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Characteristics of Precipitation-formed Polyethylene Glycol Microgels Are Controlled by Molecular Weight of Reactants

Characteristics of Precipitation-formed Polyethylene Glycol Microgels Are Controlled by Molecular Weight of Reactants

Article DOI: 10.3791/51002-v 11:32 min December 23rd, 2013
December 23rd, 2013



This work describes the formation of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) microgels via a photopolymerized precipitation reaction. Increasing the PEG molecular weight increased microgel diameter and swelling ratio. Simple adaptations to the PEG microgel precipitation reaction are explored for future applications of microgels as drug delivery vehicles and tissue engineering scaffolds.


Precipitation-formed Microgels Polyethylene Glycol Microgels Molecular Weight Reactants Photopolymerized Precipitation Reaction Advantages Of Precipitation Reactions Uniform Shape And Size Low Polydispersity Index Organic Solvents Stabilizers Mild Conditions Customizable Properties Low Viscosity In Vivo Applications Starting Polymer Molecular Weight Microgel Diameter Swelling Ratio Encapsulating Molecules Drug Delivery Vehicles Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
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