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Analysis of Trunk Neural Crest Cell Migration using a Modified Zigmond Chamber Assay

Analysis of Trunk Neural Crest Cell Migration using a Modified Zigmond Chamber Assay

Article DOI: 10.3791/3330-v 12:17 min January 19th, 2012
January 19th, 2012



An approach to analyze the migration of explanted cells (trunk neural crest cells) is described. This method is inexpensive, gentle, and capable of distinguishing chemotaxis from both chemokinesis and other influences on migratory polarity such as those derived from cell-cell interactions within the primary trunk neural crest cell culture.


Trunk Neural Crest Cell Migration Zigmond Chamber Assay Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition Target Recognition NCC Differentiation Guidance Mechanisms Negative Guidance Cues Chemoattractants In Vitro Approaches Primary Stem Cell Cultures
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