
Clone: 390
CD45-PerCP/Cy5.5 BioLegend 103131 Concentration: Dilution 1:400
Species: Mouse
Clone: 30-F11
CD140b PDGFRβ-PE BioLegend 136006 Concentration: Dilution 1:50
Species: Mouse
Clone: APB5
LY6C-APC BioLegend 128016 Concentration: Dilution 1:400
Species: Mouse
Clone: HK1.4
CD9-FITC BioLegend 124808 Concentration: Dilution 1:400
Species: Mouse
Clone: MZ3
Cell Culture and Differentiation
Gonadal APC Culture media (for 500mL)
288 mL DMEM with 1 g/L glucose Corning 10-014-CV
192 mL MCDB201 Sigma M6770
10 mL Fetal bovine serum (FBS)** lot#14E024 Sigma 12303C
5 mL 100% ITS premix BD Bioscience 354352
5 mL 10 mM L-ascorbic acid-2-2phosphate Sigma A8960-5G
50 µL 100 g/ml FGF-basic R&D systems 3139-FB-025/CF
5 mL Pen/Strep Corning 30-001-CI
500 µL Gentamycin Gibco 15750-060
**NOTE: The adipogenic capacity of primary APCs can vary from lot to lot of commercial FBS. Multiple lots/sources of FBS should be tested.


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Citazione di questo articolo
Peics, J., Vishvanath, L., Zhang, Q., Shan, B., Pedersen, T. Å., Gupta, R. K. Isolation of Adipogenic and Fibro-Inflammatory Stromal Cell Subpopulations from Murine Intra-Abdominal Adipose Depots. J. Vis. Exp. (162), e61610, doi:10.3791/61610 (2020).

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