Robrecht Raedt

Department of Head and Skin

Ghent University

Robrecht Raedt

Currently I am working as Associate Research Professor at the 4BRAIN lab of Ghent University in Belgium. In 2002, I obtained a Masters degree in Biology at Ghent University. In 2007, I completed my PhD research at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Ghent University. The topic of his PhD research was 'Cell Therapy for Epilepsy'. This work implicated isolation and culture of stem cells, biochemical characterization of cell clones, cell grafting in various epilepsy models, immunohistochemistry, etc... . As a postdoc, also at 4BRAIN, I studied the mechanism of action of neurostimulation therapies for epilepsy (vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation) both in animal models as in patients with epilepsy. This work involved techniques such as microdialysis and intracranial electrophysiology in rats and single-unit recording in humans. Currently my main interest is optogenetic and chemogenetic modulation of epileptic brain circuits


العلاج الإشعاعي القائم على التصوير الإشعاعي بجرعة التصوير المقطعي القائم على البوزيترون في نموذج الفئران الورم الأرومي الدبقي باستخدام منصة أبحاث الإشعاع الحيواني الصغير

1Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Ghent University, 2Department of Electronics and Information Systems, Ghent University, 3Department of Head and Skin, Ghent University

JoVE 62560

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