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A Mouse Model of the Cornea Pocket Assay for Angiogenesis Study

A Mouse Model of the Cornea Pocket Assay for Angiogenesis Study

Article DOI: 10.3791/3077-v 06:14 min August 18th, 2011
August 18th, 2011



The cornea is unique in that it lacks vascular tissues. However, robust blood vessel growth and survival can be induced in the cornea by potent angiogenic factors. Therefore, the cornea can provide with us a valuable tool for angiogenic studies. This protocol demonstrates how to perform the mouse model of cornea pocket assay and how to assess the angiogenesis induced by angiogenic factors using this model.


Mouse Model Cornea Pocket Assay Angiogenesis Study Vascular Tissues Angiogenic Factors Angiogenic Effect Pellet Cornea Layers Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF)
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