
Revealing Subtle Changes in Cardiac Function using Transthoracic Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in Mice

Published: February 13, 2021


Left ventricular dysfunction constitutes the final common pathway for a host of cardiac disorders. We here provide a detailed protocol of transthoracic dobutamine stress echocardiography approach for comprehensive evaluation of the left ventricular function of mouse models of cardiac disease as well as cardiac phenotyping.


Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction paves the final pathway for a multitude of cardiac disorders. With the non-invasive high-frequency transthoracic dobutamine stress echocardiography in humans, a reductionist investigation approach to unmask subtle changes in cardiac function has become possible. Here, we provide a protocol for using this technique in mice to facilitate expanded analysis of LV architecture and function in physiology and pathology enabling the observation of alterations in models of cardiac disease hidden in unstressed hearts. This investigation can be performed in one and the same animal and allows both, basal and pharmacologically stress-induced measurements. We outline detailed criteria for appropriate anesthesia, imaging-based LV analysis, consideration of intra- and interobserver variability, and obtaining positive inotrope response that can be attained in mice after intraperitoneal injection of dobutamine under near physiological conditions. To recapitulate the characteristics of human physiology and disease in small animal models, we highlight critical pitfalls in evaluation, e.g., a pronounced Bowditch effect in mice. To further meet translational objectives, we compare stress-induced effects in humans and mice. When used in translational studies, attention must be paid to physiological differences between mice and human. Experimental rigor dictates that some parameters assessed in patients can only be used with caution due to restrictions in spatial and temporal resolution in mouse models.


The hallmark of many cardiac diseases in human is a systolic and/or diastolic functional impairment of the left ventricle (LV). For the detection of structural abnormalities, the diagnosis, and the management of systolic heart failure as well as the evaluation of diastolic function in patients with symptoms of heart failure, echocardiography is used as a fundamental assessment modality.

Since the symptoms are unspecific and more than one third of patients with the clinical syndrome of heart failure may not suffer from the actual heart failure, it is important to find an objective echocardiographic correlate for the patient's clinical presentation1. Furthermore, some symptoms which are occult in the resting or static state may occur under conditions of activity or stress. In patients with coronary artery disease, already minor changes in coronary perfusion can lead to regional wall motion abnormalities. However, these subtle changes cannot be evaluated using conventional echocardiography as alterations of cardiac disease can be hidden in unstressed hearts. To gain a deeper understanding of the cardiac physiopathology, stress echocardiography provides a dynamic evaluation of myocardial structure and function under conditions of exercise or pharmacological induced stress, permitting matching symptoms with cardiac findings2. Also, in small animals, this method represents a non-invasive reliable in-vivo tool3,4,5. In-line with humans, stress reaction of the myocardium can be induced via pharmacological agents in mice and rats. Dobutamine is a frequently used drug and dobutamine stress echocardiography is widely performed in humans6,7 but only sometimes used in small animal models to assess cardiac stress reaction8,9,10,11. Dobutamine is a synthetical catecholamine with a predominantly β1-agonistic effect resulting in positive inotropy and chronotropy of the heart. To achieve a correct translation from human to mouse, the technology and the conceptual framework of echocardiography, technical limitations related to e.g., the small size and rapid heart rate in the mouse must be considered. The human target heart rate in dobutamine stress echocardiography is [(220-age) x 0.85] resulting in an average heart rate increase of about 150 ± 10% in healthy volunteers12,13. For mice, such a formula is missing. The ejection fraction (EF) is described to be increased by stress echocardiography in humans by 5-20%12,14. The EF in mice is, depending on the heart rate, reported between 58 ± 11% (< 450 bpm) and 71 ± 11% (≥ 450 bpm) and changes by nearly 20% with higher heart rates4. The main mechanism in mice to increase the cardiac output is an increase in the heart rate. Partly responsible for this mechanism is the Bowditch effect or staircase phenomenon, a frequency-dependent calcium-mediated positive-inotropic cardiac response, that is more pronounced in mice than in humans15,16. In addition, (stress) echocardiography underlies intra- and interobserver variability. Therefore, a highly standardized procedure is indispensable17,18.

Here we present the detailed procedure of dobutamine stress echocardiography to acquire standardized images to unravel subtle changes in cardiac function in mice in models of health and disease. Key components include adequate anesthesia, adequate heart rate monitoring and possible pitfalls in stress-induced imaging in mice. Key parameters are the evaluation of systolic and diastolic function including consideration of the LVEF. Because mice are resistant to afterload-induced cardiac dysfunction17, this protocol may add valuable information for the use in models of valvular heart disease as well.


All methods and procedures were performed in accordance and compliance with all relevant regulations ('European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes' (Directive 2010/63/EU) and animal care was in accordance with institutional guidelines. Data from human subjects were analyzed in compliance with all institutional, national, and international guidelines for human welfare and was approved by the Local Ethics Committee (20-9218-BO). All experiments ha…

Representative Results

A physiological unstressed echocardiographic image acquired in PSLAX is shown in Figure 3. In diastole, the ventricle walls appear uniformly (Figure 3A) and thicken to a certain degree (Figure 3B,C). The injection of 5 µg/g body weight dobutamine i.p. leads to a significant increase of the heart rate (positive chronotropic effect)12 and the LVEF (positive…


Stress-induced evaluation of the cardiac function is widely used in humans in a clinical setting using exercise testing or pharmacological stress testing6,7. Because immediate post-exercise echocardiography of mice is very limited due to the need for sedation, dobutamine-induced stress echocardiography is likely to be the most translational method to assess stress-induced cardiac physiopathology. Reliable information on cardiac function can be obtained using real…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors acknowledge the following funding sources: German Research Foundation (UMEA Junior Clinician Scientist, Stephan Settelmeier; RA 969/12-1, Tienush Rassaf; HE 6317/2-1, Ulrike Hendgen-Cotta), Else-Kroener-Fresenius-Stiftung (2014_A216, Tienush Rassaf).


Activated Charcoal Filter UNO BV 180000140
Aquasonic 100 Ultrasound Transmission Gel Parker Laboratories 001-02
Chemical Hair removal lotion General Supply
Cotton Swaps General Supply
ddH2O General Supply
Dobutamine Carinopharm 71685.00.00
Flowmeter for laboratory animal anesthesia UNO BV SF3
Gas Exhaust Unit UNO BV
Heating Lamp Philips
Induction Box UNO BV
Medical Sharps Container BD 305626
MX400 ultrasound transducer (20-46 Mhz) VisualSonics MX400
Octenisept disinfectant Schuelke 173711
Omnican F syringe with needle 1ml B. Braun 9161502S
Paper Towels General Supply
Signacreme Electrode Cream Parker Laboratories 017-05
Standard Gauze Pads BeeSana Meditrade 4852728
Thermasonic Gel Warmer Parker Laboratories 82-03-20 CE
Transpore Tape 3M 1527NP-0
Vaporizer Sigma Delta UNO BV
Vevo 3100 high-frequency preclinical ultrasound imaging system VisualSonics Vevo3100 * required software package: Cardiovascular package; B-mode, M-mode, pulsed-wave doppler mode
Vevo Imaging Station with integrated rail system, heated platform and physiological monitoring unit VisualSonics
VevoLab Analysis Software VisualSonics Vers. 3.2.5 *required software package: Vevo Strain, LV analysis


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Citazione di questo articolo
Settelmeier, S., Rassaf, T., Hendgen-Cotta, U. B. Revealing Subtle Changes in Cardiac Function using Transthoracic Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (168), e62019, doi:10.3791/62019 (2021).

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