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Chapter 11
Vital Signs: Temperature

Introduction to Vital Signs
Vital signs are physiological measurements that help key into the status of the body's essential functions. These include body temperature, pulse…
Guidelines For Measuring Vital Signs
Following these guidelines can help nurses accurately measure vital signs, assess changes in patient conditions, and provide timely treatment when…
Body Temperature
The body's temperature, measured in degrees, is determined by the balance between heat production and dissipation to the surrounding environment.…
Mechanism of heat transfer
Understanding heat transfer mechanisms is essential for understanding how our bodies maintain balance in different environmental conditions. When the…
Factors Affecting Body Temperature
As a nurse, it is vital to understand the factors affecting body temperature to monitor variations and effectively evaluate deviations from…
Increased Body Temperature
A body temperature above  38°C  (100.4 °F) is known as fever or pyrexia, and a person with fever is termed 'febrile.'…
Types of Fever
Fever can be triggered by several factors, including infections, nervous system disorders, certain cancers, blood diseases like leukemia, embolism,…
Patterns of Fever
Before understanding the types and patterns of fever, it is essential to know its phases. • The first stage is the onset/invasion phase,…
Methods of reducing fever
The signs and symptoms of fever include hot and dry skin, flushed face, thirst, muscle aches, anorexia, headache, tachycardia, tachypnea, and…
Decreased Body Temperature
A decreased body temperature can occur in patients with hypothermia and frostbite. Heat loss with extended cold exposure overpowers the body's…
Equipments Used to Measure Body Temperature
Body temperature can be assessed using various devices and measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Glass-bulb Thermometer: Glass-bulb thermometers are…
Temperature Measurement Sites
A thermometer measures body temperature. The common sites for measuring body temperature are the oral cavity, axillary region, temporal artery, and…
Assessing Body Temperature - Tympanic membrane
Assessing tympanic membrane temperature involves using a tympanic membrane thermometer (TMT). Here is a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Begin by…
Assessing Body Temperature - Oral
Here are the steps to accurately measure oral temperature using an electronic thermometer: Step 1: Start by practicing proper hand hygiene to prevent…
Assessing Body Temperature - Rectal
Rectal temperature measurement is considered the most precise method for assessing core body temperature and typically registers higher than oral…
Assessing Body Temperature - Axilla
Procedural Guide for Assessing Axillary Body Temperature using a Digital Thermometer: Step 1: Perform hand hygiene and put on clean gloves to…
Assessing Body Temperature - Temporal Artery
Here is a stepwise guide to assessing the body temperature at the temporal artery using a temporal artery thermometer Step 1: Perform hand hygiene…
Esophageal Heat Transfer for Patient Temperature Control and Targeted Temperature Management
Controlling patient temperature is important for a wide variety of clinical conditions. Cooling to normal or below normal body temperature is often…
Digital Home-Monitoring of Patients after Kidney Transplantation: The MACCS Platform
The MACCS (Medical Assistant for Chronic Care Service) platform enables secure sharing of key medical information between patients after kidney…
Using an Ingestible Telemetric Temperature Pill to Assess Gastrointestinal Temperature During Exercise
Exercise results in an increase in core body temperature (Tc), which may reduce exercise performance and eventually can lead to the development of…

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