
Exploring the Longissimus Muscle: Unraveling its Correlation with Meat Quality in Bos indicus and Crossbred Bulls

Published: July 12, 2024


We investigated skeletal muscle tissue in Bos indicus and crossbred bulls to explain differences in meat quality traits. Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) was found to range from 4.7 kg to 4.2 kg. Myosin heavy chain isoforms revealed differences between animals, and myofibril fragmentation index provided further insights into tenderness (WBSF) variations.


This study investigated muscle tissue in Bos indicus and crossbred bulls to explain differences in meat quality traits. Carcass traits, meat quality parameters, and biochemical and molecular investigations of myofibrillar proteins are described. Methods for evaluating pH, intramuscular fat (IMF), meat color (L*, a*, b*), water losses, tenderness, and molecular biology assays have been outlined. Specific procedures detailing calibration, sample preparation, and data analysis for each method are described. These include techniques such as infrared spectroscopy for IMF content, objective tenderness assessment, and electrophoretic separation of MyHC isoforms.

Color parameters were highlighted as potential tools for predicting beef tenderness, a crucial quality trait influencing consumer decisions. The study employed the Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) method, revealing values of 4.68 and 4.23 kg for Nellore and Angus-Nellore (P < 0.01), respectively. Total cooking losses and biochemical analyses, including myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), provided insights into tenderness variations. Muscle fiber types, particularly myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms, were investigated, with a notable absence of MyHC-IIb isoform in the studied Zebu animals. The relationship between MyHC-I and meat tenderness revealed divergent findings in the literature, highlighting the complexity of this association. Overall, the study provides comprehensive insights into the factors influencing meat quality in Bos indicus and crossbred (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) bulls, offering valuable information for the beef industry.


Brazil has the largest commercial cattle herd globally, numbering approximately 220 million animals and ranking as the second-largest meat producer, yielding over 9 million metric tons of carcass equivalent annually1. The beef cattle production sector significantly contributes to the national agricultural system, with total annual sales surpassing R$ 55 billion. Since 2004, Brazil has been a key player in the global meat trade, exporting to over 180 countries, which represents ~50% of the world meat trade2.

Meat tenderness stands out as the paramount quality attribute influencing consumer satisfaction and meat consumption3. By employing biochemical and objective methods to measure meat tenderness, researchers aim to provide valuable insights into factors such as animal genetics, processing techniques, and storage conditions, ultimately enhancing the quality and consistency of meat products for consumers. Such information is useful because meat tenderness has gained increased importance in consumer decision-making during purchases. Moreover, meat tenderness assessment provides valuable information for quality control in meat production and processing industries. By consistently monitoring tenderness, producers can ensure that meat products meet desired standards and specifications. In this context, Brazilian beef cattle producers are progressively embracing intensive feedlot systems with crossbred animals to enhance capital turnover. This system accounts for about 10% tons of carcass produced annually in Brazil4,5.

The escalating demand for improved meat quality by consumers has prompted beef cattle producers to crossbreed with European breeds, primarily Aberdeen Angus6. This strategy aims to produce F1 Angus-Nellore hybrids, known for superior performance, desirable carcass traits, and enhanced meat quality compared to pure zebu animals7,8. In the tropical regions of Brazil, it is common practice to utilize non-castrated animals (bulls) of advanced maturity in finishing farms, potentially compromising meat quality attributes such as color, marbling, and tenderness. Notably, a survey reveals that 95% of animals finished in Brazilian feedlots are males, with 73% being Nellore, followed by 22% crossbred animals and 5% other genotypes9,10.

Understanding the biochemical mechanisms underlying meat tenderness is crucial for improving meat quality. One key aspect is postmortem proteolysis, which affects the structural integrity of muscle fibers11. The myofibril fragmentation index (MFI) is a widely used biochemical assay that quantifies the extent of myofibril degradation, providing insights into the tenderness of meat12. The MFI method involves measuring the fragmentation of myofibrillar proteins, which directly correlates with meat tenderness. This assay complements traditional meat quality assessments and offers a deeper understanding of the biochemical processes that contribute to variations in meat tenderness.

In this context, the present study investigated the skeletal muscle of Bos indicus versus crossbred (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) bulls finished in feedlot, aiming to explain differences in meat quality traits.


All procedures with animals complied with the ethical research standards established by the Animal Use Ethics Committee (CEUA) of the "Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho" – UNESP Botucatu Campus, under protocol 0171/2018. 1. Experimental animals Finish 30 Nellore bulls (Bos indicus) and 30 F1 Angus-Nellore bulls (Bos taurus × Bos indicus), aged 20-24 months, in a feedlot. House both groups of animals …

Representative Results

Table 1 displays the carcass traits of the two genetic groups investigated in this study. Notably, differences were identified (P < 0.01) in HCW, REA, and BFT, with crossbred animals exhibiting greater values, suggesting a heterosis effect. Variable¹ Nellore F1 Angus x Nellore SEM P-value <td…


During carcass evaluation, it is crucial to accurately measure growth and quality traits following a 48 h cooling period to obtain consistent and comparable data. The two biological models exhibited divergent carcass traits, particularly HCW, REA, and BFT, which are consistent with findings reported in other studies. The average HCW of Nellore bulls aligns with Brazilian market preferences, which prioritize greater meat production per animal unit with less fat content25. Conversely, crossbred catt…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was funded by FAPESP (grants 2023/05002-3; 2023/02662-2 and 2024/09871-9), CAPES (Finance code 001), CNPq (304158/2022-4), and by PROPE (IEPe-RC grant number 149) of School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, São Paulo State University.


Acetone Merk, Darmstadt, Germany CAS 67-64-1 | 100014 solutions used for the electrophoretic separations
Anti-MYH-1 Antibody Merk, Darmstadt, Germany MABT846 Rat soleus
Anti-Myosin antibody Abcam, Massachusetts, United States ab37484 Myosin heavy chain
Anti-Myosin-2 (MYH2) Antibody Merk, Darmstadt, Germany MABT840 Extensor digitorum longus (EDL)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) incubator TECNAL, São Paulo, Brazil TE-371/240L Meat aging
Chloroform; absolute analytical reagent Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 67-66-3 Intramuscular fat
CIELab system Konica Minolta Sensing, Tokyo, Japan CR-400 colorimeter Meat color
Coomassie Blue Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States C.I. 42655) Myosin heavy chain
Electric oven Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Meat tenderness
Ethanol Merk, Darmstadt, Germany 64-17-5 solutions used for the electrophoretic separations
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 60-00-4 Post-mortem proteolysis
Glass flasks Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States solutions used for the electrophoretic separations
Glycine Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States G6761 Myosin heavy chain
Infrared spectroscopy – FoodScan Foss NIRSystems, Madson, United States FoodScan™ 2 Intramuscular fat
Magnesium chloride Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States  7786-30-3 Post-mortem proteolysis
Mercaptoetanol Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States M6250 Myosin heavy chain
Methanol, absolute analytical reagent Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 67-56-1 Intramuscular fat
pH meter LineLab, São Paulo, Brazil AKLA 71980 Meat pH
PlusOne 2-D Quant Kit GE Healthcare Product Code 80-6483-56 Post-mortem proteolysis
Polypropylene Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States solutions used for the electrophoretic separations
Potassium chloride Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 7447-40-7 Post-mortem proteolysis
Potassium phosphate Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States P0662 Post-mortem proteolysis
R software Vienna, Austria version 3.6.2 Data analysis
Sodium azide Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 26628-22-8 Post-mortem proteolysis
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 822050 Myosin heavy chain
Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer, Shelton, United States Perkin Elmer
Lambda 25 UV/Vis
Post-mortem proteolysis
Statistical Analysis System SAS, Cary, North Carolina, United States version 9.1, Data analysis
Texture Analyzer AMETEK Brookfield, Massachusetts, United
CTX Meat tenderness
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, United States 77-86-1 Myosin heavy chain
Ultrafreezer Indrel Scientific, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. INDREL IULT 335 D – LCD Sample storage
Ultrapure water Elga PURELAB Ultra Ionic system solutions used for the electrophoretic separations
Ultra-Turrax high shear mixer Marconi – MA102/E, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil Post-mortem proteolysis


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Citazione di questo articolo
Baldassini, W. A., Rodrigues, R. C., Magistri, M. S., Machado Neto, O. R., Torres, R. N. S., Chardulo, L. A. L. Exploring the Longissimus Muscle: Unraveling its Correlation with Meat Quality in Bos indicus and Crossbred Bulls. J. Vis. Exp. (209), e66764, doi:10.3791/66764 (2024).

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